Versatile Mage: I can control you until you die

Chapter 369 Xu Fang, I’ve agreed to use it

The desert is like a woman, she will fall out whenever she wants.

The night line has finally arrived.

This desert is no longer hot, but instead has a chill, and a dark and decaying atmosphere blows in the face.


A scream came, and the sand beneath the feet of a hunter named Da Zhuang burst out, and the sand rain splashed everywhere like bullets.


Countless vines instantly entangled Da Zhuang and dragged him under the sand with his frightened and desperate eyes!

"Save Da Zhuang quickly!"

"Here I go... I have it here too!"


Yesha Pseudo-Devil is like the ginger in braised pork, he is a born COS master.

When there is sunlight, you can't see it at all. Once night falls, they all show their fangs.

Danger! Danger! Danger!

"The day that drives away the night."

Just when Da Zhuang was not far from death, a bright light suddenly appeared, and a bright "sun" suddenly appeared above the desert!


The sun this time was even hotter than during the day, as if it had merged into a raging flame.

The Night Sand Terror screamed in fear and subconsciously loosened the vines that bound the strong man.

"What are you doing standing there, run!" Xu Fang shouted.

Everyone woke up from a dream and ran out desperately.

At the same time, the Night Sand Terrors gradually came to their senses and screamed angrily as they felt that they had been deceived.

They redoubled their claws, but the prey was gone.


"Money is hard to make and shit is hard to eat. If it wasn't for money, don't talk about passion or adventure. If it wasn't for money, I would never come to this damn place in my life!"

In the middle of the night, the people who escaped had set up a small camp and gathered together to chat and keep warm.

————Yes, just to keep warm.

It was terrifyingly cold in the middle of the night in the desert. The bone-piercing wind was like a small steel cone, digging into their joints again and again.

"My face is almost split." Jiang Shaoxu grabbed Xu Fang's hand and put it on his face.

Xu Fang rubbed a small ball of light and gently applied it on her face. The girl immediately showed an expression of enjoyment.

The cold lasted for two or three hours. When the sky gradually lit up, a warm feeling touched my body.

Before everyone could enjoy it for a moment, the warmth turned into a disgusting heat. Heat waves began to rise on the surrounding sand shadows again, and the scenery began to shake.

"Going in this direction, you can see the Shaqu River. If we walk along the Shaqu River until we reach the downstream area, we will be able to get close to the former inn."

Lu Fang opened the map and said.

Everyone's spirits were lifted.

Just have a health bar!

No matter how difficult the BOSS is to defeat, no matter how difficult the road is, as long as there is a health bar, they can kill you!

When I came to the Shaqu River, I didn't know whether it was intentional or not. As long as anything with the word "sha" is connected, there is no good type.

Although Shaqu River does not have the ferocious white sand demon soldiers of Sha Wang River, it is not less dangerous at all.

It is too soft and sticky, like a swamp. As long as you walk a little slower, you can feel your body falling.

"Ground wave!" Zhang Xiaohou tried to harden the road surface, but it was useless.

The mud and sand are just like the hob-meat students in elementary school classes, so slippery that they can’t be controlled at all.

"Run faster!"

"I'm already running very fast!"

"Fuck, I'm stuck, help me!"

The earth mage in charge of logistics in the team screamed.

He originally used ground waves to transport supplies along the way, but his magic was broken in the quicksand and half of his body sank in!

"Something is biting my foot!" he shouted desperately.

The mud and sand here are obviously full of aggression. They will wrap up all the objects that fall down, and then drag the objects tightly to prevent them from breaking free.

This kind of adsorption force is no less than the bite force of a warrior-level creature. This is also the scary thing about Shaqu River!

"I'll do it!" Zhang Xiaohou didn't dare to neglect, and immediately used high-level wind magic to expel all the sand in that area.

The logistics guy crawled out with his nose and tears mixed together.

The clothes on the lower body were all torn, and everyone at the scene subconsciously clamped their legs and took a breath after seeing the bloody appearance.

"This is so powerful that it is actually resistant to high-level magic!" Zhang Xiaohou said.

"There are still five kilometers to go, and the farther we go, the greater the suction force will be." Ge Ming said.

Although those intelligence dealers are full of shit, one thing they say is right, even the Taklimakan dogs will not come! ! !

Zhankong said: "We take turns paving the way. Those who can fly can fly, and we can pull in when necessary."

This is all we can do.

If you want to reach your destination, you must cross the Shaqu River. Once you get ashore, you will face the ferocious Stormhopper Tribe!

These bugs are different from Xu Fang's poisonous bugs. They don't have much intelligence and are cruel in nature.

Once targeted by the Dust Demon Grasshopper, the endless pursuit will begin.

A high-level mage is just a piece of cake, and even a super-level mage in the team can hardly guarantee the safety of the team members!

Therefore, you cannot go to this shore under any circumstances. It would be equivalent to delivering lunch to the Dust Demon Grasshopper.

Zhan Kong, Zhang Xiaohou and others used the wings of wind to fly, and Xu Fang and Jiang Shaoxu also used the wing magic equipment.

The rest used ice and plant elements to pave the way.

Science has reached a common ground at this moment.

Hunters may not know what pressure is, but they know that as long as the road is paved wide enough, they will not sink!

Soon, the first person's galaxy was dry, and then the second person was on top.

"How long do we have to follow?" Zhan Kong flew to Xu Fang and asked softly.

"Cross the Shaqu River, go to the inn in front, and then part ways with them." Xu Fang said.

When I arrived at the inn and saw Lin Feili, the core of the earth was basically stable!

A few of them followed the Jinzhan Hunter Group. Although they ate and drank from them, they also followed the route they had planned so hard.

But a few of them had saved them several times, otherwise some of them would have been buried under the sand, and no one would have suffered.

On the way across the Shaqu River, everyone also encountered a wave of demon attacks, but fortunately they survived without any danger.

The magic energy was exhausted little by little, and just when everyone was on the verge of despair, they finally reached the end of the Shaqu River!


Plop! !

Regardless of whether there is such a thing as a demon, the exhausted people lay twisted on the sand, breathing heavily like wild dogs.

"We're finally here." Ge Ming wiped his sweat and breathed a sigh of relief looking at the stone house.

"We have arrived at our destination and it has been a pleasure cooperating all the way." Xu Fang said.

Ge Ming was a little reluctant to give up. Xu Fang was really too useful. The powerful phonology mage could not be described as "useful" to a team of hunting mages.

But he also knew that he couldn't keep Xu Fang... It was a joke. He was the commander of the military and the country's first future star. He probably didn't like his position as the leader of the regiment!

"Then we will continue heading west and continue our wasteland reclamation mission." Ge Ming said.

The talk of land reclamation is actually just a pretense of treasure hunting. It is estimated that the Jinzhan Hunter Group is eyeing some good treasure, just in the name of land reclamation.

Xu Fang didn't ask any more questions, it was just a tacit understanding between the two parties.

After the two parties said goodbye, Xu Fang's little will-o'-wisps and music magic spread out and quickly locked in a position!


He took the lead, followed closely by Zhan Kong and Zhang Xiaohou.

Core of the Earth, here I come!

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