In the shortest possible time, Batman proposed the conjecture of using emotional weapons in reverse. He wanted to change the absolute barrier from the material level to the spiritual level. If emotions can be transformed into barriers, then the barriers can be turned into emotions instead. Darkside continues to increase its followers, and they must come up with a solution.

Although Batman proposed this condition, he also expressed concern about the use of energy weapons. He wanted to say that humans are great, but looking at Carl’s appearance is really indescribable. The body of steel has been broken. It is of this intensity. Darkside even if Krieger can’t do better here, not to mention that Carl, an honest kid who can’t even run away, will only fight head-on. Fortunately, he is talented, otherwise he will be exiled by the Omega effect. One more person.

The final battle has begun. Well, in Darkside’s view, it’s just a day’s work. Batman successfully used emotional weapons to rescue his companions. The price was that Karl was almost killed, and he was hit by Omega rays. Exiled out of the timeline, and Darkside did not get any benefits. Karl's full burst is basically equal to the upper limit of the righteous forces. One change can not be done, and it is simple to bite a piece of meat on Darkside.

The short truce period has come, and both they and Darkside need to rest. With the acquiescence of both sides, they ushered in a rare peace. With the black technology of the OA star, Batman was rescued in just one day. At this time they decided to ask Karl to return to New Krypton for help. Hal began to find ways to use emotional energy in the universe, and Batman stayed there to continue studying how to deal with Darkside.

While Darkside remained quiet, the Dark Knights finally began to extend its magical claws to this world. The Omega effect made the discovery have some magical experiences. After a series of mishaps, Batman had already gathered. With four kinds of metals, Barbatos' plan to open the door has been more than half successful. The Owl Court has received the news and is preparing to put the last metal on Batman.

Batman, who is far away in the OA star, still doesn’t know anything about it. He just wants to know why Darkside’s strength is so outrageous. He thought that the biggest difficulty in life is the clown, and the most powerful weapon is nothing more than a nuclear bomb. That's it, but seeing Karl and Darkside's ability to change the surface of the planet at every turn, Batman fell silent. He knew very well in his heart that if it weren't for Karl's sudden outbreak, he and others would have died here long ago. This is something he cannot tolerate. Whether it is technology or magic, Batman has no way to break the game.

In the stalemate between the two forces, all of the riots against the Wayne Group occurred suddenly in Gotham City, far away. The Owl Court adopted orphans everywhere and trained them to become killers. They used metals with Dionysian factors to make those orphans. The corpse was resurrected and turned into a cold-blooded killer who was completely loyal to the court. These claws attacked the bat cave. Alfred had to fight with the behavior of the black tiger Afu. Although the number of claws was very small, Alfred had only one. Human, he is very strong, but the Owl Court has nothing to do with fairness, let alone poisoning and stealing homes, their huge wealth can also be used to combat all actions of the Wayne Group.

Batman had to go back to Gotham ahead of time, with the invulnerable Aquaman as a thug, but can Darkside still not be able to beat humans? They swept all the killers in just one afternoon and upgraded Alfred. Batman, who was barely relieved, returned to the OA star.

Carry the complete five metals.

In the dark dimension, the laughing bat respectfully paid tribute to the dragon in the shadow, Barbatos spread his wings and clicked on the portal.

And Krieger also stepped into the main universe at this time.

Chapter 534 Barbatos is Coming

Toothpaste being squeezed out of the toothpaste tube every day must be very uncomfortable. Krieger flew back to the original universe with a subtle mood. The familiar breath relaxed him a little. The knowledge given by Lucifer didn't seem to do anything. Krieger tasted a touch of flattery from the hands and feet.

It's a troublesome world. If my guess is correct, the creatures here are really pitiful. My creatures are all, including Darkside.

Krieger took a moment of silent mourning for everyone, no matter the fate of enemy or mine, and then when he really raised his head, he was stunned by the sight in front of him. There were torn apart scars everywhere on a huge planet in front of him. It looked like it was cut into pieces, and it looked like something had been bitten into a big piece, leaving only the part with a lot of metal to stay firmly in place. The fragile asteroid flies slowly with the debris surrounding the planet. While being abandoned from the planet, it is captured by the planet's gravity. The broken dust appears beautiful halo under the unrelenting rays of the universe. .

