As the owner of the gymnasium in a first-tier city, Ma Zhishi doesn't know. It seems that Lila has not leaked the relevant information...

After Lila possessed Celebi and flew away that day, she seemed to use some kind of super power technique to shield her thoughts, or to intercept part of her pheromones, so that she could not be intercepted by DU Chen, so now DU Chen can only know roughly Her position, but cannot scan her thoughts and memories.

And the reason why he didn't restrict Lila's freedom was because he wanted her to disclose some information to the alliance, causing confusion.

Du Chen's instruction was that he was not allowed to disclose anything about the virus in any way, but he did not say that he could not disclose the Rockets and other issues. It would be best to focus the league's attention on the Rockets and cover for Umbrella.

But it looks like she hasn't done that yet.

"Tell Bernard, you have to be careful about this action." Ma Zhishi said: "The Rockets have been operating in Kanto for many years. They have emerged from the hegemony more than 20 years ago and become the most powerful in Kanto and Chengdu. organization, working with them is never that simple.”

Dolores nodded. In the past, the Rockets were not the only one in Guandu, but there were many evil organizations and gangs. However, under the development of the two leaders of the Rockets, they finally swept the mainland and unified the underground forces. King of the dark.

In the joint development of the underground ruins in Kanto and the Rockets, the most important thing to pay attention to is not the development results, but being hacked during the development.

"The Rockets' actions are all under my control." Dolores said.

Just kidding, DU dust, who has the memory of Apollo, knows their plan well.

And after he scanned Dolores' memory, he also had full control over Syndicate's intelligence plan.

Half a year ago, when the Plasma Group was excavating the underground ruins in Hezhong, they actually dug up the biological laboratory remains of the previous generation of civilization. They even discovered that this civilization had tried to revive the creatures of the ancient elf Genesect that had been extinct for hundreds of millions of years fossil.

And it is determined that hundreds of millions of years ago, these creatures did not become extinct naturally, but were completely frozen by a sudden cold.

Although judging from the situation at the scene, they failed to revive Genesect in the end, but the plasma group moved the fossil back and prepared to continue the resurrection.

At the same time, according to the clues, the plasma group determined that the civilization had similar biological laboratories in several areas.

For such an important discovery, a project team should be set up immediately to complete it, but the Plasma Group is more obsessed with studying the phenomenon of the frozen world hundreds of millions of years ago, and does not intend to go to other regions to develop it immediately, so this information has been sealed up.

But the plasma group did not expect that this information was learned by the undercover syndicate hidden inside the plasma group. He stole all the relevant data and handed it to the syndicate.

Although Syndicate's main business is reselling elves, it has a strong interest in excavating ruins and finding ancient elf fossils.

If a few ancient fossil elves can be resurrected and auctioned directly, some wealthy families are willing to buy them, which can earn much more than smuggling them by boat.

According to the analysis of the geology and environment of that place, the Syndicate sent people to search Kanto for a while before confirming the specific location. During this period, they also cooperated with several famous big families in Kanto, such as the Luo family and the Sasaki family. .

The reason why I chose the Rockets in the end was not because of anything else, but because I planned to eat black.

Because both the Luo family and the Sasaki family are ancient families in Kanto, and the family members have deep roots in the alliance. Once they are disadvantaged, they will definitely use the power of the alliance to retaliate against the Syndicate.

Team Rocket is a standard underground force. Even if they are completely wiped out in action, it will not be easy for them to cross the ocean to Hezhong to take revenge on the Syndicate.

At that time, if the Rockets really dare to go to Hezhong to retaliate, Syndicate can even call the police.

Coincidentally, the Rockets thought so too...

Seeing the way Dolores Zhizhu was holding it, Ma Zhishi nodded slightly.

He is worthy of being trained by the international police.

After taking a sip of his wine, Ma Zhishi suddenly changed the subject and said, "Recently there has been a rumor in the alliance. It is said that because of Juzi's old age, he wants to retreat to the second line and no longer be the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto."

"You want to compete for the Four Heavenly Kings?" Dolores asked.

According to DU Chen's memory, although Ma Zhishi is strong, he does not have the strength to become the Four Heavenly Kings.

After all, there are not too few heavenly king masters in a region, but there are only four of them who can become the powerful four heavenly kings of the alliance.

This "Four Heavenly Kings" is not a trainer level, but a position.

They represent the strength of the alliance, the image of the alliance, and can even be said to be officially created stars.

"I won't participate in the competition, but that guy will. I just want to use this to fight against that guy." When Ma Zhishi mentioned that person, the decadent aura just now disappeared immediately, and a fierce battle was ignited.

"A time?" Dolores asked.

Ma Zhishi nodded slowly: "Although Juzi's resignation as the Four Heavenly Kings is just an announcement and has not been officially confirmed, we, the museum owners, know that this matter is basically confirmed. Many museum owners have opinions, and I can't wait for this time." If you want to come to Guan, you have to move around."

In Dolores' memory, Ma Zhishi was her father Marshall's subordinate before becoming the head of the gymnasium. He once lost a lot of electric times in a competition of electric trainers. It has been a shame for so many years. See I came here to take this opportunity to wash away my shame.

"When is he coming?" Dolores asked.

Among DU Chen's task options, eliminating the Milky Way is one of them, and it will be very helpful if the electricity can be included in the hive.

"Three days later." Ma Zhishi affirmed.

Although he is an alliance member who has been taken down by the syndicate's corruption offensive, he is still a powerful trainer, and he is still passionate about his rivals.

Dolores nodded, chatted with Ma Zhishi a few more words, and left the villa.

DU dust has obtained the information he wanted, and an additional harvest is the whereabouts of Dianci three days later.

In fact, as a member of the public, the whereabouts of the gymnasium owner is not a big secret.

Especially for a star owner like Denji who looks like the Fourth Hokage, fans often follow him secretly, taking photos of him and posting them online.

But DU dust is not a nympho fan, but covets his body.

That's right, although it sounds strange, DU Chen always felt weird after using a female body for a day, and the electric times just met his parasitic standards.

A man, a Sinnoh person, the owner of the alliance, handsome, and has a certain fan appeal...

With these characteristics, it is a perfect boarding body.

When Umbrella's products come out, he can speak for himself.

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