"Aren't you dead?" Even with Darkside's knowledge, he was taken aback. The existence of the dark multiverse is unknown to Darkside, just as Barbatos did not know Darkside. Darkside did not know the existence of Barbatos, and the tenth metal was even more like a fantasy to him.

Chapter 551 Black Light and White Light

"Not yet", Batman's voice was no longer as deep as he used to be in front of the death premonition of crazy alarming, but instead said in his original voice.

Darkside didn't care about it either, he just thought it was very interesting, the weapon on Batman was changing shape wantonly. Although Darkside has seen weapons that can change its form, it is indeed the first time he has seen a change of nature. This makes Darkside very interested. He can feel that this metal has no potential at all. It's not a matter of metal to play, but the guy who wears the same bat in front of him doesn't have the ability to play his strength.

This thing should be mine by nature!

"What's that in you?" Darkside asked. He didn't care about the dark power who had just had his head cut off. The rescued captive itself was the incompetence of this headless power. He could find something interesting to him too. It's difficult, but the two men in front of him have brought him surprises several times.

"You don't need to know this." Batman dragged Carl until he was still trying to find a way. From the moment he appeared, Darkside blocked the surrounding space with the Omega equation. Although the Dark Lord looked very Rough, but his fighting instinct is absolutely terrifying. In the first second, Dasheng Kaode discovered what kind of space jumping method Batman used, and the easiest way for the formation of the popping channel is to use the Omega effect to directly imprison the opponent.

For Batman who does not have a battle armor, using the Omega effect to deal with him is a bit extravagant, because Batman himself can teleport once or twice, and Darkside can dig him even if he simply digs three feet. come out.

"Do you know who you are going to take away? I tell you, Karl is a race called Kryptonians, and his leader is the uncle who you are going to take away. And his nephew is just the most Kryptonian. The weaker one!" Batman threatened Darkside, "I know we will never be spared today, but General Zod will come to you for revenge!"

In the face of the absolute power gap, even threats seem so ridiculous. Darkside just tapped his arm and laughed loudly, "Oh? Are you saying that this person has a more powerful uncle? He is immune to the anti-life equation and the person you call Carl. Have exactly the same ability, right?"

Batman instinctively realized that it was wrong, Darkside was threatened by Batman, and suddenly laughed a few times in a low voice, "Very well, I have seen the guy you said, and I still have some personal grievances with him. If you If you can take me to find him, maybe I can give up killing you and your planet and make an exchange?"

The turmoil of the Apocalypse made Darkside very angry. Batman didn't know the reason, but he could detect that the enemy's mood was very wrong, so he didn't continue to stimulate Darkside, but slowly backed away. "Really? If you are so good, go find him." Batman tried to find a way out. "Go! Go and trouble him right away!"

"Sometimes I don't know if you talk like this because of your confidence or because you have an enemy with him." Darkside walked towards Batman. "But obviously you are already my captives, and the captives are not qualified to talk to me. Talk about the conditions."

Batman was shocked, he regretted that he didn't have any more preparations, but think about the power gap with Darkside. No matter how he prepared, he might not be as shocked this time.

"Why don't you call her, didn't you say that there is a way to contact him?" Darkside did not walk fast, but the distance between him and Batman itself was not far, just a few steps, The distance between them has been shortened to the limit, and Batman blocked by the Omega effect can only stiffen in place, letting the enemy get closer, until the two people can only be separated by a punch.

"Tell me, where is the person you are talking about? Didn't you say he wants revenge on me? Why didn't I see it?"

"Idiot", Carl was carried by Batman and only gave a two-word comment without knowing who he was talking about. Darkside glanced at him diagonally, and didn't care what he said. It was just a prisoner. If he was scolded, he would get angry, then he would have been mad at Apocalypse.

"Why haven't I seen him yet. If I don't come out, I will pinch the two of you into one." Darkside lowered his voice. The minds of the two men he was torturing had already been swept away from the OA star. In the past, the dead members of the Green Lantern Corps were not counted. The Green Lantern Corps who lost the energy protection of the green light and the lamp ring was crushed were also corroded by his anti-life equation and became his loyal lackeys. The whole world was a glorious and ruined one. Color, the fire burning on the surface of the planet has burned all combustibles, and it is about to go out now.

It's like the whole world is dying.

In this dilapidated and desolate landscape, Darkside took away the tenth metal, and the tenth metal would not select users. In Darkside, the power of the tenth metal is more than a hundred times stronger. I was very satisfied with Batman's gift, and was afraid to clap his hands to signal his hand to push up a few imprisoned people, and then point it to Batman.

Batman looked at him for unknown reasons, and when those people were pushed up, he understood that these people are all Kryptonians. When the Justice League set off, New Krypton did nothing, even without Kerry. Some Kryptonites came to support Ge's order, but in front of Daxed, the distance was a world of difference, and it was very simple to be controlled by the anti-life equation.

