Lu Jiaming in front was smiling broadly, and the driver behind the wheel also had a bad smile on his face.

"Young man, how is the master's drifting skills? Hahahahaha, to tell you the truth, my master has been driving for so many years, I am afraid that there are not ten couples, but maybe seven or eight couples, hehehehe……"

Lu Jiaming said nothing. He gave the driver a thumbs-up gesture and looked at the meter. When he clicked the fare, it was only fifty or sixty. So he took out a hundred private money from his wallet and pressed it with a tape. On the tape recorder:"Master, you can buy a pack of cigarettes and smoke them later. Just treat me as a filial piety to you." The master laughed and said,"I guess you are going to cause trouble! I see that your sister and the eldest brother have obviously been in love for a long time." Okay, look at their actions just now, hehehe, it's so perfect!"

Chen Luo closed his eyes speechlessly,"Hey, when you two say these words, can you chat privately!" Are you making such a loud sound on purpose so that I can hear it?

The car stopped in front of an office building. The driver happily drove away. The three of them each carried a thermos bottle and walked towards the office building.

At the entrance of the office building, Pan Jun and a group of people had been waiting here for a long time. When they saw Chen Luo and the others getting out of the car, they quickly ran over.

"Boss, the pharmaceutical company is going crazy. Let’s get there quickly!"

Chen Luo was shocked. Pan Jun was a man who had seen a lot of things in the world. He also said the same thing. Could it be that Lu Hang, the father of the Lu Jiaming siblings, really developed something extraordinary?

"Does this office building belong to you? Chen Luo asked casually as they quickly walked out of the elevator.

A proud smile appeared on Pan Jun's face:"Yes, the entire thirty-fifth floor is mine!" Hehe, I used some methods back then, so I won’t report to you in detail, boss!"

Chen Luo was shocked again. This guy Pan Jun, I don't know how much income this building alone can bring him.

"Oh, Mingyue, you brought so many thermos bottles, do you have one for me?"Pan Jun's eyes shifted to the thermos flask carried by the three of them, he licked his lips and said with a smile. Those who engage in scientific research often work overtime all day long, so Lu Mingyue often comes to the company to deliver meals to Lu Hang. Pan Jun One time he accidentally ate Lu Mingyue's cooking, and he has been thinking about it ever since. As long as he can meet Lu Mingyue, this sentence has almost become his mantra.

"As for the food, it's enough."Lu Mingyue smiled slightly. Although the person in front of her was not something they could reach, after all, he was Chen Luo's subordinate. She didn't have much fear of Pan Jun.

Pan Jun's pharmaceutical company is located on the eleventh floor, occupying only On the first floor, something was different from Chen Luo's expectation. At that time, Pan Jun kept saying,"No matter how many researchers come here, it won't be enough." Chen Luo thought his pharmaceutical company was so big.

A few people walked out of the elevator, only to see the young man in uniform of the OL at the front desk. The beauty was looking in one direction, listening and looking at something with anticipation and concentration. She didn't hear the sound of the elevator at all, but inside the brightly lit company, there were all kinds of messy sounds, quarrels, and laughter. Everything is there

"I'm really crazy!"Chen Luo subconsciously covered his ears. It must have been past the off-duty time, but these sounds were obviously not made by dozens of people. What happened? Not only did

Pan Jun not look angry, but The corners of his mouth curled up

"Use my name, use my name! Don't use the drug number, otherwise it will be difficult for people to remember!"

"You guys from the advertising department can join in the fun, and while you're at it, I'll pick one up. It's definitely high-end and classy!"

"Ah, Boss Lan has already made a decision, saying that all will be spent on it. Lao Lu, please just say something, is it enough?"

"Damn it, stay away from the sample, stay away. That so and so closed Laboratory No. 4 and kicked everyone out. If you break something, how can you compensate?"

"As long as this thing can be produced, it will definitely make our company rich overnight! Boss Lan, can you suggest to the company to raise a fund for employees to use it to complete the research, and we will distribute dividends according to the proportion of money invested?"

"Make way, make way, the latest issue of"Medical Weekly" is out. There are twelve volumes here. Everyone, hurry up and look for it. Is there any idiot who is one step ahead of us?"


Within the company, more than two hundred people were crowded in the research department, the administrative office and several nearby small offices. They were overcrowded and everyone was arguing excitedly. The noise was huge.

On the contrary, although the lights were on in other departments, there was not a single person. If it weren't for the heavy responsibility of the front desk, Chen Luo suspected that the sexy little beauty dressed as an OL would also come over to join in the fun.

"Ahem, be quiet, please be quiet!"Pan Jun shouted, trying to attract everyone's attention. Who knew that his voice was directly swallowed up in the quarrel, and no one heard him. There was no other way. Pan Jun asked someone to bring a loudspeaker. He roared, attracting everyone's attention.

"It's the total boss!"Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw it was Pan Jun. They wanted to break up and escape back to their respective posts, but unfortunately Pan Jun was blocking the exit.

"You've seen enough. Hurry up and go home from get off work. The company will give you an explanation of this matter tomorrow."Pan Jun waved his hand and got out of the way. Seeing that Pan Jun did not pursue the case, all the employees breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly dispersed, leaving only the researchers at the research department headquarters.