Krieger flew around the planet at the fastest speed. The traces above were obviously pure physical damage, but this kind of powerful attack was impossible for him. Maybe burning life to release the moving sky? After all, this is the movie universe. This planet is three or four times more powerful than the Earth. If you can blow up planets of this level, you don’t need to play anymore. The fight between Superman and Doomsday can’t even destroy a city, Zod The two intelligent superhuman beings and Superman only destroy most of the city. Even if the mother box is in hand, all Krieger can do is to change the surface of Mars, and then slowly adjust the gravity of Mars to let the planet compress itself, but to make the entire planet split in half under attack. thing.

This is the trace left by Darkside. Krieger reached out to touch the soil on the ground. The broken rock layer became extremely tight and looked like it was being squeezed. Not only that, but also caused by Omega rays. The unique explosion is conspicuous enough.

Then what was he fighting with? While Krieger was still speculating on the traces, the ion shark took the initiative to swim out. He smelled the scent of the same origin. Krieger glanced at him and immediately understood that it was a Daxie. The traces of the battle between Germany and the Green Lantern Corps. He wanted to go directly to the Green Lantern Corps to see what happened, but this was the artificial intelligence he attached to his wrist finally started to operate, and the above was blown up by countless help signals in an instant.

The surging information piled up in the universe. Krieger’s artificial intelligence itself was transformed by the mother box. After finding the signal again across time and space, these ghost information finally found the recipient, and the artificial intelligence completed it dutifully. Classification, by time, the earliest signatures were all information from Hal, and then there was news that the signature was Alfred. Krieger wanted to go straight to the OA star where the Green Lantern Corps is located, but then even the new Krypton The center of the star is also issuing two summons, and it is precisely because the core authority of the center is too high, so the artificial intelligence directly pops up the highest level of emphasis.

This is a support request, which roughly means that Carl wants New Krypton to help. The central core judges that Karl also has some authority. Because Krieg is not there, only Fiora and Karl have the authority, so the central government issued the result of the support.

This message was only sent fifteen minutes ago. If the new Krypton star is going to be dispatched, then... Krieger finds the right direction and rushes to the new Krypton star. The popping channel is opened again, and there is a mother box. He can appear almost seamlessly wherever he wants to appear. Before going elsewhere, he has to go back to his own planet to take a look, and then go to the Green Lantern Corps and the earth, in case the destruction of New Krypton is a fatal thing, and he waits until When he teleported to New Krypton, what he saw was an empty picture. Except for the creation of the secret room, the whole planet was still operating, and the other institutions had basically entered a state of silence. Fiora and the new students had already gone. Earth.

"The center, immediately give me information, starting from the time I am away, compressed into high-density information."

The central core immediately reported to Krieger that this happened during these times. Krieger couldn't help but raise his eyebrows as he watched Daxide publicly invade the Apocalypse, and the latest information showed that Fiora had taken someone and went there. Earth and launched a rescue.

Earth? Isn't the OA star fighting?

Unknown Krieger left behind the angel’s genes, and ordered the center to try to join the secret room of creation that he specially concealed. Where is the new body being created again and again, and if there is a better one, destroy the previous one. After confirming that everything is normal for New Krypton, he once again traveled to Earth through the blast channel.


"Oh, Superman, I'm so happy, hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he hehehe.", the elongated and sharp laughter came from the mouth of Laughing Bat, "it is me, do you still know me?" he laughed. The bat licked his bright red lips, and Carl was disgusted when he looked at his exposed gums, "I guess you don’t know, I have seen you in the original world, and I have killed you several times in different worlds! Isn’t it that? Surprise, hee hee hee hee!"

Looking down from the sky of Gotham City, the city is once again plunged into a sea of ​​fire, and in the sea of ​​fire are countless crazy figures. The victims here are not lost like walking dead, but wise. , Monsters who are good at collective action, Aquaman and Wonder Woman have fallen down a long time ago. The Flash is intact, but the crowded victims leave him no room for performance. The only person who can stand is Clark, even Batman. He also sat on the ground, barely able to move his body.