"For Darkside!" These controlled Kryptonians, with a completely different feeling from the people on earth, uttered a voice that made Batman even more desperate. If Kryptonians can be infected... Batman's hand holding Karl has become tighter. He even suspects that Karl will be corrosive, but he has not shown any such symptoms.

Batman suddenly realized that his suspicion should be cured. In this case, he still doubted his companions. Why would he care if he was already a dying person? Batman let out a breath, he calmly faced Darkside, "Maybe I will die here today, but you will never rule this universe, your conspiracy will not succeed, there are more people in this universe Will come to stop you, and you are just the trouble we need to face every day."

"Really, where is the person you are talking about?" Darkside stretched out his hand and grabbed Batman's neck. When his arm was pinched around Batman's neck, a voice came from behind him.

"The person he said may be me."

The familiar popping channel was launched through the strongest and most primitive mother box, and the fluctuations caused Daxed to turn his head and elbow his back. The whistling wind cracked the ground with one blow, but the person behind blocked it all. He went down and hit him on the head with more fierce jabs. Daxed was beaten up suddenly, but Krieger dodged the omega ray that followed.

In just one second, Krieger disappeared in the blast channel, Batman and Carl on the ground also disappeared, and those Kryptonians controlled by the anti-life equation also disappeared.

This is right, this is the complete ending. Darkside finally feels the real feeling that a strong enough enemy can make his path of conquest interested. The armor on his body began to shine, and Darkside had locked Krieg's position. He recognized that this was the little thief who caused chaos on the Apocalypse. He wanted him to die now!

New Krypton.

"So you can't be more useful?" Krieger put Karl back into the core of New Krypton, where a large amount of solar energy is stored to help him recover. And Batman’s physical condition has been cured by the Dionysian factor. As long as he is no longer injured, he can at least live a life-free life. As for those Kryptonians controlled by the anti-life equation, Krieger has nothing to do. Let them also be exposed to the sun and see if they can absorb more sunlight to recover on their own, but Krieger knocked them out first.

"If you come a little later, you can see our corpses." Maybe the pressure from Darkside was too much. Batman actually complained, but Krieger responded faster, "No, I just I can see your body, I don’t think Darkside can kill Carl.” After the placement was done, Krieger opened the registration channel again, “Do you know that you are still spending money while playing games, but do you feel like your teammates have collapsed? ?"

"I never play games."

"Yeah, you're just killing your life." Krieger nodded, and waved his hand on the formed blast channel. "I will leave here first. Darkside has locked me in. If you don't want you all to be involved in it. , Just stay at ease and wait for the result."

"Wait, you just go alone?!" Batman was shocked, "Aren't you calling your army?"

"Oh, it's okay." Krieger had already jumped into the popping channel, and only the last voice came from inside, "You don't think that the Daxedian army will accept the rule because it covets his terror rule. "

In the gap formed by the blast channel, Darkside has already followed Krieger. He can feel his heartbeat, and he can feel the feeling of revenge beckoning him!

After a few space jumps, Krieger, who didn’t know where he ran, no longer chose to transfer. Now there is a huge star behind him, and Darkside came out after him and confronted him in front of the star. So, the two of them are still small, but the light from the stars is not as bright as the light from the Darkside armor.

"It's not easy to find you." Faced with his biggest enemy, Darkside was calm at this time.

"Then I should hide it again, let you find a few more times." Behind Krieger, two small things rose silently into the sky, which can be seen by Darkside through the Omega effect. These are just two very sophisticated broadcasts. equipment.

"Why, do you want to watch you die together in front of others? If you just want to weaken the power of the anti-life equation, you don’t have to. The surrounding planets have been warned by the Green Lantern Corps. They no longer Will become my source of strength again."

Darkside did not move, but added a sentence at the end, "It's just that the Green Lantern Corps has disappeared, just now."

Krieger ignored him, just said to himself, "Yes, but I still hope that others will take a look, no matter what the outcome of this battle will determine the future of this universe."

"Does this make more sense now?" Darkside said so, but in fact he still waited for Krieger to complete his broadcast, but the photoelectric signal waited for the new Krypton to be able to perceive it. The battle might be over when it was in the same place.

"I suspect that this signal will not necessarily be transmitted to the new Krypton after we are done." Krieger's voice did not fall. He had flashed in front of Keside, and punched him in the face. Said had already known it, clasping Krieger's fist with his hands folded. But Krieger then lifted his foot again, kicked him on his stomach, and kicked him far away. In the center of the cold and dry universe, under the shining of the star, the two figures were touching. But what followed was a violent shaking of the star's plasma flame.

"Well said," Blood spilled from the corner of Darkside's mouth, and eight lamp beasts were looming behind Krieger.

