Virtual End

Chapter 113: The super dream of helping Silverstar's construction plan

In the recreation room, the wanderers, including Korhan, entered the game cabin, ready to experience a new super dream.

For these wanderers, they make a living in the wild, apart from going to the wilderness to collect time and space crystals, most of the time is spent boring time, whether drinking or playing super dreams are just a way to pass the time .

At present, the most popular super dreams in the entertainment room are still "The Embers Will Extinguish" and "Desperate War". After all, these two super dreams have been proved to have a certain training effect, and they can also improve their combat effectiveness in addition to entertainment. .

However, these vagrants do not actually have very strict requirements on their own strength like the general corporate army. For them, although they often face battles and conflicts with other vagrants, after all, most of these vagrants are talented. It is not high, its combat power is not strong, the weapons and equipment in its hands are not particularly advanced, and the overall battle is not so cruel.

Therefore, when most vagrants play Chaomeng, they still pay more attention to the fun and entertainment of Chaomeng.

The Super Dream game cabins here are available of any brand, and there are many older game cabins, but recently there have been three or four newest uncovered game cabins.

I have to say that compared with other Super Dream game cabins, the game cabin is a bit horrible in shape, but it is generally stable and reliable, and there are few problems. Whether it is the chip or the communication module, it seems to be very prudent. Therefore, in this group of homeless people, there is also a well-known reputation.

After all, the homeless camp is in the wilderness, and after-sales service is basically impossible. What they value most for these products is the low failure rate, but the configuration of these devices is not the most important.

Korhan entered the Super Dream game cabin, ready to experience this new Super Dream "The Ultimate Happiness Is Construction" of Lishan Technology.

In fact, Korhan is not an avid super dream player himself. As the leader of these wanderers, he usually has a lot of things to be busy, just like a patriarch, he has to handle all kinds of things in the entire camp in an orderly manner.

But in his spare time, he also relaxes himself through super dreams or alcohol.

After all, for these precarious wanderers, Chaomeng is already the most enjoyable form of entertainment they can get.

"Super dreams of simulated management and construction are really rare."

Korhan actually has a good impression of this type of super dream. After all, he, as the leader of the wanderers, is responsible for the planning of the whole wanderer camp. How to choose the location of the camp? How to arrange the vehicle? How to plan the various functional zones of the camp? How can we ensure that the energy barrier covers most of the core area of ​​the entire camp? How should the route of energy supply be set up? …Issues such as this need to be considered by Kerhan.

Therefore, some planning problems that are very professional and complicated for ordinary people are just common sense problems for Kolhan. After all, he will frequently encounter them in his daily life.

After entering the super dream, the first is a very concise opening animation.

"Silver Star, the dream land of all mankind."

"The great Silver Star construction plan continuously transports all kinds of precious materials to Silver Star and builds the paradise in the dream of mankind."

"When all human beings embrace their dreams together, we will be able to build a new home on Silver Star together."

"And now, you will become the chief designer of Silverstar Construction and dedicate everything you have to the Silverstar Construction Plan!"

Accompanied by the heavy voice of the narration, a sense of grandeur was perfectly set off.

Korhan found that his vision was looking up at the starry sky at this time, as if looking at the direction of the silver star in a big city on the old soil.

Immediately afterwards, his gaze began to narrow quickly, as if he was traveling through the vast starry sky at a speed many times faster than that of a rocket, and saw the silver-white planet in the sky.

In the vast universe, this silver-white planet emits a faint light, which looks soft and warm. Although the entire Silver Star is a barren land, and there are silver-gray deserts everywhere, but under the shining of this light, it gives people an inexplicable sense of warmth, as if this is the eternal home of people.

Immediately after, Korhan saw all kinds of buildings rising from the ground on the Silver Star, and many carrier rockets continuously transported various materials from the old soil to the Silver Star. One by one construction bases on the Silver Star, one after another large cities rose from the ground, and quickly painted him a fantastic and fantastic picture.

Then the title of this super dream appeared in the field of vision-the ultimate happiness is construction.

And there is a subtitle below the title, just this super dream presents the new phase of the Silver Star construction plan!

Seeing this title, Kerhan couldn't help but sneered.

As a wanderer, he knows exactly what the Silver Star construction plan is. In fact, to put it bluntly, it is nothing more than trying to defraud the corresponding resources from the old soil, so that the big people can live on the Silver Star that is not threatened by time and space activities.

Is it the right choice to abandon the old soil to build the Silver Star?

