Just before dawn, Shen Ling Ping An gave birth to a baby boy.

Mrs. Yang heard the baby's cry outside and smiled and said to the queen mother: "Yan'er must be a prince in this child. Listen to how loud this cry is."

Sure enough, in less than a while, Wen Po came out with her baby in her arms and smiled all over her face: "Congratulations to the Queen Mother, congratulations to Mrs. Yang, the Empress Empress gave birth to a little prince safely."

"Really? Tell me to see!" The mother-to-be, Gu Wushangqian, asked Mrs. Yang to stare at the baby in the swaddle for several times. "I have seen so many full-term children, and this is the first time I have seen such a young baby. The child born has such thick lanugo."

"No, the little prince looks blessed." Wen Po smiled and said auspicious words, and then held the baby to Mrs. Yang's side.

When Mrs. Yang was looking at who the little prince looked like, Zhou Sheng came. Although she didn't like the Yang family very much in her heart, Shen Ling gave birth to his first child after all, so he couldn't help it.

When Wen Po carried the child to Zhou Sheng, Zhou Sheng couldn't help but take a closer look at the baby in the swaddle, "Why is it so small and the skin is so red!" And it's so ugly, but he didn't dare to say the last sentence.

The queen mother squinted at him, "You were younger than him when you were born, and your skin was red and wrinkled. The first emperor said it was ugly." Recalling the scene when Zhou Sheng was born, the queen mother couldn't help but smile. "When the first emperor said that, your emperor grandmother was still there and said with a smile,'You were not much better than him when you were born.' It has been so many years, and the baby of that year now has his own child. ."

The queen mother was a little sad when she was talking about it. Zhou Sheng still stuck to her adoptive mother when she was young. After all, he was held by her side since he was born. But I don't know when, Zhou Sheng suddenly got farther and farther away from her, and even became wary of her natal family.

The mother and son who used to be happy and harmonious are getting more and more strange.

Now that the Queen Mother mentioned these past clouds, Zhou Sheng couldn't help but also recalled the situation when she was a child, and her tone was softened a bit, "Yes, time flies so fast. The little girl who has been following me before is also a mother. By the way, is her cousin okay in it?"

Wen Po laughed and said: "The queen mother had a very smooth birth, and she is resting inside now!"

Shen Ling gave birth very smoothly, probably because she often wandered in the space when she had nothing to do, so after giving birth, she still had the energy to watch the baby for a while before letting the wife take the baby out.

After the baby was carried out, she drank two cups of slightly hot water in a row, and then began to try to feed herself milk.

Before giving birth, she had already made it clear that the queen mother would breastfeed the child herself. After all, this life is no better than the previous world. There are other concubines in the harem. As long as there is one who wants to be in position, she and the newly born child are both murdered by them. Object. So in order to ensure the safety of the child, she chose to breastfeed herself.

With previous experience, after Wen Po brought her baby back, Shen Ling successfully let her son take colostrum.

The child fell asleep after taking milk, and Shen Ling himself took the time to rest.

A month is fast and fast, slow and slow, and the child is full moon.

Shen Ling finally moved out of the delivery room. When Zhou Sheng came to see her, Shen Ling was breastfeeding his son named Atong.

Zhou Sheng originally did not approve of the queen's breastfeeding himself. He felt that it was not in line with the rules, but after seeing that his son was fed white and fat a month later, he felt differently in his heart.

The couple said something about their son, and Zhou Sheng said, "Speaking of which, Li Fei is almost here. It would be great if we could add a younger brother to Ah Tong."

Shen Ling smiled slightly. The imperial doctor had already said that Li Fei's birth was mostly a little princess, and Zhou Sheng would be disappointed.

But after his reminder, Shen Ling remembered the two pregnant concubines. Even if Li Fei had a little princess in her belly, there was still a child with Rou Fei!

If Concubine Rou can give birth to a prince, then he will be only one year apart from Atong. A younger brother who is not much different is staring at the back, and Atong will definitely be under great pressure in the future.

