VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 0955: Secret Path

As the flying wind became stronger and stronger, even Ye Luo and the others began to lose their energy and blood under the strong wind, and the loss of energy and blood became faster as the wind increased. The most important thing was that the Purple Lightning Holy Dragon was blown away and swayed. It is impossible to continue flying. Obviously it is unrealistic to cross the mountain.

Knowing that force was not possible, they had no choice but to control the dragon to land and leave the area enveloped by the strong wind.

"It seems that there is no way to get over from here." Po Lang Chengfeng said, her brows furrowed: "But the system map shows that there is a small road here, why does it end here?"

Ye Luo did not speak. He looked around carefully. His ability to survive in the wild soon became apparent. He pointed at each waterfall and said: "Sister Feng, the color of that waterfall is a little wrong. It is faintly transparent and does not appear. The unexpected waterfall is hollow behind it, and the path on the system map is short from here, so we are even more certain that it is hollow inside."

"Water Curtain Cave?!" Po Lang Chengfeng blurted out, and her beautiful eyes lit up: "Hey, it's interesting. Let's go in and see if it leads to the other end."

"As for whether it leads to the other end, I don't know. We can only know through investigation." Ye Luo said, and then he stopped Po Lang Chengfeng who was about to go there: "Sister Feng, I'm going to explore the way. I have the stealth skill. , I have more life-saving means than you, so if something unexpected happens, I can exit in time."

"There are almost no powerful monsters on this path, and there shouldn't be any here." Polang Chengfeng didn't care. Even though she said this, she obeyed and did not move any further.

"You can go in after my investigation and notification." Ye Luo left a word and headed towards the waterfall.

The waterfall was turbulent, but Ye Luo was able to withstand it easily as he had dual professions with extra strength, and then he got into the waterfall. After passing through, his eyes lit up. As he said before, there was a hollow behind the waterfall, and there was a cave that led straight into the distance.

The cave is deep and slender, and can only accommodate one or two people side by side. The edge cannot be seen at a glance.

As soon as he entered the cave, Ye Luo looked around cautiously. He breathed a sigh of relief when he found that there were no monsters or monster footprints. Then he informed Pilang Chengfeng of the situation here.

Po Lang Chengfeng was impatient for a long time. After being notified, she crossed the waterfall as soon as possible. She brushed off the water spray on her body and exclaimed: "It is indeed a water curtain cave. The design of this game is quite interesting."

"It would be more interesting if we could get to the other end." Ye Luodao, the corner of his mouth curled up slightly: "After this mountain, it seems to be a dark area, which means that there is the Japanese server over there, and the national war has begun. After that, hehe..."

Po Lang Chengfeng is also a smart person. Although Ye Luo didn't explain it directly, she already understood it and the smile on her face became stronger: "Yes, after the national war starts, we will send an elite team to sneak into Japan through here. Server, burning, killing, looting, bah, it’s a battle of justice, it must be interesting.”

Next, the two of them chatted casually while walking along the cave. Ye Luo took out a fluorescent stone, and he could see the situation inside the cave through the light emitted by the stone.

While the two were on their way, Yanhua Yi Leng contacted them and asked them if they had arrived at the edge of the ancient battlefield. If they found it, they would meet as planned and then return to Longlin Mountain.

Po Lang Chengfeng informed Yan Hua Yi Leng about the situation here, and even told about the trail.

After hearing the news, Yan Hua Yi Leng, who had always been as calm as ice, had some changes in her mood. She asked Po Lang Chengfeng to share her perspective and stay on the phone at any time.

The fact that the fireworks can easily cool down shows the importance of this trail and this cave.

After walking along the cave for more than 30 minutes, they heard the sound of running water. This made their eyes light up, and they blurted out in the wind: "It seems that the cave is open, and there is a waterfall on the other side. We can pass through this waterfall." Arriving at the national border.”

While talking, the two of them came to the edge of the other end of the cave and saw the waterfall at the entrance of the cave. Ye Luo once again stopped Po Lang Chengfeng. He took the lead in going out of the cave to investigate. After seeing that there was no danger on the other side, he informed her to come over. .

While informing Pilang Chengfeng, Ye Luo was also exploring the surroundings. Looking far into the distance, he saw a patch of darkness about one or two kilometers away, as if a sword had cut through it.

"The server on the other side is indeed dark." Po Langchengfeng also saw the situation here after coming out. She looked at Ye Luo: "Ye Luo, let's go over and see if we can go through now. If we can go through, It’s fun, we turned Japan upside down before the national war.”

In Po Lang Chengfeng's mind, if they send an elite team to sneak into Japan, they will surely kill many people and cause chaos there.