Most of the people in the city are controlled by the diluted clown virus. The good news is that they have not become clowns. The bad news is that these drooling and red-eyed guys are wantonly attacking other uninfected people, actively spreading chaos and violence.

Of course, Carl already knew about the existence of the clown virus. He knew that the city must be saved by him, so he immediately cut off the bridge between Gotham City and the outside world with his hot sight, and exploded the dock to prevent it. Someone left secretly, the **** of the world turned Gotham into an island, and the clown virus did not spread immediately thanks to his decisiveness. The US government in this world will still have a sense of existence. Although it sounds unfair to normal people trapped in the city, if the clown virus is at risk of spreading, the government here will really wash the ground with nuclear bombs.

Fortunately, the clown virus only corrodes the mind. Although it will instinctively assimilate normal people, you don't have to worry about being killed after assimilation. If you can't beat it, you will join in. Wait until you have the antidote and come back.

The Dark Knights lined up and stood in front of Karl. The living people looked at Karl coldly, while the dead performed various actions. The different Batman of the dark multiverse are all here. The Batman Who Laughs (The Batman Who Laughs) ), The Devastator, The Merciless, The Red Death, The Dawnbreaker, The Drowned, The Murder Machine, some people die.

The divine power that symbolizes the divine power of the ocean is summoning the currents to crush the surrounding scenes. The waist-deep currents make Carl bind his hands and feet. It is not his problem, but that he wants to protect his companions. This greatly delays his actions and symbolizes war. The supernatural powers make the infected people become more and more crazy. Those infected with the clown virus who have been blessed by supernatural powers are swarming. Karl knows they can be saved, and he can't stun one by one, so the Justice League can only do his best to defend. Near the portal, anyone who slows down a bit will play, knocking out the infected one by one.

Carl’s speed is very fast, and his strength is also one of the best, but the population of the city of Gotham City is completely unreasonable. If the population of tens of millions of people is allowed to kill Superman with a hot sight, it will be a little bit more likely. It could be done, not to mention that he and Darkside were seriously injured in the war. The Laughing Bat was used in this universe because of its many successes in other universes.

The only good news is that the ravages and the killing machines, the Doomsday virus and artificial intelligence are over, and the Cruel Knights have passed the killing intent. Batman shot into the soul with a frozen cannon, and now the remaining Dark Batman is all on his body. With injuries, the red **** of death was broken in his leg, and the energy of the light breaking dawn was naturally restrained by the green light cloak created by Krieger. He has an ion shark as a pet. Is there any light breaking dawn? !

Dawn sly lamp: You are looking for death! are you crazy!

Unfortunately, the winner is obviously not the Justice League. The Dark Knights’ goals have already been achieved. Barbatos is invading this universe. It only takes a few hours before the universe will fall into the abyss and become the collection of Barbatos. One of the universe.

The Justice League is not Krieg. Krieg knows that Barbatos’ plan is impossible to succeed. There are supermen in the dark universe destroyed by Barbatos, but there are two more to say whether there is Darkside, as the most powerful in the universe. The new god, when Barbatos invaded, Darkside turned into an ally, which is why Krieger was sure that Darkside and Barbatos would fight.

Batman is working hard to develop an antidote. A large amount of antidote hits him, making him look like a vampire elder who has just crawled out of the grave. The dense syringes on his body are violently infused, almost filling his blood. And the concentration of antidote becomes one to one.

The clown in this world was not turned into Napier by medicine, so there is no clown virus in Napier, and the Bacchus factor exerts 100% of its strength, so that he can bring Halle and the Poison Ivy to usher in their grandeur in the city. No one knows what Napier thought about the escape, anyway, Halle and the Plant Mistress were having fun.

Patients with mental illness are always difficult to understand, and whoever understands, he also recommends to see a doctor.

"Carl, hold on for a while!"

