Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 713: Zhaoqing's new look

Genius to remember the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Although Zhaoqing in December is not as snowy as in the north, it is still cold, and most of the pedestrians on the street are already jackets. Adding a body, but the difference between Zhaoqing at this time and many cities is that in this big winter, there are no poor people such as beggars and refugees who freeze to death in the streets and alleys.

Even here, not even a beggar can be seen!

And all of this stems from a new policy "Relief for Work" issued by the Tang Dynasty this fall!

This administrative system, which is not considered a law, was originally intended to provide relief to the victims. It originated from the large-scale typhoon and flood disaster in western Guangdong in the first half of this year. At that time, many victims were born in various places, and there were even riots for this. uprising.

At that time, Li Xuan used military means to forcefully suppress it, and at the same time mobilized many resources for relief, and began to distribute relief food for free to the victims.

However, it was later discovered that such a cost was too huge, and human nature was evil. When the government began to distribute free food relief on a large scale, everyone could go to get a bowl of porridge to eat, but many people were unwilling to leave. They stay at the soup kitchen every day and wait for free food, and even more and more people are returning it, and even some ordinary people are starting to receive free food.

When this situation was reflected on Li Xuan's side, Li Xuan directly waved his pen and directly proposed the method of cash-for-work, eliminating any possibility of getting something for nothing!

If the victims in the disaster-stricken areas do not have food rations, they can come to the government to sign up, and then the male government will organize them to open up wasteland and official fields, and also repair roads, bridges, canals, and other tasks that require a lot of labor. while women organized to let them spin, weave, and sew clothes, and outsourced textile factories under the Ministry of Work.

Disaster victims can get food or money as a reward. Although the reward is very low, it is not even as good as the money ordinary people earn by doing odd jobs on weekdays, but this kind of emergency is not to help the poor. The Tang government just needs to ensure that they are hungry. Not to die, not to have large-scale famines or even outbursts of people.

Since then, this kind of food-for-work method has been widely used by local governments, and it has become the first choice for the Ministry of Household to solve disaster situations in various places.

However, this kind of food-for-work method is only useful for those who have the labor force, but many people without food and clothing are short of labor force, and the Tang government naturally cannot ignore this.

On the one hand, it is to organize local gentry to open shantangs for the adoption of orphans and widows and orphans. For the local gentry who need fame, unless it is those iron roosters, ordinary people will still contribute more or less money. After all, these lonely old people and orphans are actually their local people.

On the other hand, Li Xuan also instructed local governments to start doing what they can to open government-run orphanages and nursing homes.

For the relief of the disaster victims, the Tang government is also concerned. Although the "relief for work" cannot completely solve the disaster victims' problems, it can be regarded as a great degree of relief.

In the follow-up, this food-for-work has also been introduced by cities around the world to deal with beggars and refugees living in cities.

Among them, Zhaoqing was the first to implement this policy. At the beginning of autumn and winter, Zhaoqing began to focus on rectification, gathering all the beggars and refugees in the city, and those who still had labor were sent to major factories, or Send it to land reclamation and road repair.

And it's still mandatory!

People who have labor do nothing, just know that they are beggars. This is a huge waste of labor, and this is unbearable for the Datang Dynasty, which has a lack of population.

As for those beggars, refugees and children without labor, they are sent to government-run nursing homes, orphanages, etc.

But in fact, these government-run nursing homes and orphanages are not completely free, because if they really want to support these people completely for free, the government's finances cannot support it, so these nursing homes and orphanages, there will also be some relaxed The chores let them do it.

Even if it's just the simplest job, it can at least allow them to do part of their self-reliance!

Of course, in this process, the local underworld forces, such as some beggar gangs, will inevitably be cleaned up incidentally. Regarding these unofficial violent organizations, the attitude of the Tang Dynasty has always been firm and unique: kill ! kill! kill!

Facts have proved that any so-called violent organization is as vulnerable as a sand pile castle when faced with the professional violence machine of the state, and it is not even as strong as the resistance organized by those gentry landlords.

Therefore, in the process of "relief for work", the Tang Dynasty eliminated many beggar gangs along the way, and even pulled out many strongholds of various messy sects of the White Lotus Sect.

He killed a large number of so-called White Lotus people who were collecting money, committing murders and even plotting rebellion in the name of religion.

Later, Li Xuan simply issued a religious law. Any religion that has not been officially registered and approved is a cult, and public or private preaching is prohibited!

