Virtual End

Chapter 119: Why are there so many riddlers?

August 6th, Wednesday.

Dawn City Branch of Mellon Bank Group.

Liu Zhilin is dealing with recent affairs in his spacious office.

A lot of things have happened in Dawn City during the recent period. For ordinary citizens of Dawn City, they may not be aware of any changes in their lives. They just feel that the dpd police car patrols seem to be more frequent. The procedures for leaving Dawn City have become very troublesome. Besides, they don’t feel too much. abnormal.

But a top figure like Liu Zhilin who really holds real power in Dawn City and represents the interests of the Mellon Bank Group, naturally has a clear picture of the current situation.

Although several companies have gathered together to form an enterprise coalition army to conduct a thorough investigation of Snowley's death. But so far, all of this is in a state of high secrecy, and the work and daily life of Liming City have not been affected too much.

For Liu Zhilin, although war will break out in Liming City, he feels that he is unlikely to be affected. For them, senior congressmen, no matter what happens, they can leave Dawn City at any time through special channels under special protection.

At present, these senior parliamentarians have not fled on a large scale, just to not cause too much panic.

In addition, the old city reconstruction plan advocated by Weimu Technology Group is also underway, but apart from Weimu Technology Group, only Lishan Technology Group has shown a high degree of enthusiasm for this plan.

So far, some old towns have been rectified and constructed, and initial results have been achieved. After all, the technology in this world is very advanced, and the efficiency of all kinds of decoration work is very high. As long as the money is in place, everything is easy to say.

Liu Zhilin was a little puzzled at first, because he had already hinted to Chen She before that the same resources should better be directly invested in the Silver Star construction plan, which is of little significance to the transformation of these old towns. However, Chen She is still determined to participate in the renovation plan of this old city of Weimu Technology Group.

But now, with "Ultimate Happiness is to build this super fundraising online", Liu Zhilin also roughly guessed Chen She's careful thinking.

In the process of participating in the transformation plan of the old city, Chen She's Lishan Technology basically focused all of its focus around its own experience store. With the changes in the surrounding neighborhoods, the flow of people in the experience store has increased significantly, and the corporate image of Lishan Technology has also been greatly improved, which has played a very good publicity effect.

Originally, the well-located experience store in Liming City was monopolized by Changye Entertainment Group and other companies, but Chen She got a lot of resources from Weimu Technology Group through participating in this old city reconstruction plan, and in these old cities Stand firm. Experience stores have opened one after another, and they are quite popular.

Not only that, Chen She also showed his favor to the Silver Star Federation through "Extreme Happiness Is to Build This Super Dream." It can be regarded as achieving the best of both worlds and not guilty of both.

Not only did it use the resources of Weimu Technology Group to expand its own experience store in the old city reconstruction plan, but also did not offend those who participated in the Silver Star construction plan.

Of course, the only loss is because the performance of this super dream is a bit too explicit, and it has received a lot of scolding on the Internet. But in Liu Zhilin's view, this is obviously not a problem. The consortium is like this. What impact can a few curses on the Internet have? The actual benefits that can be obtained are the most important.

At present, this super dream is still the same as before, and has received a large number of recommended resources. The publicity effect is really good, at least on the surface.

Liu Zhilin couldn't help but improve his evaluation of Chen She, the president of Lishan Technology Group.

After all, for the Silver Star Federation, these emerging companies on the old soil have two best qualities: one is being able to do things, and the other is being obedient. And Chen She has done very well in both aspects.

But at this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the office.

An assistant of Liu Zhilin came in and said, "Mr. Liu, there seems to be a problem with the new Super Dream of Lishan Technology."

Liu Zhilin frowned slightly, "What's the problem?"

Liu Zhilin was a little surprised, because in his opinion this super dream was very successful. The real data he obtained through personal channels did help Lishan Technology's super dream. Moreover, this Super Dream has indeed achieved good results after being recommended on a large scale on the Internet.

Although there are some people who are giving low scores, this point of criticism is harmless in the face of this kind of public opinion.

There was a problem with this super dream, which made Liu Zhilin a little unimaginable. The key is that if there is something wrong with this Chaomeng, he has given many of the real information about Chaomeng, will it be implicated on him? This makes Liu Zhilin feel a little worried.

The assistant hurriedly said: "Mr. Liu, this super dream itself is not a problem, but a new black super dream came out on the black market two days ago."

