Krieger’s original hard breastplate has been cracked into a spider web shape, and the muscles inside can be seen from any angle. The fresh tissues that have never been directly exposed to the air quickly differentiate in Saitama’s sight. Krieger does not hesitate After cutting off the contaminated part, there was a big hole directly in his chest. Krieger gritted his teeth and cut out all the parts that might be problematic in Saitama's horrified eyes.

"Hey", as soon as Saitama uttered a word, he saw an even more horrifying scene. Krieger's wound was healed visible to the naked eye, and the sorrowful opening was rapidly diminishing.

"What?" Krieger dealt with the broken bones. If it grows in the wrong position, Krieger will break the ribs, pull out the white jade-like bones, and quietly wait for the regeneration.

"It's okay." Saitama swallowed. He felt a bit dry in his throat.

Most of the wound has healed in the twisted room. The most interesting thing is that a new layer of carapace is forming. Although it still looks soft and transparent now, Saitama realized that there was something wrong and hurriedly helped Krieger remove the cloth strips. The time has slowly turned black.

This self-healing ability is really envious.

Saitama touched his bald head. He was relieved when he saw that Krieger was okay. He wouldn't be hurt, but his hair couldn't come back either. Seeing Krieger healed himself, he felt his head again. It's chilly.

But Krieger doesn't have hair, so this kind of self-healing still has a limit.

Saitama found a reason to comfort him, and he was already very skilled in finding reasons during these hours without hair.

"Cough, cough, cough," Krieger opened his eyes wide, spitting out the blood in his mouth.

Nian Dong Liu Shibo is stronger than he thought, especially with this kind of attack that only focuses on one point. Krieger feels that his internal organs are burning, and his nerves show his sense of existence from time to time.

Careless, Krieger squatted on the ground, spitting out all the air in his lungs, feeling nauseous for a while.

"Uh, vomit," Krieger retched several times, almost vomiting out his stomach. He felt that his body didn't belong to him anymore, and he was inexplicably inspired by him in a daze, so he put the last legacy of Goryuganxup in his hand into his mouth and chewed hard.

[You got extra rewards]

[You got a legacy: Soul Crystal]

[Soul Crystal: A very precious item, the strong one remains the final trace in time. Soul crystal can be used to increase the maximum limit of soul, one of the treasures that works for the only true spirit]

Even if Krieg thought about using force to force Geluganxup to surrender the secret book, and even thought that he might lose his money this time, he never thought that Geliuganxup would actually explode such a thing.

A large mass of unknown substance shattered between his teeth. At first, it was so hard that it scratched his mouth. When it came into contact with the bleeding blood, it immediately softened the jelly-like thing, and it ran down his throat. I once provided him with a few pieces of human soul, and never saw this kind of thing again.

Crystallization sounds much better than fragments. Two soul fragments can create things out of thin air and reshape their body when they were humans. What is the role of soul crystals?

Even though the feeling of stomach cramps was so real, Krieger still parted a part of his spirit, and he was looking forward to the effect of soul crystallization.

[How to use your mind power]

[You can use all the motivation of Goliuganxupu]

[You got over-limit status]

[Currently remaining standard time 20 hours]

[All your values ​​have risen to the limit of natural growth potential, and the over-limit state has been solidified]

[Remaining standard time 20 hours for physical collapse]

The mental problem that had been causing him headaches disappeared. Krieger blinked. The state of the world before his eyes was completely different from before. He didn't know how to express what he saw now, but his consciousness clearly told him that this The world is like a piece of fragile porcelain to him, and he is a wielding hammer.

"Krigsang, are you okay?" Saitama leaned over nervously.

"Stop!" Krieger said suddenly, the loudness of the sound made the surrounding hulls slightly shake, and Saitama's movements were half astonished, and the whole person directly stiffened in place.

At the moment of a glimpse, Krieger saw the essence of Saitama, which is an indescribable power. If he is a hammer, then Saitama is at least a meteorite-level thing. It was just a glance, but Krieger was sweating coldly. .

