"But what good is it for me to treat you?" Mistress Salari sneered.

"How long can you hold on against the Reaper? If you don't help now, this is the end of failure." Shepard looked at Matrimony Salari.

"And I will be the last friendly Turian you see." Maharaja Viktors also stepped forward.

"You..." Matriarch Salari looked at the people present in shock. Obviously, both the earthlings and the turians chose to side with each other in order to get krogan's help.


After a moment of silence, Matriarch Salari sighed and said, "Those women are being held in a secret service base on Star Sur Kesh."

Matriarch Salari had already compromised, and several people looked at each other and immediately sent a signal.

The krogan army was mobilized, ready to march towards Sur Kesh.

"Lieutenant Colonel, you have to think clearly, what you do will affect the Milky Way for thousands of years." Mistress Salari said to Lex with a dark face: "You are not allowed to set foot on Sur Kesh, wait ..."

"Hand over now. Commander Shepard is the 'ghost agent' of the council, and he can complete the supervision on behalf of the council." Maharaja Viktors interrupted.

The sooner the krogan were satisfied, the turians and Earth needed krogan reinforcements.

Sur Kesh is the capital planet of the Salarian Federation. The Normandy raced all the way and soon arrived at the base where the krogan women were imprisoned.

Shepard's old friend, the Salarian biologist Modin, is already waiting for them here.

Melen, the scientist who studied the antidote to gene phagocytosis, was his apprentice. Over the years, he has been condemned by conscience for what happened to krogan.

Therefore, after the Salarian army brought these krogan women here, he has also been secretly researching the antidote.

Today, only one female krogan is left alive, and the other experimental subjects have died one after another in the process.

But just when they were about to start the handover, the human extremist organization Cerberus suddenly sent troops to attack the base, and the scene suddenly fell into chaos.

The artillery fire from Cerberus was so fierce that the entire base was crumbling.

At this time, Shepard has received the krogan female who is immune to gene phagocytosis, and he said seriously: "Now you are the hope of the entire krogan family, and we will fight for you."

"Give me a gun," was the krogan woman's answer to him.

Obviously, the krogan female is different from other species, and is more brave and good at fighting. Even after being subjected to human experiments for a long time, her tyrannical physical fitness still makes her an excellent fighter.

After exhausting their efforts and suffering heavy casualties for both Krogan and Salari, Shepard and the others finally took the Krogan women away from Star Sur Kesh.

Aboard the Normandy.

"You seem to be mediating between turians and krogan?" Admiral Hackett's projection asked.

"The turian lord has promised that as long as the krogan provide them with assistance, they will work with us." Shepard reported.

"Very well, the signing of this agreement is of great significance to us." Admiral Hackett nodded.

"What's going on with Project Skyfurnace, sir?" Shepard asked.

"Now, anyone who can lift a hammer has been sent to build the Sky Furnace. We have studied this design in depth. It is grand, elegant, mysterious, and incomparably...simple." Admiral Hackett seemed to be in a good mood : "I think we can finish it. Asari's recent increase in investment in the furnace is a good sign."

"Great, I didn't expect the Asari to be so cooperative."

"I didn't think of it either, but it seems to have something to do with the existence of a goddess named Elsim whom they worship." Hackett showed a smile: "No matter what, I believe we can do it, you too, forever do not doubt."

"Yes, sir." Shepard gave a military salute.

Back in the conference room, there was still arguing inside.

"You have already got a woman, so don't be too anxious about the antidote, it will take some time to develop it. But Paleven needs your support, there can be no further delay." Maharaja Viktors said to Lex.

When he asked Mistress Salari for a woman, Maharaja Viktos stood firmly on Krogan's side, and now it's time for him to ask for a return.

"Unless all the krogans are cured, there is no need to talk about forming an alliance." Lex's attitude was also very tough.

The purpose of finding women is to obtain the antidote, and the antidote is to cure the gene phagocytosis. If this purpose cannot be achieved, it is useless to ask for women.

Just as everyone continued to quarrel, the messenger in Normandy suddenly sent a message.

The Citadel Council has received a request from a special force, requiring the Citadel Council to move from the Serpent Nebula to the Uranus Galaxy.

This special force is an organization that has long been registered in the Citadel, called "Magic Alliance".

The Magic Alliance even gave the Citadel Council a week to prepare. After a week, regardless of whether the Citadel Council agrees or not, the Magic Alliance will use a special method to remove the Citadel.

Magic League?

While Shepard was wondering, the turian lord Viktors, the krogan leader Lex, and the shadow broker Liara all received relevant information.

As Liara is the leading intelligence provider in the Galaxy Star Region, her information is more accurate than other forces.

An intel was simultaneously shared with Shepard and several senior leaders.

It was a scene sent by intelligence personnel who were already on the mainland of Tidus.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, the virtual scene showed Thedas being dragged from the black hole to the Uranus Nebula from the perspective of Thedas, and merging with hundreds of other planets into a flat continent.

This kind of miracle is simply unheard of for ordinary creatures, and it is something that can't even be imagined.

"What kind of method is this?" Javik asked in surprise.

Even their Proxian race doesn't have the technology to do this kind of thing.

Under normal circumstances, when two stars approach, the only result is that they collide and shatter under the action of mutual gravitation.

But when the stars are unfolded and connected like paper, especially the gravitational force, magnetic force, weather and weather of different worlds can be perfectly combined after the connection, it is just like science fiction.

What surprised everyone even more was that the organization that did this was the Magic Alliance just mentioned.

Most of these planets that have been pulled out of their orbits from different galaxies are civilizations registered in the Council of God's Citadel, and the data shows that they all belong to the organization of the Magic Alliance.

The main person in charge of this organization is the person who notified the Council of the God's Castle this time. His name is Shalier, and his position is the secretary of the president of the Magic Union.

And the leader of this organization is named DU dust.

Shepard and others also saw a line of remarks behind the name DU Chen, which said four words: God of Eternity.

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