The orc boy and the tree roots, after they felt that something was wrong with Su Mo, they quickly helped Su Mo, wanting to let Su Mo wash away quietly and solve some problems calmly, but is it possible?

What was left in front of Su Mo and them was already starting to go very wrong, a great threat that both of them were suffering from a sense of pain at this moment.

"Some things are really different from what I think in my heart now. I already knew when I saw you like this. You must have spent a lot of energy. Su Mo, you and your subordinates, let's make a compromise for the time being. I Can give you more benefits.

Hearing that and Su Mo laughing more good, does he himself seem like a lackluster person?

He just wants to know the enemy's action methods and trajectory, and whether it will interfere with him. This is especially important for Su Mo. At the same time, Su Mo's expression is very proud, because he has done enough and is ready to melt the opponent directly. .

"It's ridiculous that you dare to talk to me at this time. It seems that you and your staff don't know what death is at all, but it's okay, I think I should be able to give you more pain and completely kill you. Dissolve it, then don’t blame me for your impolite choice next time.”`

This is Su Mo's extremely rough words. He has already seen clearly what his opponent wants to destroy him, but soon the orc boy stepped forward to stop Su Mo. His expression was very serious. Heavy, he hoped that Su Mo could give him some better chances to improve things in front of him, all in all he didn't want to be like this anymore.

"Saint, I don't know what is left of me now, but I know that when everything is about to start, we must never stop, but rely on our own strength to do something again.

After Su Mo knew what his subordinates were thinking, he also sighed helplessly. It seems that they really wanted to carry something for this, but, but Su Mo was still very witty not to let them go Do.

These incidents, after all, are very meaningless for my own staff, whether to give them favor or not, instead of letting them bear the so-called threats all the time.

"I know your pain now, because everything is under my control, but if you want to bow your head to others, then this is your problem, it seems that I have not educated enough.

What should I do now, you should know better than me, I need you to stick together in this battle, instead of making trouble in front of me.

After such words were spoken, Su Mo has proved himself to be a qualified leader in his own way, and his subordinates have also expressed their expectations for Su Mo's behavior, and they also want to know what will happen next What, but again they're a little scared about what's next (horse money saving some things.

After these situations started, Su Mo couldn't help thinking... He also really wanted to know what went wrong with him that caused his subordinates to look like this, after all, he cared more about things than others.

At this time, Su Mo was already aware of the last trouble, so he was very calm when doing things himself. This kind of style makes people feel very quiet, but it is also a bit cumbersome. .

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