Early the next morning, Nie Chen, Zhou Botong, Cheng Ying, and Lu Wushuang set off early and walked towards a dock.

Along the way, blood continued to flow out of the corners of Lu Wushuang's mouth. And the wound was also very suppurated.

Cheng Ying continued to comfort Lu Wushuang and said

, "Wushuang, if you hold on for two more days, when you see my master on Peach Blossom Island, his old man will definitely be able to help you resolve the poison in your body!"

She was already poisoned by the poison needle and was in a weak state, and now if she is frozen again, it is estimated that she will die halfway before she reaches Peach Blossom Island.

Nie Chen looked at Lu Wushuang, who was shivering from the cold, and suddenly felt pity. He took off the coat he was wearing outside and draped it on Lu Wushuang's body.

"Thank you, Brother Nie!" Lu Wushuang said gratefully.

"No thanks. Walking for such a long time, you must be too tired. Why

don't I carry you for a while!" Nie Chen was about to squat down, wanting to carry the weak Lu Wushuang, but he never thought that Lu Wushuang would directly open his mouth and refuse:

"As the so-called men and women don't kiss, Brother Nie, I understand your kindness, I don't need you to carry me."

As he was talking, Lu Wushuang suddenly felt dizzy, unconsciously raised his right hand and stroked his forehead, almost fainting to the ground. At this time, her body was too weak

!"Alas!Why is it so troublesome!What is there to be embarrassed about! My brother Nie Chen has no malice! In this way, let my old naughty boy carry you! You see that I am so old, it is always okay to carry you on my back, right? There is no such thing as 'men and women do not kiss'?

This time, Lu Wushuang did not refuse, and his body lay on Zhou Botong's back.

Zhou Botong walked forward with Lu Wushuang on his back, and said with a little self-reproach:

"Speaking of which, I'm really a little sorry for you, Miss Lu." If I hadn't dodged the poisonous needle at that time, the poisonous needle wouldn't have stabbed you in a hurry! If my old naughty boy had been poisoned by the needle, he would have healed after resisting for two or three days at most!"

After hearing this, Nie Chen also said in an affirmative tone:

"Indeed, Senior Zhou, you have profound skills, and Li Mochou's poisonous needle secret weapon cannot harm your life. The vast majority of the poison in the world

can't help you!" Speaking of this, Zhou Botong said proudly

: "Hehe, that's natural! Since I was twenty years old, my old naughty boy has been walking the rivers and lakes for sixty or seventy years, and I have encountered many things that have been injured by people with hidden weapons, some of which are extremely poisonous, but they can't help me

!" Nie Chen sighed with emotion: "If one day, I can also have such profound skills as your predecessors, how good it would be!" In this way, I will have more confidence in walking the rivers and lakes in the future!"

Nie Chen took out five taels of silver and hired a small boat on the dock. Several people boarded the boat and walked by water in the direction of Peach Blossom Island.

Time flies so slowly on the vast sea! Small boats swaying on the vast sea. Standing in the distance, it looks like a leaf in the water.

Looking at the endless sea water, time flies too hard, and it is really uncomfortable. Zhou Botong had a whim:

"Brother Nie Chen, do you want to see me perform a game for you to ride a shark? Hehe, I rode it once." That was almost twenty years ago

!" Speaking of "riding a shark", Nie Chen, Cheng Ying, and Lu Wushuang instantly became interested!"

Senior Zhou, do you still have this ability??" Nie Chen asked with a smile.

Zhou Botong saw that a few people didn't seem to believe it, so he stood up and walked towards the bow of the boat. "You guys are optimistic!" After

that, suddenly, Zhou Botong clenched his fists and hit himself in the chest several times. In an instant, several mouthfuls of blood spit out from his mouth and spit into the seawater.

When several people saw this, they were all shocked!"Senior, why did you beat yourself up by yourself? and beat yourself to the point where you vomited blood, why is this so painful?"

Zhou Botong waved his hand to several people, signaling not to worry.

"I can't bear the child, I can't trap the wolf! I'm using my own blood to spit in the sea to attract sharks! Don't worry! Later, I meditate and breathe, and run the true qi in my body a few times for the Great Zhou Tian, and this little injury will heal itself!" It didn't

take long for a huge shark to swim over with a hint of blood.

"Ah, cousin, look, there's a shark!!" Lu Wushuang was so frightened that he hurriedly buried his head in Cheng Ying's arms.

And Cheng Ying was also scared enough, but she pretended to be calm on the surface, and gently patted Lu Wushuang's back, while comforting her:

"It's okay, let's be on the boat now, the shark can't swim up! Cousin, don't be afraid!"

Seeing that a shark was "fooled", Zhou Botong became excited. "Brother Nie, two girls, look at it!!"

he picked up a hemp rope from the boat, tied a knot, spun it around his head a few times, aimed at the shark's head, and "whoosh" it, and put the hemp rope on the shark's head.

Immediately, Zhou Botong performed light skills and jumped from the bow of the boat to the shark's body. At first, he didn't stand still and almost fell off the shark's body.

But fortunately, Zhou Botong quickly adjusted his body's center of gravity, and after shaking his body from side to side a few times, he stood firmly on the shark's back.

At this time, Zhou Botong clenched the hemp rope in his hand with one hand to control the direction of the shark's swimming, and waved to the boat with the other hand to say hello.

"Hey, everyone has seen it, right? haha!!"

In this way, Nie Chen and the two girls sat on the boat, while Zhou Botong "drove" a big shark. Between the people on the boat and Zhou Botong, there seemed to be a feeling of "going hand in hand" at sea at this time.

"Brother Nie, Peerless Girl, do you want to give it a try, it's fun to ride a big shark!" Nie

Chen shook his head with a smile and refused Zhou Botong's "kind invitation".

And Lu Wushuang buried his head deeper in his cousin's arms, and at the same time kept shouting: "I don't want to ride a shark! Just looking at it like this on the boat will scare people to death!"

After about a stick of incense, Zhou Botong was also tired of playing. With a whoosh, he jumped from the shark's back and jumped straight back to the boat.

"Senior Zhou is really a god!" Nie Chen unconsciously gave a thumbs up to Zhou Botong.

At this moment, Lu Wushuang pouted and made a grimace at Zhou Botong. "Alas! You are really an 'old naughty boy'! You are so old and so playful!" After

hearing this, Cheng Ying scolded softly and angrily

: "Wushuang, don't be rude to the old-timers!!" Lu Wushuang replied: "Cousin! Look at him like this! How can he have the slightest appearance of an old-timer!!" Zhou

Botong was not angry when he heard Lu Wushuang "arrange" himself like this, "People, happiness is the most important thing! Live to be old, play to be old', this life is worth it, haha!!" Nie

Chen asked curiously

, "Senior, how did you learn the skill of 'riding a shark'?"

Zhou Botong smiled, "This matter, that's a long story! This has to start with a bet with the old poison Ouyang Feng back then!"

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