Chen Luo saw Lu in a white coat. Hang, surrounded by a group of white coats, was rubbing his hands and talking, and said quickly:"Mingyue, let's eat first and talk while eating."

Lu Mingyue hummed. At this time, a middle-aged man with a bald head drove away all the irrelevant researchers, leaving only a few key researchers in the headquarters. There were several plates of food in three thermos bottles. There wasn't much rice. Chen Luo asked Pan Jun to find a desk to sit down and eat. Lu Hang, who hadn't eaten all day, was anxiously looking around for something to eat. The balding middle-aged man pushed Lu Hang:"Looking at how much you're holding back, tell me. Lu

Hang rubbed his hands and spoke quickly, his voice changing with excitement:"Mr. Pan, Chen Luo, this time we successfully developed a new drug that can completely cure cancer!" Pan

Jun looked happy, obviously he had known about this for a long time, but Chen Luo asked doubtfully:"A cure for cancer?" Although cancer is a disease that is difficult to cure, there are many treatments available around the world to cure cancer. Is this something worth getting excited about? Pan Jun opened his mouth wide:"

Boss, are you serious?" I heard that cancer is a terminal disease and there is no way to completely cure it. Chen

Luo rolled his eyes:"Is that the cancer you are talking about is in the late stage? If it is in the late stage, there is really no way to cure it. You can only use treatment techniques to relieve the patient's pain and prolong their life.""

Pan Jun touched his head and looked like he was in high spirits.

Lu Hang shouted:"Xiao Chu, what we have researched is the drug for late-stage cancer! The ultimate cure is late-stage cancer virus! Chen Luo was stunned for a moment:"

Are you serious?" Scientists all over the world have been working hard for so many years, and countless top medical scientists, chemists and biologists have used so many resources, but you have developed something that has not been researched?"

As he said that, Chen Luo glanced at the several research rooms around him in disbelief. Pan Jun's so-called pharmaceutical company was not large in scale, and the research department was naturally even smaller. Looking at the research equipment inside through the glass window, he saw Chen Luo, who had passed the world's top pharmaceutical research laboratory, shook his head.

Pan Jun was embarrassed for a while:"Of course my company cannot be compared with those……"

Lu Hang sighed:"It's true, Xiao Chu, we can completely cure late-stage cancer. You heard it right!"

Chen Luo was really shocked this time. No wonder hundreds of employees of Pan Jun's pharmaceutical company, and Crazy It's the same thing. If what Lu Hang said is true, then it's understandable.

Cancer is a thing that everyone is shocked by, but in fact, if cancer is in its early stage, as long as it is discovered early, it is easy to cure and there are many treatment methods. The most feared are the middle and late stages, as well as terrible cancers such as blood cancer! This is why cancer is called a terminal disease.

However, Lu Hang's research team actually developed this kind of anti-cancer drug in a small research laboratory like Pan Jun's, which lacked funds and lacked equipment. Chen Luo even doubted whether there was something wrong with his ears.

Chen Luo stopped eating:"Uncle Lu, please tell me carefully."

Lu Hang became excited:"As we all know, the reason why cancer is so talked about is because cancer cells have the ability to increase indefinitely and destroy human cells. Characteristics: There are countless ways to treat cancer in the world, and there are all kinds of methods, but there is still no way to deal with advanced cancer cells!"

"Although cancer cells can multiply indefinitely, it is still a process. In the early stage, the proliferation cycle is long and the number is small, and the harm is not high. They are easily distinguished from human cells and killed by various medical methods. But in the late stage, the proliferation rate is terrible, the harm is great, and it is completely integrated with human cells. There are ways to kill cancer cells, but without exception, they will kill normal cells as well as cancer cells! If this continues, cancer cells will continue to multiply, and human health will become worse and worse! So far, there has never been any evidence that anyone has done any fruitful research on the engineering of isolating cancer cells.……"

"Our research results can be said to combine the three major methods of chemotherapy, gene therapy and immunotherapy, and most importantly, we have completely found a way to distinguish cancer cells from normal cells.……"

Chen Luo:"……"

Pan Jun:"……"

Lu Mingyue:"……" existAmid Hang's passionate explanation, Chen Luo spent more than ten minutes in a daze, and finally couldn't stand it anymore.

"Uncle Lu, let’s speak human language……"

Lu Hang's voice stopped suddenly, he took a few sips from the tea cup next to him, and said awkwardly:"Our research has not been completely completed yet, we are short of money!" The bald middle-aged man suddenly covered his face..

Chen Luo asked warily:"How much do you want?"

"Eighty million!"

Pan Jun, who was happily chewing shredded green pepper meat, bit his tongue and almost jumped up with a cry.

Chen Luo also sighed in his heart, 80 million, damn, how dare you, lion? Open your mouth!

Lu Jiaming and Lu Mingyue looked at each other, with a look of emotion on their faces. Before Xiao Gouli, he almost destroyed their family with a mere 600,000 yuan, but now, his father, opened his mouth Just ask someone for 80 million in research funds!

"Boss Lan, what do you think?"

Pan Jun, who was sizzling air-conditioning, no longer dared to remain silent, and asked the balding middle-aged Boss Lan. Boss Lan's full name is Lan Da, and he is the general manager of a pharmaceutical company.

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