The Ministry of Industry of Datang became the biggest winner in the campaign launched in autumn and winter for political beggars, refugees and even messy illegal forces!

They have obtained at least 50,000 people for free, almost free labor!

Under the rule of the Tang Dynasty, unless you were really lying in bed and couldn't move or you were really young, that is, someone who had absolutely no labor force, otherwise, it was not allowed by law to want to get something for nothing, even if you were a beggar.

Labor is the power and obligation bestowed upon them by the ancient sage Li Xuan!

Zhaoqing, which is at the foot of the world, is naturally the most thoroughly renovated city. A huge city, including the urban area within the city wall and its suburbs, has expanded to nearly 100,000 people in the past two years, including the local residents of Zhaoqing, from all over the country. Recruited workers and their families, soldiers and officials and their families.

However, this large city has grown to a population of 100,000 in just two years. Now, there is not a single beggar in the city. It has to be said that this is due to the city management office under the Zhaoqing Prefectural Police Bureau.

The core backbone of the Zhaoqing City Management Office were all the people from the Xingquan Prefecture City Management Office. They were extremely powerful when they were in Xingquan Prefecture. After Zhaoqing, the scale rapidly expanded to hundreds of people.

Every day, people from the city management office with the "urban management" armband always appear in the streets, monitoring and combating any phenomenon that hinders the appearance of the city!

Defecate in the street, fine!

Just take out the trash, fine!

Businesses occupy the streets, fines!

Fines every day, receive money softly!

As for those beggars, they are their key targets. If they are found, they will be arrested and sent to different places!

Under the strong fighting power of the city management office, the city appearance of Zhaoqing also reproduced the scene of Xingquan Mansion at the beginning!

The first feeling of many foreigners coming to Zhaoqing City is cleanliness, and the second feeling is rules!

Needless to say, clean, there are people cleaning the streets anytime, anywhere, and no one dares to litter, defecate and so on!

And there are also many rules, among which the most touching thing for outsiders is queuing!

No matter what, as long as there is someone ahead, you have to queue.

When some outsiders first arrived in Zhaoqing City, if they wanted to skip the line at the city gate, but instead jumped in line, they would be immediately arrested by the patrolmen guarding the city gate.

In some places on the street, if someone dares not to line up and someone else makes a report, if there happens to be a patrolman nearby, then the patrolman will come over immediately, and without further ado, a fine!

And this makes many people very uncomfortable!

It is not that no one has criticized the many strict regulations of the Tang government on urban management, and the final punishment of these strict regulations is basically based on fines.

But basically nothing is left, because these fines are usually divided between the local finance and the central finance, and the local government gets the big bucks!

Because the taxation power implemented by the Tang Dynasty is all vested in the Ministry of Taxation, even if the Ministry of Taxation will eventually leave a certain proportion of the tax collected to the local finance, that is, the national tax.

However, the proportion of land tax is relatively and if it is fined, the proportion of local retention can reach 80%!

And the local governments of the Tang Dynasty have financial difficulties, and they are all paupers!

In particular, the local finance burden of the Tang government is generally too large. For example, the salaries of officials, according to the current official salary system of the Tang Dynasty, the salaries of officials of central agencies and dispatched agencies are in charge of the central finance, while the local government is responsible for the salaries of officials. For officials, their salaries are fluctuated by a certain percentage according to the local financial situation according to the national benchmark.

Although the state has set standards, the money actually has to be taken out from the local finances!

In addition to the salaries of officials, local finance also has to pay for local infrastructure, education and so on.

Therefore, the pressure on local finance is actually very large, and the local governments are also in a variety of ways to generate income!

One of the best ways is to develop the local economy. When the local economy grows, the tax department collects more taxes, and the local land tax is naturally distributed to the local area.

Among them, the best ones are generally those cities with convenient transportation and relatively good industrial and commercial development. Guangzhou, Zhaoqing, Wuzhou, and Lianzhou are all typical representatives. However, if you want to play in many places, the effect is relatively small!

Therefore, in addition to developing industry, commerce and agriculture to increase land tax revenue, local governments will also make great efforts to fines in order to generate income!

The patrol police station is specifically responsible for the execution of the fine task. The patrol police station in many places has an additional fine task every month, and it is impossible to directly deduct the salaries of the patrol officers.

However, the names of fines cannot be arbitrarily formulated. Generally, the imperial court sets items and standards, and local governments have no right to increase or decrease them on their own. Otherwise, you can report them directly to the local inspectorate. Bounty!

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