"I said, are you okay", and finally cared beyond Saitama's embarrassment, "Are you in good condition?"

Krieger closed his eyes and nodded.

"Is it ugly to you?" Saitama's voice faintly resounded, "That's really sorry."

"No, it's just that I was scared by your power."

"What kind of nonsense is this! Look for a reliable lie!"

Chapter 230 The Devil Fights the Brave

"How should I put it? Originally I thought that your strength was just the tip of the iceberg, but only 10% of the iceberg itself was revealed, but now I can see that you are the ocean at all, so I was scared. I don't know if you are satisfied with this statement ."

"Sure enough, your brain hit," Saitama sighed, "It's okay, you just wait here, I will find the owner of this ship, and I will send you off when this matter is over."

"Why does it matter? I'll go with you!" Krieger wanted to stand up, but the hull that was his support broke again. In Saitama's widening eyes, Krieger himself should have fallen to the ground. Just leaning slightly, he straightened his body with the help of the elasticity of the cable, but Krieger's left foot also sank into the ground.


"Don't be brave. In your state, it's so difficult to stand upright. How can you fight?" Saitama sighed again. He felt that he had sighed too many times. "Jenos should come up in a while. Go find him."

"No", Krieger opened his eyes suddenly and looked directly at Saitama, "This is my progress! It's just that I have made too much progress and cannot control my own strength! You step back, the enemy on this spaceship, I have Lige can solve it alone!"

Saitama bent over. Compared to Krieger, who had just recovered, he looked weak. "When have you been so motivated."

"It's now!" Krieger forced himself not to turn his head. In his eyes, Saitama no longer existed in appearance. There was only a faint human form, an incarnation of power that emits infinite light and heat, but he saw The self in the reflection of the anti-display is also a faint human form. Although it is not many times worse than Saitama, his existence has begun to affect the balance of this world.

Krieger didn't know where this feeling came from, but he just knew it.

"No, I think..." Saitama tried to make sense, but Krieger put it on his shoulder in the next second.

"It's now! Saitama, let's go! The final boss is about to appear, the evil demon will go and beat the righteous warriors!"


Saitama grabbed Krieger's wrist. No matter how indifferent his emotions were, he could tell that Krieger's state was wrong. This kind of strange appearance Saitama had seen on TV, it was simply the appearance of stimulant after drinking water.

"Saitama-san, I know where the power of this spacecraft is!" Krieger did not realize that he was caught. He only felt that his condition was extremely good, and his feelings this time surpassed everything in the past. The gurgling sound of broken water pipes, the sound of splashing electric sparks, the heartbeat of the surviving aliens, the panic of the surviving aliens, the fragments of the hull that had just landed and were still spinning, confided to him his momentum, raised Smoke and dust were telling him his flight trajectory in a minute, and the whole world was showing him his existence.

If I am now, maybe I can challenge Poros.

As soon as this idea appeared, Krieger couldn't ignore it anymore. The story of One Punch Man would not end, but Poros, the top weird man, at least, before Krieger crossed, there was no character comparable to him. .

Unless Saitama is counted as a human being, Poros' disaster level can be counted as a god-level disaster.

Challenge a god, is there anything more romantic than this? !

"I just want to know where the hospital is now." Saitama vomited a groove. Just when he was slack, Krieger flipped his wrist, and the original rough and hard shell suddenly became slippery. Saitama didn't hold it. , Actually let Krieger break free successfully.

Flowing Water Rock Broken Fist! Flowing water array!

If Bangu knew that his favorite genius used his life-long boxing techniques like this, perhaps the hospital would need to prepare two beds.

Krieger’s face was filled with joy, and Saitama had just realized that something was wrong, Krieger’s body had sparks, and he rushed out.

Flowing Water Rock Broken Fist! Instant power!

"I have 20 hours left. I can't delay it any longer. Let's go ahead." In Saitama's weird gaze, Krieger didn't let go, just like a runaway husky.

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