Shen Ling couldn't help sighing. In the future, there will only be more and more half-brothers, and these brothers may still **** his crown. Shen Ling now understood why some queens would poison Long Si, and one less prince would have one less competitor, but even so, Shen Ling was unwilling to attack innocent children. She would rather spend more energy on Ah Tong. Only when Ah Tong is good can suppress the eager hearts below.

Zhou Sheng teased his son again, then got up and left.

It will be the Queen Mother’s birthday soon, because this year is the Queen Mother’s fiftieth birthday, according to the rules, it must be a big deal. This matter was originally out of Zhou Sheng’s turn, but because the queen in charge of palace power had just been out of confinement, Wanbi and Rupi, who were in charge of palace power, encountered such a major event for the first time. Will come to find him.

In addition, there was another disturbance in the northwest, and the Central Government was arguing about who to send to rehabilitate, so Zhou Sheng has been busy these few days.

Ling Qing, who was organizing the memorial in the Wenhua Hall, heard footsteps, turned around and saw Zhou Sheng walking towards him with a tired expression, "Are there any important memorials today?"

Ling Qing replied: "Several military commanders went to the station to elect Wu'anhou to vindicate, and several provinces suffered from flooding..."

Zhou Sheng interrupted: "Wu Anhou? Is the recommended person from Yang Shichang?"

Ling Qing nodded.

Zhou Sheng sneered and said: "For such a thankless thing, he will choose someone on my side."

Ling Qing said: "That said. But in the northwest, there must be an old and respectful general. Wu'anhou is the best candidate."

Zhou Sheng sighed: "I don't know. Yang Shichang claims to be from a scholarly family, and has always disdain to make military generals, so there is no generals on his side. But I just can't swallow this breath, the court is controlled by him, and the harem is controlled by him. Daughter control.” Although Ah Tong is cute and tight now, the Yang family’s blood is flowing with him after all. If he does not completely eradicate the Yang family’s power when he is in power, then when Ah Tong succeeds to the throne, the Yang family’s arrogance will be More arrogant.

Ling Qing said: "The Yang family's forces are complicated, Lord, don't be anxious, we can take it slowly."

Zhou Sheng thumped the table, "Originally, there was a great opportunity to destroy the Yang family a year ago, but it was destroyed by Yang Liyan at the beginning. Now it is hard to have such a chance." He couldn't help sighing. He temporarily blinded Yang Shichang and the Queen Mother with his ridiculous reputation, but now those ridiculous reputations have completely disappeared with his concubines entering the palace, and he frequently promoted the officials underneath to fight against Yang Shichang. It turns out that the protective color has been completely useless.

Moreover, after this incident, Yang Shichang and the Queen Mother had already become wary of him. It would be even more difficult to find another opportunity, as Ling Qing said, he could only wait slowly.

Compared with Zhou Sheng, Shen Ling feels that the days are passing faster day by day. Her son Atong looks like almost every day. Perhaps she has put a lot of energy into Atong. The little guy is smarter than the children in the world before her. .

On this day, Shen Ling was accompanying her son to listen to music. Since Ah Tong's full moon, she has selected several court musicians to play a song for Ah Tong every day to develop his intelligence since childhood.

When the musician was halfway through, the people below reported that Li Fei was about to give birth.

As the Queen of the Palace, Shen Ling wanted to take a trip to Li Fei's Palace, so she handed Ah Tong to the confidant maid beside her, and sat Feng Yu to Li Fei's palace.

Li Fei probably ate too much when she was pregnant. The fetus was a bit too big. Shen Ling waited for a long time and couldn't wait for the baby to land. She remembered Ah Tong and explained to her and left.

That day, it was not until Shen Ling coaxed Ah Tong to sleep at night that she heard the maids say that Li Fei gave birth to a little princess.

Li Fei looked at the baby daughter with a bad face. Anyone who always thought that he was a little prince and gave birth to a little princess would be in a bad mood. Although the imperial doctor had hinted before, but Li Fei only believed in her own feelings and didn't believe in what the imperial doctor said.

