"Is that so? In fact, that weird man is not very strong." During the heated discussion, a discordant note sounded.

"But, so many heroes have lost." Someone tried to defend these heroes, but all they got was a seemingly objective comment. The green clothes that just spoke opened their hands and attracted the attention of people around them. "That can only be blamed. They are too weak."

"Well, although the enemy looks weak", the little brother who defended the heroes did not have enough tone to speak, but seeing these hard-working heroes fall to the floor, he decided to protest at last, "but the hero Our efforts....."

"Hey, hey, that guy was trampled to death." The green clothes pointed towards the Deep Sea King, and blue blood has been flowing everywhere. No matter how powerful and prestigious he was in his lifetime, the Deep Sea King will be with a pool of rotten meat after his death. Almost, "You said how **** other heroes are. S-level and A-level are just a kind of title, nothing remarkable, hahahaha."

"Hey, stop talking."

"Somehow others are desperately protecting us."

"Who wouldn't work hard for this kind of thing, it's a hero who doesn't defeat the weirdos", Green Clothes didn't panic in the face of the accusations. If in normal times, how many people would pay attention to him, but they would make some remarks contrary to everyone. Just look at these people, some guys are actually shaken. Green clothes deliberately made his body movements more exaggerated. As long as someone remembers him, he can become a small internet celebrity and make a lot of quick money with the help of today's event.

The unfairness of this world is that even if the heroes are willing to bear the responsibility of saving mankind, as long as they do a little bit poorly, they may be blamed by the masses. After all, everyone is an ordinary person, and it is easy for them to think that they should be saved by a powerful person. The more times they are saved, they feel at ease.

There are always people who take advantage of this emotion, for whatever purpose.

"Forget it, at least we were saved in the end, look at these heroes, they are also troublesome when they come, since they call themselves heroes..."

"Have you said enough?" The other person who finally couldn't bear it pulled his collar, "What did you do for a trash?!"

"What are you angry about?" The green clothes's tone suddenly softened. "Why lose your temper at me? The activities of the Heroes Association rely on us to donate money. If you give money, of course you must protect us."

"As long as you use your brain, anyone can buy time. Although the Asura unicorn has solved it alone, the performance of other heroes is not a hero, right?"

Krieger tilted his head. Of course he could hear the sound in the building. How did Saitama do it? He admitted that he had missed it and defended the reputation of other heroes. As a price, he became ridiculed. People.

In other words, did Saitama solve the Deep Sea King and at the same time solve the rumors that were unfavorable to the Heroes Association?

What a good person, this kind of ill-intentioned guy can live well in this world. It's all the fault of these people, and kindness can't be so kind.

"Asura one-horned fairy", the little girl shouted in excitement, her body in the green clothes stiffened, and an indescribable threat came from behind him.

"Asura Unicorn, you have worked hard, we will make this mouth cheap..."

"He's not a cheap mouth," Krieger looked at the green clothes. "He is a spy of the Deep Sea tribe."


"But he is a human," even though he said so, everyone close to the green clothes stepped back together, and began to look at him with suspicion.

Under Krieger's pressure, Green Clothes couldn't say a word, and could only look at him in despair.

"If you think about it, the hero who saved him just now was defeated, but he is ridiculing here. It is obvious that his own interests have been damaged." Krieger controlled the fishing line. "The reason why the weird man is called the weird man, It is because they chose to fall, and this person in front of them is just a human-shaped weird. If you know that the origin of the Deep Sea Race is unknown, who can guarantee that it is not a human being?"

"The unicorn talked to me, mother, did you see it?"

"Hey?" Krieger patted the little girl's head. I don't know why these children like unicorns so much. Krieger's actions made the little girl look surprised and showed off to her family.

"That", the little girl's father looked at her with a smile and quietly approached the missionary, "When will the clay be shipped?"

Krieger turned the green clothes around in admiration, and while blocking his vision with his own body, the beach boy stuffed the remains of the Deep Sea King into the mouth of the green clothes. The fishing line was shaking. The meat with a small fingernail bounced into the stomach of the green clothes. Under the supervision of the beach boy, the quality of the meat quickly disappeared from the body of the green clothes.