Maybe those big people can give many high-sounding reasons, such as depicting the silver star as a wonderful paradise, a paradise on earth that can accommodate all human beings.

But as a wanderer, Korhan knows very well that the silver star can only be the silver star of a few powerful and wealthy people, and most people can only survive on the old soil and live a precarious life.

It is impossible for a big man to share the silver star with the mud legs. Moreover, the current science and technology trees in the entire human world are all built on space-time particles on the old soil, and it is impossible for people to leave the old soil. The silver star is just a huge parasite, becoming a paradise for the powerful.

The existence of the silver star itself is to continuously use the resources of the old land and use extremely low efficiency to support the powerful.

In this case, of course, Korhan will not have much favor for this silver star construction plan.

However, this kind of thing is not something that an ordinary wanderer like him can change, so Korhan just sneered at the flattering behavior of Lishan Technology, but he did not care too much. After all, the consortium on the old soil has Who doesn't flatter the Silver Star Federation?

Those big consortia invested all kinds of funds and materials into the Silver Star construction plan at any cost, consuming a large number of precious particles to start the launch vehicle. In this process, more than 10 parts of energy may be consumed for each delivery of materials. This has become the norm, and it's not surprising.

Korhan didn't care too much, but quickly entered this super dream.

To his surprise, this super dream is not a first-person perspective. He was not substituted into the perspective of building a robot, but from a divine perspective overlooking the entire silver star.

In the initial situation, he has a very advanced field base vehicle, which is the starting point of the entire construction.

He needs to deploy this base vehicle and start building various modules of the base vehicle.

There are no space-time particles on the silver star, so space-time refineries are not needed, but buildings such as high-energy electric fields and barracks are still needed.

According to the relevant guidelines in Chaomeng, Korhan must first establish a complete production line.

To complete the goal of building a city, it is first necessary to ensure that various raw materials are continuously supplied with energy.

There are also some minerals on the silver star. In principle, all construction materials except time and space particles should be taken from the silver star on-site. After all, if even materials such as rare metals have to be transported from the old soil by rockets the cost is too high.

Therefore, Korhan needs to wait for the rocket to transport the space-time particles from the old soil, and then use the base vehicle to mine various mineral deposits on the silver star, process the ore into metal, and then process it into various building materials and parts. By planning one production line, all resources can be produced just right.

Then he wants to assemble these parts and turn them into bridges, roads, foundations and various high-rise buildings on the silver star.

After a period of time, these launch vehicles will be transported to the first batch of residents on the Silver Star. Most of these residents are high-ranking figures in the old soil, such as senior officials of the Silver Star Federation, some wealthy businessmen with wealth or billions of dollars. He is a scientific researcher who has made outstanding contributions in many fields.

If at this time Korhan has built residential areas and scientific research centers and other buildings, then these people can move in and start work smoothly.

Conversely, if Korhan is still struggling with foundations or roads without building residential areas or scientific research centers, then these people can only be crowded into temporary resettlement areas, and the level of dissatisfaction will rise rapidly.

In the planning and construction process of the entire city, Kerhan must always pay attention to the employment rate, commuting situation, housing situation, and energy supply situation of the entire region. These complex factors may affect the satisfaction of residents, as well as the revenue and expenditure of the entire city.

Although the Silver Star construction plan can continuously obtain resources and funds from the old soil, Chaomeng still requires players to make the city itself able to achieve a balance of payments as much as possible.

The way to balance payments mainly depends on some financial industries or scientific research industries on Silver Star.

The construction of a financial center can control the enterprises on the old soil to obtain huge profits. At the same time, the scientific research center can also continuously research and develop new technologies, obtain patents, and obtain large amounts of funds from the old soil.

Korhan found that as long as he mastered certain tricks, it was actually a very simple thing to make the whole city continue to make money. After all, after the financial center and scientific research center were built, all kinds of income would increase rapidly. There is not much difficulty.

This silver star city is actually sucking the blood of the old soil, and the low-end industries on the old soil have only their lives being relentlessly harvested.

Of course, this does not mean that the difficulty of this super dream is very low, its difficulty is not here.

Korhan soon discovered that no matter how he planned the production line, the entire production line was always difficult to operate perfectly. The output speed of a certain kind of raw material would be heavily accumulated in the warehouse, and a certain part of the production line would produce Too slow will slow down the entire production line.

But if he solves the slowest link, the second slowest link will continue to drag.

In this way, Kerhan is always dizzy looking for the slowest link in the production line. In the process of continuous improvement, time passed without knowing it.