He looked at the pink and tender little princess in the swaddle for several times. Because Li Fei ate well when she was pregnant, the little princess gave birth to a little fatter than other babies, and looked very cute.

"Li Fei, you see how cute the little princess is!" and she touched the little princess in the infant lightly. "The little princess looks like you, and she will definitely be a beauty in the future."

Li Fei frowned and said, "What's the use of being beautiful? Isn't it going to go out to marry someone in the future?"

He didn't bother to persuade her anymore and called the nurse to let her hold the little princess to breastfeed. He stared at the people and cleaned up the delivery room. Feeling that he had done the task assigned to her by the queen, he took his maid away.

These days, my concubine is busy with Li Fei's childbirth, so tired, I'm ready to rest for a few days before talking.

After Li Fei gave birth, Rou Fei was left with a pregnant concubine in the palace.

Before Concubine Rou gave birth, because she was still doing her best when chanting to herself, she assigned an experienced mother to guard her.

Concubine Rou was a little disappointed because her family was far away in the south of the Yangtze River, and her mother could not go to the palace to spend the period before giving birth. The queen mother sent a maid over, and she felt confident in her heart.

She didn't eat so much like Li Fei when she was pregnant, so after seeing her, she asked her to walk around the palace more every day, so that she would suffer less when she gave birth in the future.

When Concubine Rou was launched, because she usually spoke softly to everyone and was much more popular than Concubine Li, that day, in addition to Shen Ling, there were Wanbi and Rubi who came to see her that day.

The three waited for an hour, and Concubine Rou gave birth to a little prince.

Shen Ling still had a smile on his face. He rewarded the people who served under him for two months of payment, watched the birth of the child, and told the maids in the palace before leaving the house of Concubine Roux.

"Go, go to the Empress Dowager's Ci Ning Palace."

When the queen mother gave birth to the little prince, someone came to report. Therefore, she was not surprised to see Shen Ling coming over, but instead asked, "Why, regret it?"

Shen Ling slowly shook his head, "How come?"

The queen mother said: "Atong will have more and more younger brothers in the future. Since you don't regret it, then stand up and raise Ahtong well."

Shen Ling naturally understood these principles, but recalling the examples of brothers fighting in history, she suddenly became a little uneasy, and she should think of a way to prevent such things from happening.

But before she could think of a way, a big event happened in Chaozhong.

Wu'anhou was defeated. When his 200,000 army faced the northwest rebels, they were almost beaten to the ground. Now those rebels have invaded the territory of Shanxi.

When these bad news came, Zhou Sheng and Yang Shichang had forgotten the internal fighting for the first time, and focused their minds on the rebels.

After some deliberation, they elected a military commander who is known to be greedy. The military commander's ability to lead soldiers is not under Wu'anhou, but there is a problem, that is, corruption of military pay. Therefore, there is generally no important battle, and no one recommends him.

After Wu'anhou was defeated this time, Yang Shichang thought of this candidate. Zhou Sheng didn't agree at first, but after Yang Shichang told him something, he reluctantly agreed.

Afterwards, when Yang Shichang came to see his grandson in the palace, he said to Shen Ling: "The emperor seems to be a wise man, but in fact he has a lot of shortcomings in employing people. Look at the confidants he trusts, one after the criminal minister, the other He is the son of a military commander and a literati, and another is an arty scholar.” He sighed again, “People outside said that I was Yang Shichang alone, but I wanted to do more for the court, but I wanted to do more for the court. This worry is not enough for outsiders!"

Shen Ling heard a slight movement in her heart, and suddenly remembered Zhang Juzheng, the power minister of the Ming Dynasty. She thought of this and asked Father Yang, "If the emperor not only disagrees, but settles accounts after Autumn, will my father regret it?"

Yang Shichang shook his head: "I don't regret it. Just do what I should do and have a clear conscience."

Shen Ling asked herself but couldn't be as open-minded as Yang Shichang, but after a few days of hard work, she thought of a way that was not a solution.

