Su Mo's demands on his subordinates are actually very huge. He knows the impact of these guys' attitudes on him, and at the same time, he also gives more help to his fighters.

I hope they can be quieter, but is it so easy? After reaching this point, it is impossible to make them obedient, especially the attitude of the orc boy just now made Su Mo very angry.

If it weren't for Su Mo's inner peace now, I'm afraid that the orc boy would be finished. At this time, the orc boy would not be as difficult as before, but he still has something in his heart.

The rest of them are unimaginably crazy, and this kind of madness is definitely beyond the awareness of ordinary people. Su Mo rearranged his fighters, and hoped that they would be able to clearly realize that 720 people will be able to realize what they will do next. What is he doing? He must let his subordinates understand how flat his request is!

Although he doesn't know how dangerous the next thing will be, Su Mo has already started ordering the long-haired monsters to obey his own words and do things according to his own methods, no matter what he must do It has become the feeling he wants most in his heart now.

Although the orc kid was still very afraid of the things in front of him, he knew that Su Mo's will must be stronger than others, when he spoke to Su Mo's side.

It is even more necessary to follow Su Mo's words. If such a thing can really fit them, then the situation will become simpler.

When communicating with Su Mo in some language, it is obvious that the little orc has already lost very miserably, and he is almost not an opponent at all in the battle with Su Mo

Given Su Mo's hard handling, he could only bear huge pressure in his heart. Such a feeling made the orc boy realize how stupid what he just did was.

The relationship that could have been an ally with Su Mo was also directly destroyed by himself in an instant. For a moment, the orc boy felt that he was a little ridiculous, and he (cgei) immediately apologized to Su Hei.

Showing his sincerity, Su Mo was naturally willing to accept the apology from Xie Lai from his subordinates, and gave them a lot of care.

"I really didn't expect that you would speak the truth so sincerely in front of me. I didn't even think that you would do this before, but I still have some ideas. I need you to be able to recognize the reality and tell me the truth in the future." Working together to get rid of all the darkness in a simple form."

Su Mo's speech is quite sincere. From another perspective, the purpose of Su Mo's behavior is to slow down the madness in his heart. He has already passed his own method.

After suppressing the series of crises, there was also a trace of worry on his face. He didn't know how to describe this feeling, but he knew that the skinny boy definitely wanted to have a round of communication with him, and put everything together. put it aside.

The orc kid also backed out at this time, he knew that Su Mo didn't want to see him now, and the other fighters were also eager to try at this moment, their inner thoughts were more extreme, and they wanted to make a move at this time to prove that they were valuable. .

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