"I can't hold it anymore, you better hurry up!" Carl increased his tone in a rare tone. He had never fought such a stubborn battle. Although the battle between him and Fiora was one-sided, he went up rashly. It's okay, every time I can see my progress has made Silly Baitian very happy. He thought of protecting other people in future battles, but he didn't expect to need to protect so many people! The means of turning ordinary people into enemies, and the means of holding the city directly, are too cruel for Silly Baitian.

Carl, who had been educated by Fiora and Krieger, already knew how to fight. He couldn't help but moved his hands to the Dark Knights, except for those with supernatural powers. The other Dark Knights were blown up by him one by one. But Carl has never tried to learn the top technology. Although the killing machine was torn in half by him, it only means that the artificial intelligence has been connected to the system of Gotham City, without the control of the killing machine, the bat of laughter. Taking over the control here, now he is everywhere.

There is no last laugh program here. Batman who has Karl as an ally doesn’t need this either. If something happens, Superman will be released. All problems are minor problems. So when Superman is dragged, Batman can only do it himself. .

One thing to say is that Batman who uses magic has really caused a big blow to the Dark Knights. Not to mention the increase in willpower caused by the green light cloak. After studying the magic circle, Batman and Krieger usually draw on the spot in Gotham City. One, if it weren't for the formation of the kingdom, once the Dark Knights came out, Batman could refine everyone into the sage stone, and put it back in his new body after everything was over.

What, clones want money? Batman is never short of money, and every time the Wayne Group says it's going to go bankrupt, Batman can still get out of the money.

"Stop talking? You were very good when you did it just now." The Laughing Bat is also willing to delay time. It is not only the Justice League that takes time, but also them.

Although the clown virus cannot affect Superman, Barbatos’s divine power has spread, and the dark figure is crawling over with difficulty. Half of the body of the ruler of the dark multiverse has been squeezed out of the portal. Barbatos can Infecting others with the power of the dark universe, causing them to fall into hallucinations or severely weakened, even if Batman and Carl's willpower are strong, when they look directly at Barbatos' dark body, they all feel that their souls are about to be frozen.

"If you can't hold it, you have to hold it, give me some more time!"

"I can't hold it anymore!" Carl turned his head and put the mantra lasso on the Wuxin Iron Fist. His two fists smashed the Wuxin Iron Fist's shoulder. He borrowed all the things from the Amazon Protoss. You can imagine the guests. How critical is the situation, although the other Dark Knights have been hit hard, but now Barbatos' divine power has begun to change reality!

Chapter 535 I Admit I Have A Bet (Plus 2)

"Give me one more minute!" The centrifuge in front of Batman was rapidly separating the serum, but Batman's face had become pale, and the only exposed chin had cracked skin. If it weren't for Batman's strong willpower, Let the green light cloak protect him, and the light of daybreak will be reborn from him.

The few remaining members of the Dark Knights watched Batman's struggle coldly. They were a little bit jealous. The seriously injured Superman was even more terrifying. Although they were willing to be Barbatos’ lackeys, it would be too embarrassing for them to die. The merciless iron fist was persuaded.

Carl shakes the dust off his body, and the body of steel has a very strong recovery ability. Unfortunately, Gotham City is overcast, and he can't take other people out of here. The black sky is the product of Barbatos's distortion of reality. Made a choice. Obviously he can fly directly with the biological force field, but at this time, Karl is still plowing the ground with his toes, and the whole person seems to be shorter.

The Laughing Bat took a step back inconspicuously. This step sent the other Dark Batman a step forward, but the others didn’t care about this man-handling guy anymore. The Drowned Wraith raised the trident in his hand, with no mercy and iron fist. He clenched his fist again, the divine power made the blood around him flow like breathing, and the waves became sinister on the soles of their feet.

They looked at each other with determination and killing intent in their eyes.

Obviously Gotham City could not withstand this level of destruction. On the edge of the city, on a broken balcony, the steel bars were slowly hanging down overwhelmedly. After two of them were suddenly broken, everyone present was breathing heavily. Min, the unspeakable silence lasted only half a minute, the balcony dangling by the sea water, the huge building finally fell down!


Carl disappeared instantly!

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