Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 1032 Papermaking Workshop

The weather is getting colder, so the people in the north covered some important wheat seedling fields with a layer of wheat straw, and everyone began to take some time off.

Zhao Hanzhang issued a service order at this time. Considering that the war had just ended this year, she did not issue a heavy service order and only asked one man from each family to serve for fifteen days.

Either opening ditches, leveling official roads, or repairing roads and houses in the village. If there are no adult men in the family, women will serve half-service. She asked the states and counties to make careful arrangements so as not to waste people's resources.

The edict was not only sent to all states and counties, but also to schools in each county, requiring each school to assist each county in its propaganda work, and at the same time help each county manage servicemen,

In fact, it also means supervision.

The county magistrates were not stupid. They knew that Zhao Hanzhang was trying to prevent them from embezzling the food and wages of the servants.

Yes, serving in the military now is a little different from before. The county government pays for the food and also gives a certain amount of wages.

Although the wages are very small, the feeling is still different.

In the past, they were not paid for serving, and some places did not even have food. They had to bring their own food when they went to serve.

Zhao Hanzhang has always trusted the students in the school more, and those students lived up to Zhao Hanzhang's trust and were full of enthusiasm. Not only the orphans and children from poor families, but also the children of the gentry who later entered the school, they were also enthusiastic soon after entering the school. For Zhao Hanzhang, for the country, and for the people, he was so heartbroken.

Zhao Hanzhang also opened a channel for communication between schools in various counties and Taixue. Students can not only write letters to communicate with students and teachers in Taixue, ask questions, but also listen to the sky through Taixue.

Oh, just complain to Zhao Hanzhang, such as the county magistrate's corruption, bribery, harsh administration and cruelty to the people.

I heard that last month, the magistrates of two counties misappropriated the food relief issued by the imperial court, resulting in double digits of people in the county starving to death, so some students wrote to Taixue.

After receiving the letter, the students of Taixue immediately handed it to the Yushitai and passed it all the way to Zhao Hanzhang.

Zhao Hanzhang immediately ordered the censor to go to the two counties for verification. Sure enough, there was corruption, so the magistrates of the two counties were replaced. Not only that, the homes of the magistrates of the two counties were ransacked, and the two were imprisoned and taken to Luoyang. Hearing.

I don’t know if he will be beheaded.

According to the laws of the Jin Dynasty, corruption would not lead to death. At most, officials would not do it, but... they caused bad results. Zhao Hanzhang always loved the people. This was the first corruption case after the war. Officials with some knowledge were all I feel that the two county magistrates are in danger.

Zhao Hanzhang is very likely to kill the chicken to scare the monkey.

It’s not Zhao Hanzhang’s fault, it’s those two people who are too stupid. Even if they want to be greedy, at least wait a little longer. Now is the time when everything is waiting to be done and the government is gathering together. Zhao Hanzhang is waiting to establish his power. Both of them are sending It was here, how could she miss it?

Those two counties, one in Yanzhou and the other in Yuzhou, the reason why everyone knew about it so quickly and clearly was all because of the large number of Di newspapers published in the whole country, oh, no, excluding Jiangdong and Jiangnan.

The so-called Dibao existed in the Han Dynasty, but it was very rare. Officials from counties and counties who stayed in the capital copied edicts, edicts, memorials from ministers, and some major events that happened in the court in recent times. Then send someone back to the county.

Usually it is once every half a month, but if there is something particularly important in the court, it may be more intensive, and it will be sent every three or four days.

In this way, the southern officials can know what is happening in the north, and the northern officials can also understand the situation in the south, and the capital is equivalent to a political news distribution center.

Of course, this thing was only able to be produced during the Taiping years. Before Zhao Hanzhang restarted the imperial newspaper, the large-scale imperial newspaper in the Jin Dynasty had been suspended for more than 20 years. Only some relatively powerful governors and governors would send people. Stay in the capital to collect this information and send it back.

Zhao Hanzhang used to read Zhao Zhongyu's Di newspaper. Every time he received the Di newspaper, he would have someone copy it and send it to her. He would also add a lot of things that were not in the Di newspaper.

When Zhao Hanzhang prepared the residence report by himself, she stopped doing this.

Because the craftsmen in the paper mill are very good, after several years of exploration and experimentation, they can not only make good paper from tree bark, but also use wheat straw, straw and other grass mixed with various things to make good paper.

The cost of this kind of paper is cheaper, and the paper mill has been expanded, producing a large amount of paper every day.

With paper and the movable type printing technology in the bookstore becoming more and more mature, Zhao Hanzhang was able to expand Dibao.

She handed over the issue of Di newspaper to Taixue and Bookstore, and established a Di newspaper office in Taixue, with Taixue students holding positions there.

She asked them to publish a newspaper every two days. The newspaper would not only contain edicts, edicts, and major events that happened in the court within two days, but also some officials' opinions and suggestions on some political affairs. There would even be good articles and Poems can also be placed in the newspaper.

This kind of Di Bao is not only for the chiefs of counties and counties to read, but also must be available in the schools of each county. Students in the schools get the Di Bao for free, but they also have an obligation. Their obligation is to read the Di Bao for the people of the county. The edicts and edicts published in the newspapers, as well as some important measures of the imperial court that were related to their vital interests.

At the same time, Di Bao also accepts contributions from officials and celebrities from all over the country.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you are not a famous person. As long as what you say is meaningful, Zhao Hanzhang will allow it to be published. Oh, because Di Newspaper requires a high level of education, Zhao Cheng is also the director of Di Newspaper Office.

He was also responsible for reviewing the manuscript, and Zhao Hanzhang only took a look at it occasionally.

After the Di Bao was produced in the capital, it would be sent to the states through the post station, and from the prefecture to the county, each county would then print the same Di Bao and distribute it.

However, Zhao Hanzhang only has eight bookstores and paper mills open now, and some counties don't have them yet, so they can only buy them from other nearby counties.

There was not much money to buy Di Di newspapers, mainly because of the high transportation costs. Therefore, Shi Le, the governor of Youzhou, who had no bookstore, and Beigong Chun, the governor of Bingzhou, who had few bookstores, wrote letters asking the court to open more bookstores and paper mills in their places. .

Zhao Hanzhang agreed and ordered the states and counties to find land to build bookstores and paper mills on their own, as well as find craftsmen, and she would provide the drawings.

At present, bookstores and paper mills in various places are built in imitation of the bookstores and paper mills in Xiping. The bookstores and paper mills in Xiping are also the most advanced. They have expanded three times so far. The paper mills have already formed a large scale and can produce 50,000 sheets every day. The above papers reached a maximum of 90,000 pieces.

Of course, it is a large paper that can be cut. In the books we print now, sixteen sheets can be cut.

Although production capacity has increased now, there is still not enough paper.

Not to mention anything else, the imperial court consumes a lot of office paper every day.

Gathering refugees, registering names, applying for household registration, and recording various information all require a lot of paper.

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