Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 993 Posthumous title

The area north of the Central Plains of Jin State was in dire straits. Even though Zhao Hanzhang issued a fortune-telling order and collected a lot of money in a short period of time, it was not enough despite the huge consumption.

Therefore, Zhao Hanzhang was still poor at this time, and her allocation to states and counties was still limited.

When Zhao Kuan returned home, he began to rummage through the cabinets, jewelry, and furnishings. Finally, he took a look at the clothes in the closet, raised his head and said to the chief: "Pack all these clothes out, leaving two sets of old and stale casual clothes, and the rest." It’s all settled.”

Chang Sui was surprised and distressed, "Lang Jun, why do you still need to put money in when you are an official?"

Zhao Kuan waved his hand nonchalantly and said: "The general has filled up his family's wealth, and he hasn't had new clothes for a long time. Although I am not as good as her, I don't care about these little details."

He said: "Pawn all these things, and go to the grain merchant with the money. The grain you bought should be kept close to the seaside first. Keep an eye on the people below. Don't wrong Fu Shangshu."

Chang Sui can only respond.

At this time, Zhao Hanzhang, who was far away in Chen County, was also sitting cross-legged on the ground, watching Tinghe lead the maids to rummage through the boxes.

They are moving to Luoyang. Zhao Hanzhang has already decided on the posthumous names for the three emperors. Her emperor, the late emperor, had no merit but no major fault.

He was also a bit unlucky. He inherited the throne in troubled times, passed through the hands of powerful ministers such as Sima Yue and Gou Xi, and was restricted by hundreds of officials. He was indecisive throughout his life, and was never brave and decisive until his death.

So, just like in history, she gave him the posthumous title "Huai", which was for Emperor Xiaohuai.

The other two Xiongnu emperors, Liu Yuan, actually admired him deep down in her heart. Four-fifths of the Jin officials were willing to recognize him as emperor, and the remaining one-fifth and half were Based on flattering her, she yelled and refused to admit it.

But after she expressed her opinion, she immediately changed her attitude.

Liu Yuan was a man who endured humiliation and bear heavy burdens. Although he was a little complacent when he gained power, he still made some contributions to the people under his rule. He worked hard all his life to rule the Huns with Han and wanted to treat Han and Huns equally. In the end, despite many obstacles, And failed, but it is undeniable that during his reign, the people under his rule lived better than under the rule of Jin.

Therefore, among the posthumous titles drawn up by the officials below, Zhao Hanzhang still chose the one he had received historically - Guangwen.

Oh, this posthumous title was advocated by his son Liu Yi. He felt that his father deserved the title of "Wen" emperor.

Zhao Hanzhang gave him this face.

Speaking of which, both Liu He and Liu Cong cheated on their fathers. Liu Yuan had been dead for so long, and they didn't even think of giving Liu Yuan a posthumous title. Oh, maybe it was because Liu Yuan's body was always in Zhao Hanzhang's hands.

Zhao Hanzhang was very lenient towards Liu Yuan, but she was not so polite towards Liu Cong. She hated Liu Cong.

She behaved so obviously that she gave him the posthumous nickname "Rou".

The kind-hearted Liu Yi fought for his brother, hoping that Zhao Hanzhang could give him a gentler posthumous title. But after Zhao Hanzhang refused, he stopped saying anything and accepted the posthumous title obediently.

Well, cute little Liu Yi can now assess the situation.

Then, she had no money to bury the three emperors.

Of course, she didn't want to have a grand burial, but she couldn't wait too long, especially for her late emperor. No one should wrong him too much, otherwise the saliva of hundreds of officials and nobles would drown her out, and even Zhao Ming couldn't agree. ah.

Although it is very helpless, the fact is that face work should still be done because it involves important issues such as justice and future ethics.

She didn't want people all over the world to point their fingers at her in a few months and scold the world for its deterioration.

The atmosphere was bad enough now, she couldn't make it worse.

Zhao Hanzhang knocked down his teeth and swallowed blood, smiled and began to prepare various expenses for the burial of the late emperor.

Of course, she couldn't bear this pressure alone. She told her dear courtiers about it, oh, and the little emperor, and his teachers, and asked them to make a decision together.

So everyone focused on the money collected from the treasury.

“What should the victims who are waiting for relief do?”

"Things have their own priorities," Yin Hua said: "The late emperor passed away a long time ago, and the coffin can no longer be stored."

Chang Ning held the opposite opinion to him, "The victims of the disaster are the most important thing, and the king is less important. Things have priorities, and the people should be the most important thing, and disaster relief is the first thing."

Ji Yuan glanced at Zhao Hanzhang, who was sitting at the top and was silent, and said: "I think Zi Ning's words are reasonable. The people are the most important thing. If the late emperor knows about it, he will follow the people first."

Zhao Hanzhang's face looked a little relaxed.

Ming Yu also said: "I think that Chang Shilang is right."

Some officials looked at Zhao Ming anxiously and whispered: "Isn't this good? Should we just leave His Majesty's coffin alone?"

Zhao Ming lowered her eyes and thought for a long time, and felt that Zhao Hanzhang did not want to postpone the burial. If she wanted to postpone the burial, she did not need to discuss it with them. She could just say that the mausoleum had not been built yet and directly bring the late emperor's coffin to the temple to keep it for a while.

Who else could cause trouble for her?

She specifically brought it up to scold me, it must be because of the specifications.

So Zhao Ming asked with a cold face: "How much do you think it will cost to bury Emperor Xiaohuai?"

You have to ask the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Household Affairs.

Now Chang Ning is in charge of the Ministry of Household Affairs, and the Ministry of Rites... Everyone turned to look at Xun Fan.

Xun Fan was not only a tutor now, specializing in teaching the emperor how to read, but he also held an official position in the Ministry of Rites, so it was right to ask him about this matter.

Chang Ning said directly: "The Ministry of Rites has not sent an official letter yet."

Xun Fan thought for a while and then said: "When I get back, I will discuss it with the elders and draw up a charter."

Zhao Hanzhang sighed and nodded, then turned to look at the little emperor sitting aside, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, this is the end of our discussion today."

The little emperor came back to his senses and nodded repeatedly.

Xun Fan was not stupid, so of course he knew what Zhao Hanzhang meant.

Her identity is different now, and she has begun to act more reservedly. It is harder to see her happiness and anger from her face, but when it comes to things going up, you only need to look at Ji Yuan, Ming Yu and Chang Ning to get a glimpse of what she means.

Ji Yuan and the others clearly said that they would come with the people first. It was obvious that she did not want to spend too much money on the funeral of the late emperor.

Therefore, as long as it is etiquette, the funeral can be as simple as possible and save money.

Of course, she couldn't bring this up yet, lest she be scolded by many people, so Xunfan had to take the initiative to share some of the scolding for her.

Xun Fan did not complain and obeyed obediently.

He felt that he had saved enough, but the listed expenses still made Zhao Hanzhang heartbroken.

So she had no choice but to come back and rummage around to sell things.

Of course, she was not one to do good deeds without leaving her name behind, so she took out the things she packed up and sold them to make money to bury Emperor Xiaohuai. Although she did not publicize it, she did not hide it either.

As a result, the news that General Zhao Hanzhang sold his property in order to bury the late emperor quickly spread throughout Chen County, and from Chen County to the whole world.

A hundred years later, there should be a record in the history books. At that time, the country was poor, the treasury was empty, and the people were suffering. General Zhao Hanzhang sold off his family property in order to bury Emperor Xiaohuai. His loyalty is commendable...

Okay, I’ll stop writing here for today. I’m going to bed early. I’ll continue tomorrow after I get back from the injection.

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