It's just an experiment. Since some people become weird because they like to eat crayfish, what happens if they eat pure weird corpses?

It is really hard to find an experimental subject that has a depraved mind and is malicious to me at the same time. It is a rare opportunity. If you don't have a good experiment, how can you be worthy of your jump.

Krieger raised his head, and Janos, who was hanging from the ceiling, had fainted a long time ago, and he could only curl his lips. It would be better if there is an S-rank hero, and it doesn't matter if there is none.

"Master Asura, what about this person?"

Finally a clear-headed person realizes that there is another "spider" here. At this time, the appearance of the green clothes is quite serious. The appearance of the whole person is swollen and looks like an inflated balloon, but there is no flesh and blood of the weird person. It made him strong, but he was already weak enough to stand unsteadily. If Krieger hadn't dangled his head with a fishing line, this guy could collapse to the ground in the next second.

What kind of situation is this, eccentricity should lead to a leap in strength, what the **** is this seemingly dying performance?

"Call the doctor. The hero here needs treatment. By the way, tell the refugees that they can come back."


after one day

"So is it a matter of strength?"

Krieger stood beside Kenos, watching a large amount of data drifting past his eyes.

"No", Kenos replied with certainty, "Weirdness is not such a simple problem. If you don't consider the mind that will shift easily, weirdness is the simplest way to become stronger. Many weirdos are better than him when they were still humans. Much weaker, it won't be that simple."

In front of the two people, there was the green clothes soaked in the culture solution. This guy's body swelled four or five times, especially the face, which was almost bigger than the body.

"Weirdness is more like a shifted evolution. Although the result is wrong, evolution is evolution. Weirdo’s stronger vitality than ordinary people is the proof. Just like the transformation in you, it’s just that you are too strong. The desire to kill, and this guy..."

Kenos tapped a little on the glass with a pen, in exchange for a faint struggle in the green suit.

"This guy is dead a long time ago. In theory, his brain is completely destroyed, but he can still respond differently to external language stimuli. This is very strange." Kenos turned around the glass trough. In a circle, he was surprised.

"I will carry out research on this phenomenon. Maybe it will make you weird a second time, and your strength will also rise at that time."

"Whatever happened to the other heroes?"

"No problem, the undocumented knight still needs to stay in the hospital for two days. The other heroes have been cured."

"I heard that Silver Tusk also went to the scene, but I didn't see him at the end. You misled his direction."

"Otherwise?" Kenos gave Krieger a strange look. "Your idol project, you always need a little help. I heard that the silver fangs admire you very much, but don't be constrained by human emotions."

Kenos shrugged, "Most of the time, emotions have no positive effect. There are still many people in the Heroes Association who oppose me secretly. I need your presence."

"Everyone takes what they need."

"Of course, everyone takes what they need."

Chapter 212 Breathing Special Training

"If you still have the flesh and blood of powerful weirdos, remember to bring me some more. Fresh ones are the best."

Kenos is holding his glasses, only then can Krieger feel that the guy in front of him is a living person. Normally, Kenos is almost like a robot with subtle camouflage. He always has a sense of alienation from everything in the world. Research has changed individuals.

"Kenos, if ingesting fresh weird flesh and blood will lead to weirdness, and ingesting cooked weird flesh and blood will not change anything, does that mean that weirdness is a virus that can be transmitted?"

"Huh?" Kenos gave him a strange look. "How do you know that the flesh and blood of the weird man is useless?"


"Okay", Kenos did not delve into it, but quickly gave the answer, "Theoretically, weirdness can be infected. It's just that it is not a disease or evolution. The main reason is that the experimental products are completely weird. Becoming uncontrollable, I can't prove whether they lost their minds because of their pure strength expansion, or they lost their humanity because of weirdness.

"It's the second kind", Krieger is very clear about this answer.

"Really?" Kenos was noncommittal. He would not draw conclusions based on someone's affirmation for results that could not be proved by experiments.

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