Think about it, if people like Breaking the Waves, Fireworks Yi Leng, Long Teng Tianxia, ​​etc. lead a group of players with flying mounts to sneak into Japan, they will definitely be able to kill a lot of people with their strength, and they have the advantage of flying mounts, so they don’t have to worry about it. Encounter any danger.

Because it is a sneak attack, Po Lang Chengfeng and the others can confuse the Japanese players in a short period of time, and Ye Luo and the others can also take the opportunity to kill people to increase their attack power. After the attack power is increased to the limit, things will be easier.

Killing people and picking up trophies without too much danger is also a way to quickly increase your strength. What's more, it can also weaken the strength of hostile countries, and you can achieve multiple things with one stone.

It is precisely because of these thoughts that Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind are so looking forward to it.

With that said, the two of them headed towards the border.

"It is impossible to sneak into Japan now, because the two servers are not connected at all." Yanhua Yi Leng's voice was quite firm: "Only by triggering the national war system and connecting the two servers can we get there, but It is also very beneficial for us to know this secret passage in advance, so that we can take them by surprise and catch them off guard."

"Hey, I've been thinking about traveling to Japan for a long time." Po Langchengfeng smiled strangely, and when he said "travel", his pretty face was full of fun, and then his tone changed: "I just don't know if there are people on the other end of the Japanese server. A trail goes deep into the heart of Japan.”

Since the ancient battlefield is the most obstructive barrier on the Chinese server side, there should be something similar in Japan on the other side. In short, these settings prevent players from passing through, and they can only pass until later in the game.

"We have a trail here, and there should be one on the other side, otherwise there would be no point in designing this trail in the game." Ye Luo said, and then he looked at the pitch black: "And I saw, there is an extension to this small trail. There are signs, so the other side must be able to pass through, but I don’t know if there is a water curtain hole, so it might be harder to find.”

"Hey, what are you afraid of? You and Yanhua are both very observant. You will definitely be able to find the passage through some clues." Polang Chengfeng was full of confidence in Ye Luo and the two of them. She smiled playfully: "So we will definitely be able to sneak in secretly. The Japanese will definitely be able to kill one of them when the time comes."

While saying this, Po Lang Chengfeng and the others came to the dark place. Ye Luo raised his long sword and touched the dark barrier, and then he found that the long sword seemed to have touched a wall.

With all his strength, the long sword was slightly dented, but it only advanced half a foot, and then Ye Luo only felt a majestic surge of energy, and he was knocked back several meters.

"This is an energy barrier, set up by the system. It seems that we really can't get to Japan through here." Po Langchengfeng said, with a hint of disappointment in her tone: "It seems that this barrier can only be eliminated automatically after the national war begins. , otherwise no one would be able to pass through.”

"So we can only go there after triggering the national war system." Yanhua Yi Leng said, and then thought of something, she asked: "Sister Feng, when you go back to the cave later, block the cave with stones, and do your best. Be more natural. In addition, one of you two will leave a teleportation point there."

Ye Luo is also a smart person and instantly understood the purpose of Yi Leng's fireworks. She was worried that the passage would be discovered by the Japanese. If they sent experts to sneak into China, they would also have a headache.

If the Japanese send masters to sneak into China, then these people must be the elite among the elites and will have flying mounts. After they sneak into China, they will cause chaos in the Chinese server, and because they are elites and have flying mounts, Ye Luo and the others want to kill them. It's not easy, just like it's hard for players who sneaked into Japanese servers to deal with them.

It would be different if the cave was blocked, which would make it more difficult for the Japanese to discover the passage. However, Yanhua Yi Leng asked Ye Luo and the others to leave a teleportation point so that they could come over to investigate at any time and find traces of being moved. It means someone has sneaked into the Chinese server.

Next, Ye Luo and Po Lang rode the wind back to the cave. They wielded their long swords, chopped down a lot of rocks inside the cave, and then blocked the entrance.

Ye Luo and both of them are heavy-armored professions with full strength points, and the long swords in their hands are magic weapons. It is easy to cut down the fallen rocks, and then move the rocks to block the entrance of the cave, which is not difficult for them.

Next, Ye Luo and the others made some disguises to make it harder for others to discover them.

"After doing this, Ye and Luo walked along the same route, breaking the waves and riding the wind, and said: "Fireworks, I can't wait to start the national war. Then we will take people to Japan to have fun. "

"That can only be done after participating in the extreme challenge." Yanhua Yi said coldly: "The most important thing we need to do now is to find a suitable location, work hard to improve the level, and reach level 240 and rank six as soon as possible."

"Understood. When we came here before, we have already scouted many places and found a few places that meet the conditions you mentioned. We will compare each other and choose the most suitable one after we go back." Po Lang Chengfeng said with a smile. Thinking of something, she continued: "Fireworks, just build the station near the ancient battlefield. It will be very convenient for leveling later."

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