It is customary in the dynasty that after the prince reaches the age of four, he will be sent to the study room to study with his master.

Although Ah Tong was only one year old now, and the second prince born to Concubine Rou was even younger, Shen Ling began to pick future masters for them.

This master can be a little short of learning, and can be a little short of birth, but he must pass the character. It is best to have brothers and sisters in the family and get along well, so that when he teaches the princes in the future, he can also teach them to maintain brotherhood.

Although Tianjia has no family affection, Shen Ling still hopes that Ah Tong can get along with his future brothers in harmony.

For this reason, every time Concubine Rou came to ask for peace, she would ask about the second prince. If he encounters Concubine Rou and bringing the second prince over, Shen Ling will order someone to carry Ah Tong out. After all, Concubine Rou's temperament has been almost touched by her, she is indisputable in the world, presumably the son who will give birth will inherit her temperament.

Even if the second prince did not inherit the character of Concubine Rou, Shen Ling thought, as long as the two brothers cultivated a good relationship since they were young, the relationship should be good when they grow up. She didn't expect the second prince to become a person on Ah Tong's side, but only hoped that the two brothers would not get to the point of being incompatible with fire and water.

After such a long time, Rou Fei also figured out Shen Ling's meaning. Naturally, she is eager to have a good relationship with the queen. After all, if nothing goes wrong, Ah Tong will be established as the prince in a few years. If the second prince can have a good relationship with the future prince, she will have a good share in the future. future.

Therefore, after Zhou Sheng was busy with the previous affairs, when he came back to the harem, he found Roubing was suddenly walking very close to the queen, and Ah Tong and the second prince often played together.

However, because the northwestern rebels were driven back to their nest, Zhou Sheng was in a good mood. After discovering the fact that Roubi and the Queen were walking very close, he didn't think much about it.

After seeing the two children, Zhou Sheng went to Rubin. After discovering that Rubin had suffered a lot of grievances because of him, Zhou Sheng simply stopped hiding his thoughts. When Roubi and Wanbi were favored before, I didn't see Yang Liyan embarrassing them. Maybe he took himself too seriously, maybe Yang Liyan changed his temperament. But in short, the favor of Ruyi won't cause any serious consequences, so Zhou Sheng began to let his temperament come.

Li Fei couldn't sit still just seeing Rubin getting more and more spoiled. She had had a holiday with the other party, and now the other party is no more than a concubine, and she has been favored more often than a concubine, and she is out of anger. Especially after Rou Fei gave birth to the little prince behind her, when everyone in the palace tried to please Rou Fei and put her aside, her anger became even worse.

So after an invitation one day, Li Fei repeated the same trick, but this time the object of the collision was changed to Ru 嫔.

When Li Fei slapped her hand like a slap, the palace people saw that the situation was not good and hurriedly reported it to Shen Ling.

When Shen Ling rushed to hear the news, she saw Rubin's right cheek swollen and she couldn't help sighing. Li Fei was afraid that she was in serious trouble this time.

Li Fei originally relied on her being a concubine, but she didn't put Ru 嫔 in her eyes. When she saw the queen coming out of Kunning Palace, she only bowed slightly and accused Ru 嫔 of colliding her.

Shen Ling thought for a while. I heard that Zhou Sheng had a bossy temper last time. Although he didn't blame himself for doing things unfairly, he must be dissatisfied. Since how you deal with it will offend one of them, it's better to leave the matter to Zhou Sheng to decide. So she ordered someone to invite Zhou Sheng over.

It’s just that the matter was more serious than Shen Ling thought. The previous incident of Li Fei’s beating Tongyue in the palace of her concubine had already made Zhou Sheng dissatisfied. The new and old accounts were calculated together, and Lifei was directly ordered to ban for a full year, and the eldest princess born was temporarily raised by the queen.

After hearing this result, Shen Ling couldn't help raising her eyebrows, wondering why Li Fei's eldest princess wanted to be raised by her.

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