War Paradise

Chapter 539: New Clue

——Is this guy so rich?

Before that, he had never realized that the virus he had taken in had assets of 70 million U.S. dollars. Lin Chi also felt a sense of bewilderment at this time.

As the smile on his face gradually disappeared, Frankenstein asked in a deep voice, "What's wrong."

"Nothing." Lin Chi shook his head.

Unlike human beings who have been edified by all kinds of speeches such as "money can make ghosts grind" and "no money is absolutely impossible" since childhood, the AI ​​of Frankenstein is actually completely uninterested in human money.

Although it plundered tens of millions of dollars from the famous "Federal Reserve" (United States Federal Reserve System), it was only an action driven by instructions from a virus program.

After obtaining the money, Frankenstein, who was supposed to transfer the money to the account of the virus producer, gained self-awareness and left the funds in his own account.

Even so, for Frankenstein, the money is nothing but an insignificant figure.

Moreover, although sitting on tens of millions of dollars in assets, this AI does not know how to use the money.

Because in its original program, it is impossible to write about "how to spend money" and the like. So now, the way Frankenstein spends money is completely different from normal people.

"Don't give him so much money next time." Lin Chi reminded.

Even if he didn't know the current "market conditions", in Lin Chi's view, the hacker's price was a bit too high. But for this kind of thing, Frankenstein still holds an indifferent attitude:

"It's just a number."

"It's really just a number, but if the number is too small, people can't live." Lin Chi smiled: "It's better to keep some, don't spend any more."

"I understand." The black robe man nodded.

Looking at the other person's as cold as usual, Lin Chi knew that Frankenstein was just dealing with himself. But now, he is too lazy to continue discussing this issue. Because……

"Do you still keep the old version of the program?" Lin Chi asked.

"There is a record." Frankenstein replied immediately, adding another sentence: "What's wrong."

"I want to see the old version of the record." Lin Chi's expression became serious.

In fact, not only Frankenstein, Lin Chi is also very interested in the unsolved mystery of "Why viruses evolve into consciousness".

If you can find the creator of this virus, you may be able to get useful information.

——And now, the identity of the virus maker may soon be revealed:

Before gaining awareness, the TDK-131 virus will invade the system of the bank and transfer the money in it to other places. Although experts from all over the world have not been able to find out where the robbed money went. but……

The virus data obtained by those people is a version destroyed by anti-virus software, but Frankenstein saves complete data here.

If Frankenstein still keeps the original data of the virus, it may be possible to analyze the original data to find out where the virus will transfer the money after it gets the money.

As long as you find the location of the money, you can find out where the virus is made by Sacred!

Thinking of this, Lin Chi immediately became interested and asked, "Where is the original data?"

"In another hiding place, I will take you over." Frankenstein said coldly written language on his mouth, stood in front of the hiding place and opened the purple door.

The "monster" in black robes and Lin Chi, who turned into office workers, returned to the streets of Realm again. Although the appearance of Frankenstein looked a little strange, it did not attract anyone's attention:

With the increasing number of Realm users, the modules used by Realm users have also begun to develop in an increasingly curious direction. Character models like Lin Chi and Frankenstein have completely failed to attract anyone's attention.

What is the specific situation, just look at the people on the street to know:

Oncoming came the "Ancient Saints" duo, and walking on the left was a cross-legged guy floating. He is wearing a golden Kasaya, holding his hands around him, his face is plump and earlobe shoulders, his face is fully understood and hopeless, there is no doubt that he is Shakyamuni.

The man on the right has a handsome face, long hair and beard, holding a cross in his hand, wearing a white coat, and a holy halo hung behind his head. Obviously it is Jesus.

Although their appearance is very Sacred, the unencrypted public channel dialogue is passed into the ears of other Internet users nearby without any cover, and the impression of them is immediately reduced:

"An appointment at night?" Jesus asked in the voice of a wretched man.

"Tomorrow, today I have an appointment with someone to eat Mala Tang." Sakyamuni actually made a female voice. This Buddha-shaped character module should be a female in the real world.

In addition to these two people, other modular shapes on the street are also uncommon.

——A muscular man in a tight leather jacket with pink eyeliner on his face, a werewolf in a heavy armor, a white kitten with wings, a reduced version of the deformed Vajra...

Compared with these messy modules, Lin Chi felt that he and Frankenstein were too low-key.

After watching the strange user styles on the street with great interest for a while, Lin Chi opened the news bar casually, but did not see any interesting news. Then I opened the mailbox, and immediately popped up a lot of new mail reminders, there were more than 20 in total.

As for the content of these emails, you can identify them immediately by just looking at the headers:

"On-hook from the network, one hundred yuan a day."

"One person at the start, one knife, all equipment depends on picking up, to ensure that there are no dogs."

"I am Zhang Xhui. If I am a brother, come to play X Moon and kill me."

As usual, emails received by people like him with few friends, except for scams, are advertisements, and have no serious content at all.

Lin Chi turned off the mailbox, followed Frankenstein out of the street, and entered an area full of skyscrapers.

Then, headlines popped up on his interface:

"The king of hackers in the western United States "Black Dahlia" was arrested and may face life imprisonment. 》

In the photo, the woman in red escorted by the police had a mosaic on her face, but Lin Chi could still tell that she should be very beautiful.

However, at this time, he was completely disinterested in appreciating beautiful women, and immediately began to read the following news text:

"The notorious United States hacker'Black Dahlia' Christine was arrested by the police in Denver today. She once hacked into the databases of the CIA and the Pentagon to obtain confidential information. It is reported that the police did not find the software she used in Christine's hideout. , So some people are skeptical about whether she is a'black dahlia'...

If convicted of espionage, she is likely to be sentenced to life imprisonment. "


Today there is an increase, so, that... you know.

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