Liu Zhilin was a little surprised, "What's wrong with Hei Chao's dream? The most difficult thing is to change the value in the game."

It is not a day or two for Lishan Technology to be troubled by the black super dream. As early as the "Another Possibility of This Super Dream", many black super dream workshops on the market have been eyeing Lishan Technology and released various versions of black super dreams.

At that time, Chen She, the president of Lishan Technology, also denounced the loss that Hei Chaomeng had brought to Lishan Technology at the assembly meeting.

Although afterwards, various combat activities were carried out against Hei Chaomeng, which relieved the rampant phenomenon of Hei Chaomeng to a certain extent. But it is obviously unrealistic to completely eradicate the black super dream. Liu Zhilin thinks that these are harmless, some black super dreams circulating underground, but what influence can they have on the original super dreams?

Can’t Black Chaomeng sell better than the original Chaomeng.

The assistant hesitated and said, "Mr. Liu, this black super dream is not about making money or not, it's mainly..."

After a pause for two seconds, the assistant finally mustered up the courage, "The main reason is that this Black Chaomeng did better than the original Chaomeng, and it blacked out the Silver Star construction plan in all directions, and it felt like the original Chaomeng. It's completely transferred!"

Liu Zhilin was stunned, "Huh?"

His expression was blank, obviously he had never thought of this matter.

Because in his impression, Hei Chaomeng is something that is spread underground, and it is difficult to be elegant. It is nothing more than forcibly changing some super dream values ​​and simple gameplay to provide players with a sense of perverted coolness.

But in the final analysis, Hei Chaomeng is dependent on the existence of the original Chaomeng, it is just a derivative product, and its influence can never exceed the original Chaomeng.

However, according to the assistant's statement, this Hei Chaomeng turned out to be better than the original Chaomeng, and it also blacked out the Silver Star construction plan in all aspects.

Then this situation is very serious!

Liu Zhilin frowned and stood up and took a few steps, but he soon felt relieved. "Even so, there shouldn't be any major problems. This Hei Chaomeng should only circulate in a small area. As long as the trading channels of Hei Chaomeng can be severely cracked down, the content and influence of this Hei Chaomeng will not go further. Just expand."

Given the strength of these large consortia and legislators, it is quite simple to block a certain black super dream. The reason why the previous black super dreams were rampant was just that they felt that there was no need to invest so much resources and effort to uproot them.

If this black super dream is only spread on a small scale, as long as the transmission channel is cut off, it should not have too much influence on the Internet, and it should not cause any major problems.

The assistant hesitated for a moment, and then cautiously said, "But President Liu, this black super dream has already had a very wide range of influence."


"Because this black super dream was introduced and explained by Mr. Guanqi's truth broadcast, and I also took this opportunity to give the silver star construction plan to the sky."

"Therefore, there have been a lot of reprints of these contents on the Internet, and they have already had a certain degree of influence."

Liu Zhilin couldn't help being shocked, "What? Hurry up to send network surveillance to block the channel of transmission. All those who reprinted the truth broadcast content were arrested for me!"

The assistant explained: "Mr. Liu, I have already looked for network surveillance and found that the transmission route is rather evil this time. These people are very vigilant. The network surveillance either cannot trace the source or finds the address to be fake. Address, it feels like the other party came here prepared."

"It may be that the people who caught the truth broadcast before made this Mr. Guanqi alert. Or he has found a new backer, and the power of this backer is not small."

Liu Zhilin stopped talking, his expression became obviously anxious, and he got up and walked back and forth in the office two steps.

He certainly knows the existence of truth broadcasting.

Truth Broadcasting is a special frequency band for time-space broadcasting, and it can be said that it is the channel that promotes the most anti-consortium ideas. However, the thoughts promoted by the previous truth broadcasts do not pose any fatal danger in the eyes of these large consortia, so they have not been resolved with the most advanced risk control measures.

It was just a heavy blow and sent a network monitor to catch some people who reposted and sorted out the broadcast content on the Internet, thinking that it would be able to kill a hundred.

This matter was done by the Fujitang Group and some other consortia at the time, but now it seems that it has not been able to eliminate the roots. Although certain results have been achieved, the truth broadcasting has been suspended for a while, but now the truth broadcasting is making a comeback, and it seems to be more well-trained than before.

As for how these people who transferred the content of the truth broadcast to the hash space network conceal their identity, Liu Zhilin is still not too sure.