At this time, he suddenly turned around and realized that his entire factory area had become so bloated, and all kinds of complicated energy supply lines and conveyor belts had made him dizzy. Not to mention finding the link that is holding back, asking him to go through the entire production process from start to finish can make him a headache.

What's more, after producing enough raw materials, he has to consider how to plan the city.

At the beginning, the planning was very simple. It was nothing more than encircling a large area, pulling up the energy network and transportation network, and then building various buildings such as scientific research centers, residential centers, entertainment centers, etc. according to needs.

After the carrier rocket transports the residents of the silver stars from the old soil, it is enough to let these residents enter these buildings freely.

But soon, as more and more people arrived, Korhan found that the original area became more and more crowded, and the efficiency was getting lower and lower. He had to open up a new residential area nearby, but a new residential area. It may cause traffic congestion again, which solves the problem of traffic congestion, and the energy supply becomes insufficient.

In the end, although the whole city looked very prosperous and a thriving scene, it gave people a sense of chaos and made Korhan want to overthrow it and start over.

In reality, he can indeed do this. After all, vagrants have no fixed place. Find a suitable place in the wilderness, stop the vehicle and simply make some arrangements, it can become a new camp, even if there is something wrong. You can make adjustments if you are satisfied.

But in Chaomeng, this is obviously impossible, because once these buildings are completed, they cannot be moved easily unless they are demolished.

Korhan played very noisy, because he was always unable to plan the perfect blueprint of the city he imagined, but after playing for a while, he suddenly realized that such a long time had passed, and he himself was completely happy. in.

"Don't say, this super dream is really interesting."

"Although it is only to complete the mission of the Silver Star Federation, the super dreams that Lishan Technology makes every time are very interesting."

"Moreover, this super dream is really a little bit more problematic. During the construction process, I did feel a very strong happiness, which is something other types of super dreams can't give."

At present, most of the super dreams on the market are battle super dreams or experience super dreams from the first-person perspective. Although this super dream can bring the strongest sensory stimulation, you will always feel a little tired after playing too much. .

However, the super dream of "The Ultimate Happiness Is Construction" uses the Silver Star Construction Project as the background to create a super dream of simulation management and construction. It stands out among many super dreams and is quite unique.

And the most important point is that Korhan found that the various elements in this super dream are quite restored, whether it is the shape of the base car or the internal structure, or the shape of the scientific research center, entertainment center, financial center, etc. , Seems to refer to the actual buildings in the silver star, and basically can't find any flaws.

And these details bring a very strong sense of reality to the player, just like seeing a city rise on the silver star under its own plan.

Of course, if there is any flaw in the beauty, this super dream still has some unreal elements. For example, many of the construction processes inside are too simple, and they are all done by various machines.

Although Korhan did not know the specific details of the construction process, he knew that with the current level of technology, it should not be possible for all of these meticulous tasks to be completed by machinery, and a large part of it should still rely on manual labor.

However, these contents are not expressed too much in Chaomeng, and there are no signs of artificial appearance in Chaomeng. Except for those Yinxing residents who enjoy privileges on the Silver Star, they will be continuously transported from the old soil by the launch vehicle and enter the residential area and R&D center to work. Chaomeng will never see anything in Chaomeng. Humanity.

However, this design is also very reasonable. After all, Chaomeng itself is not completely real, and there are always some compromises due to the gameplay and some other reasons.

Korhan couldn't help but sighed: "Alas, these consortia still have a good way of making money."

"This super dream seems to have a cooperation with the Silver Star Federation. UU Reading should be able to get a large amount of financial support, and there should be many other help to the entire consortium."

"Although the money is not very clean, it does come quickly."

Korhan himself is a wanderer, and he is quite repulsive of the intrigue and flattery in the big city, otherwise he would not have taken such a big risk to become a wanderer in the wilderness.

From the bottom of his heart, he looked down on the behavioral style of these consortia. In his opinion, these consortia are nothing more than a group of dogs raised by the Silver Star Federation. Although they are rich in clothing and food, they have lost their dignity and freedom.

It's just that the status quo on the entire old soil is like this, and no one can change it.

Korhan saw that the super dream of "The Ultimate Happiness Is Building" seemed to have received a lot of publicity resources as before. It is conceivable that Lishan Technology has also pointed to this super dream to have a lot of bad money. .

But even so, Korhan could only sigh and continue to silently consider the livelihood of his own tribe of wanderers tomorrow.

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