Subsequently, Zhou Botong and Huang Yaoshi had to conduct a second PK.

This time, the two plan to try the "bone shrinking skill".

Huang Yaoshi led the way in front and led Zhou Botong to a big tree. Out of curiosity, Nie Chen also followed closely and followed. I want to go and see the excitement.

Huang Yaoshi struck out a palm, and the palm wind carried internal force, blasting out a small hole in the thick trunk of the big tree in front of him that was only large enough to reach into one arm.

The width of the hole is only about 30 centimeters, and the height is only about 50 centimeters.

Immediately, Huang Yaoshi turned to Zhou Botong and said

, "Old naughty boy, let's compare, who can burrow his whole body from the hole in the middle of this trunk to the other side of this big tree.

Zhou Botong smiled, "What's so difficult about this?" After that, Zhou Botong

began to exercise. I saw a circular air flow in the body, "snorting" from the soles of the feet to the top of the head quickly.

At this time, Zhou Botong's body, from the outside, there seemed to be a "small ball" swimming all over the body.

When this "small ball" walked through Zhou Botong's whole body, the clothes he was wearing at this time seemed to have become much looser.

At this time, Zhou Botong's whole person seemed to have become thinner and smaller!

After the luck was completed, Zhou Botong walked towards the big tree.

The first is that the head starts to drill in, and when the head is halfway in, it seems to be stuck there.

But Zhou Botong did not panic, and exercised again, and suddenly his head seemed to have lost weight again. His head quickly burrowed out of the tree.

This is followed by the arms and body.

At this time, Zhou Botong, from a distance, looked like a "paper man".

In just a moment's effort, Zhou Botong's body and two arms successfully drilled through the tree hole.

Next are the two legs. It's much easier than shrinking the upper body. Zhou Botong exerted a little force, and his two legs seemed to instantly turn into two slender wooden sticks.

In the end, it took about a minute, and Zhou Botong successfully came from one side of the tree hole to the other side of the big tree through the small hole in the middle of the trunk.

"How is it?Huang Laoxi, it's your turn!!"

At this time, Huang Yaoshi was not to be outdone, using exercises similar to Zhou Botong, but also to make the bones in his body thinner and smaller under the drive of internal strength, and soon the whole person also passed through the small tree hole and came to the other side of the big tree.

Obviously, in this second match, the two seem to have played a draw again.

Zhou Botong didn't seem convinced. Then he said:

"Next, let's

test the jack!" The so-called jack is the hard kung fu of "opening the mountain and splitting the rocks"! In essence, it is a test of internal strength!

The two of them immediately performed light skills and flew to a small hill. There's a lot of hard rock here.

Zhou Botong picked a few large stones that looked extremely strong. Transporting the internal force to the elbows of both arms, he shouted "ha" in his mouth, and in less than two efforts, he used his elbow joints to shatter several seemingly hard rocks.

After Huang Yaoshi saw it, he smiled slightly: "What is the small skill of carving insects!" Then, I saw Huang Yaoshi

perform the "Aerial Extraction" technique, and sucked a large stone more than a person high more than ten meters away to his side.

Then he flew up and slammed his knee in the middle of the big rock, only to hear a "clang".

But unexpectedly, at first glance, the stone didn't seem to move. It still looks like it's still intact.

"Haha! Huang Laoxi, you lost this game!!" Zhou

Botong saw that Huang Yaoshi was busy for a while, and originally thought that he was going to smash the big stone that was more than one person high.

But the stone didn't seem to move. But Huang Yaoshi smiled slightly, "Old naughty boy, you come closer and take a look!"

Zhou Botong approached the rock and touched it with his fingers. Suddenly, the stone instantly turned into powder and fell apart! shattered into countless small pieces of stone that were scattered on the ground.

was so shocked that cold sweat broke out on Zhou Botong's face.

It turned out that Huang Yaoshi's control of internal strength had reached the level of "transformation realm". It can control the internal force more freely.

It is conceivable that if Huang Yaoshi punches a person's body, it may not look damaged on the outside, but the bones in the body may be shattered by his internal force.

Zhou Botong couldn't help but give a thumbs up: "Okay, this jack competition, you won!!I'm convinced!"

In the next last game, the two are about to test the "Yunzhongyan" kung fu, which is the art of light body, that is, what people often call "light gong".

This game was first shot by Huang Yaoshi. The two of them came back to the first game and tried to "shrink the bones" under the big tree.

Huang Yaoshi pointed to the top of the tree and said, "Let's try to see who can jump higher!" Then Huang

Yaoshi first showed a "squat" posture and began to accumulate strength. Suddenly, he jumped up.

The body is like a "drill monkey", quickly flying towards the top of the tree.

The tree is about ten meters tall. Huang Yaoshi's light skill limit happened to be able to jump so high.

When he jumped to the same height as this tree, Huang Yaoshi's body gradually fell, and with the blessing of deep internal force, Huang Yaoshi's body was as light as a swallow at this moment, and his body slowly fell to the ground.

"It's your turn!" said Huang Yaoshi to the old urchin.

Zhou Botong smiled: "Huang Laoxi, let you see today, our Quanzhen School's 'Three Leaps in a Row'!!"

After saying that, Zhou Botong let out a loud sigh and jumped towards the top of the tree with all his strength.

When the body reaches the top of the tree, it seems to have jumped to the limit. However, the unthinkable happened.

At this time, Zhou Botong's left foot kicked on his right foot, and his body went up again! When his body stopped in mid-air for the second time, it was about 20 meters away from the ground

at this time! But at this time, Zhou Botong

repeated his old trick again, and his left foot kicked on the instep of his right foot, lifting the dantian true qi to the Baihui acupoint above his head, and his body rose about five meters in height again.

After performing the "Three Leaps in a Row" light skill, Zhou Botong jumped to a height of 25 meters! Then his body slowly fell to the ground.

Obviously, in this game, Zhou Botong won the competition on light skills! In this

fourth game, Huang Yaoshi was also convinced. The light skills of the Quanzhen School are indeed worthy of their reputation, and Zhou Botong is Wang Chongyang's junior brother, Wang Chongyang taught many of his own unique skills to Zhou Botong, which contains the peerless light skills of the Quanzhen School!

Through the competition of these four games, it can be said that Huang Yaoshi and Zhou Botong are not equal.

After the competition, both seemed to be displeased. Originally, he wanted to divide the winner and loser, but the result was basically a draw!

Zhou Botong was generally quite satisfied with this result. A very important purpose for him to come to Peach Blossom Island this time was to compete with Huang Yaoshi.

In the end, he didn't lose the face of the Quanzhen Sect. On the surface, it didn't lose to Huang Yaoshi.

Now, Zhou Botong can be regarded as "wishing", it is worth the trip, and he can leave Peach Blossom Island with peace of mind!

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