There is a possibility that the other party has a very high level of computing power, and it is difficult to trace back in general network monitoring. Or they have a relatively high level of security awareness, and publish this information through some public network addresses that are difficult to monitor, and change a place with one shot, so it is difficult to track in the short term.

Of course, there is also a possibility that the other party has a special communication mode that can be attached to the hash space without being tracked.

But in any case, these contents have now been disseminated on the Internet, and once disseminated, the parliament and consortium will be unable to do anything about these contents.

If there are only a dozen key figures spreading these content, then only a network monitoring needs to be dispatched to wipe out all these dozen key figures and wipe out their bodies, then the way of spreading will naturally be cut off.

But if these major transmission channels cannot be traced for a while, and the relevant information quickly spreads across the Internet, many people will see and understand the content, and even word of mouth in daily life, So how can the transmission channel be blocked in this case?

It's impossible to physically wipe out all the people who know this news, it's not realistic at all.

After thinking for a while, Liu Zhilin still failed to make a proper decision. He first said to his assistant: "You should notify a few large consortia about this matter, and ask them to send the most effective online monitoring, and find a way to find the source of the truth broadcast these news. "

"Notify dpd to find a way to find this small workshop for making Hei Chaomeng. The producer of this Hei Chaomeng must be found, to see people alive, and a corpse to die!"

"Also inform Lishan Technology, let their president Chen She come to me immediately!"

"As for other measures, I have to think about it again. You should do these things first."

"Okay, Mr. Liu." The assistant nodded and walked out.

Liu Zhilin walked anxiously two more circles in his spacious office, and then sat down on a large office chair. A huge holographic projection appeared in front of him, connected to the hash space, and the view has been circulated on the Internet. Various information.

"Do you have any comments on "Ultimate Happiness Is to Build This Super Dream? You know, that's the film review."

"I have a text version of the review here, and I will send you a copy."

"Big guy, good guy! Thank you so much."

"Why are you all looking for reviews of this super dream? Isn't the content of those reviews available online?"

"No, no, none of the online reviews are complete, and there are even more exciting reviews."

"Yes, it can't be said too detailed. With this evaluation, you can really understand the real content of this super dream. Of course, you have to play a special version."

"Is there a special version of Chaomeng? Where can I get it?"

"The special version of Chaomeng also has an online version, and you can find it on the Internet. There is no official channel. But there is no need to stick to the special version, because there are not many changes in the special version, as long as you read this review , Even if you haven’t played the special version, you can understand this by playing the normal version."

"Why are there so many Riddlers? What is the special version? Where can I find it? Is there any kind old man who can share it?"

"I can't say more, I will say that we will be monitored by the Internet. We are just Super Dream players, and we fully support the Silver Star construction plan. Don't ask more."

These online discussions dazzled Liu He found a very serious problem. Although there are crazy discussions on the Internet, they are all attached to "The Ultimate Happiness is to build this super dream, and It's the original Super Dream!

After this black super dream was introduced by Truth, many people should have known the content of this black super dream. And even if you haven't played Heichaomeng, after hearing that explanation, you will have some other thoughts when you look back at the original Chuangmeng.

So these people who discussed it were also very clear that they knew that if they directly attacked the Silver Star construction plan, they would definitely be checked on the water meter, so they focused all their discussions on this super dream. And they have given praise to this super dream. Although they are all positive and positive speeches, in fact, when you take a closer look, you will find that these people are obviously telling lies in yin and yang.

The key is that there are too many of these people. They just made some comments under this super dream. Liu Zhilin should never let the network monitor arrest people for this reason, nor can we prohibit everyone from the "Extreme Happiness is to build this super dream". Let's discuss the topic of dreams, right?

After all, this super dream was launched by Liu Zhilin, who spent a lot of resources, to promote the Silver Star construction plan. If after the launch, others are not allowed to discuss it, or if Chaomeng is simply blocked, wouldn't it be equivalent to slap yourself in the face?

Liu Zhilin never expected that things would develop to such an unmanageable level. He was a little lost. Now whether he continues to increase his efforts to promote this super dream, or just give up this super dream or even block it, it is irreversible and will only further expand the influence.

After thinking about it for a long time, Liu Zhilin didn't think of a good way. He could only find a way to find this black super dream, take a look at the interpretation of this black super dream in the truth broadcast, and then decide how to deal with it.

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