"But it's not enough!" Darkside clenched his fists, the armor force was fully launched, and the Omega effect began to fill every space around him. Krieger flew towards him uncontrollably. The biological stand protected the body. At the same time, it stretched out and turned into a sharp blade and stabbed towards Darkside’s ears, while the tenth metal on Darkside turned into a large shield. , Also responded with a fierce punch, the two flew backward at the same time, recovered at the same moment, and ran into each other again!

At this point, the two people with hatred do not care about the level of power or the form of energy use. They use energy in the most crude way. The white light of the seven beasts emerges, and the rapidly rotating white light is ionized. Shark-led, the power of miracles that can achieve almost everything, combined with the ability to distort reality, has changed everything, but Darkside’s strength has also expanded. Before coming, he almost extracted the power of every new **** and turned it into himself. The power of the two people is basically the same, and they all attribute the power of everyone to one person.

"You are so sorry for my expectation!" Darkside laughed as he watched Krieg's cut wound. The white light energy responded to Darkside's statement. The breath of death represented by the black light was in Darkside. The back of Said almost turned into a dead entity.

"Come again, come again, let me see how far you can do it!"

Chapter 552 I'm Not a Material Life, Dada!

Under the flowing liquid halo, the majesty of iron burst from it, and the sharp breath flickered, and then the temperature of revenge rose suddenly, and the two people were shocked and fell onto the star at the same time, the temperature was not enough to burn them Krieger clenched the lamp ring and sent out an invitation again, and Darkside was also invited!

"The surprise you have prepared for so long to give me?! Not enough!" Omega ray gushes out again, and the power of Darkside mingles together, smashing through the tenth metal into a giant axe! Krieger dodges to avoid the direct attack, and the Omega effect still makes him deviate from the evasive route. At this moment, he only felt his fingers tremble, and the light ring under the blessing of the biological force field unexpectedly broke.

"What are you doing with this broken ring? I can feel your abilities. The lamp beast was parasitic in your body last time. How can you regress now?" Darkside walked extremely fast, and his telepathy impacted Krieger. As a new god, Darkside cannot fly. The reason why he moves in space is basically based on his armor. Krieger has put a lot of effort on this point, he can only put Slow flight speed, lest his armor is broken, although the armor brings a strong increase in strength, but Darkside does not want to try whether the armor is strong enough.

The more he fights, the stranger it becomes. The enemy on the opposite side seems to know him well, even some weaknesses he doesn’t know, but he is ecstatic. He needs a sufficient entry before he can rule the universe. The battle in the annals of history is perfect in this way. It is best if you lose both sides and win with difficulty. This is the meaning of his ruling everything, but Krieger seems to be unable to meet his requirements.

There are seven normal lamp beasts, plus a copy of the black lamp beast, it is not a problem for Krieger to stalemate with Darkside, but it is still impossible to defeat Darkside. The power of the lantern beast is endless, and the power of the stars is also endless. The endless power is blessed on him. He feels as if he is going to be a part of the world. Darkside laughed heartily, and the Omega ray has become The mist that filled this space was pervasive weaving all the laws of space and time. The light on the armor was shocked. Darkside suppressed Krieg’s attack forcibly, and punched Krieg’s backhand with a punch. Chin up!

The stellar flame trembles, and from the fragmented space, colorful rays of light burst into the sky. The power of the white lamp itself is forcibly integrated by relying on the biological force field. At the moment when he is hit hard, the white lamp degenerates into the original seven colors. The falling Tairi uttered the last tragic scream, and the next Omega ray had collapsed into a round ball, obviously the trajectory of the action was unusually tortuous, but it was blasted on Krieger's face!

A silent explosion spread out, destroying the space silently. Large chunks of space splashed like broken glass. In the scorched pit of the star, the dazzling ionosphere was split open. , The harsh plasma spewed like blood, and it spread viscously in all directions. Daxide didn’t even mean to pause, but stepped into the pit, while Krieger grabbed his ankle and used The enemy's attack dragged him into the depths of the star together!

The temperature immediately rose to an unbearable level. A plasma flame of 10,000 degrees surrounded the two of them, the biological force field was compressed on the body surface, and Darkside’s body became even more white, and the rapid evaporation of water made both of them both. Not speaking, just closing his eyes and relying on intuition and energy to blast.

There was a tragic wound on the neck, and blood flowed out of it. As soon as it left the biological force field, it was immediately evaporated. Krieger's injury was not light, but Darkside's injury was heavier than him, and it was anti-life The Darkside of Formula and Omega Ray hasn't tried a close fight for a long time. Unfortunately, Krieger is extremely good at this.

Obviously they are all humanoid creatures, but Krieger can attack from an incomprehensible angle, just like his joints don’t exist. The one-meter height difference between the two also makes Dakside a little unable to perform. After he had been hit several times, Darkside realized the exquisiteness of this move. Although he had been beaten and his wounds were constantly cracking, it was not him who was at the disadvantage, but Kerry, who was rewarded every time. grid.

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