Su Mo never said that he put his subordinates in danger, and Chiron's expansion was of great benefit to him.

He could even feel the power boost from Chiron. But at the same time, he completely gathered up this breath, and motioned to Chiron in a very quiet manner.

Don't make these troubles too severe, after Chiron learned what Su Mo meant, he also chose a very calm posture.

Promise Su Mo that he will not make everything too sad and angry when he does any accident, which proves a point from the side.

Kairon can also be regarded as a very useful subordinate, but at the same time with him, there are more threats in Su Mo's heart that he hasn't thought through clearly, and there are even some more troublesome things, which he hasn't fully shown.

Especially when expanding, Su Mo can clearly sense the dark aura.

The actions and speed of obstructing the other party in secret are many times faster than what he can think of, which is enough to make him very uncomfortable.

But he also knows now that there is nothing to say at this critical moment, as long as he can do something again in his own way.

Then he must directly show some strength and come out to prove his super strength. This is a method that most people can't think of.

"A very crazy force started Chiron in front of me. You have to be careful. I have already felt that some people don't want you to live well. Their main purpose is to tear you apart!"

Su Mo said such words coldly, his face was full of anger. He could appreciate the super strength displayed by the enemy.

At the same time, he can also understand all kinds of damage caused by this crazy atmosphere when he puts pressure on himself. Once something develops like this...

His subordinates inevitably have to bear the unbearable weight in their lives, but it seems that it has become what they are destined to do

At this time, Chiron was quite calm, repeating these situations was not of any importance to him at all.

Generally speaking, he still showed a calm look on his cheeks, as if he was explaining to Su Mo that he would not have any fear, let alone any anxiety, when facing this kind of thing.

"I knew that such a situation would happen a long time ago. This is what I never expected. It is at this level of trouble that their methods can be so crazy!"

After such a sentence was directly spoken, Su Mo understood what he meant, but also Su Mo did not sit idle for it.

Instead, he directly used the 020 super power of his own world will, leaving a kind of incomprehensible thing on his body.

The things that started to change were really just like what Su Mo saw now, another crazy thing that couldn't be restrained.

It seems that it will come back again at any time, but Su Mo is very happy because he can feel the relief brought by the extreme pressure, some people really can't hold it in front of themselves.

Su Mo was also sure that the other party's method was definitely the kind of evil that he had never seen before, and he even felt a lot of uncomfortable feelings in it. .

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