Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 349: Bing 2 way

When Bai Yunqi spoke, everyone knew that His Majesty had already made a decision.

Therefore, no one foolishly talked about the plan of going east or west, but conducted a more detailed discussion on the plan of going south.

This time, the discussion is more about tactical issues. For example, if you want to go south, you must first hit Liping Mansion, and how to fight Liping Mansion?

How to face the Ming army coming from Guiyang after fighting Liping Mansion?

A series of subsequent strategies need to be considered in detail.

These things are troublesome to say, but in fact they can be solved step by step, because the most difficult thing is to decide the general direction of the strategy. Once the general direction of the strategy is decided, then the rest is simple.

It's like eating, the hardest thing to do is what to eat? Once you decide what to eat, then even if you encounter a traffic jam, an ex-girlfriend, or a restaurant closing down, it’s not a problem. If you really can’t, you can change a restaurant. After all, all roads lead to restaurants, as long as you know what you want to eat , you can always find somewhere to eat.

Therefore, the atmosphere of today's imperial strategy meeting was quite friendly. Instead of arguing about the super-strategic problem of what to eat, it focused on the details of where to eat and how to get there.

Oh, no, no one was arguing about whether to go east or west, and began to discuss how to fight Liping Mansion, and then how to go south into Liuzhou Mansion and kill the seaside.

At this time, Li Xuan didn't pay much attention, but let these generals discuss freely.

After all, things that involve many detailed tactics cannot be solved by a single person with a wide-open brain. It requires a collective effort.

Li Xuan doesn't care about the follow-up battle plan, but there is one more thing he needs to do personally, which is to appoint the chief officers of the four infantry regiments.

As for the candidates for the head of the four infantry regiments, Li Xuan has already had a case. First of all, he is the head of the First Infantry Regiment. Li Xuan has already made a reservation for Hao Bainian.

This Hao Bainian has performed quite well in the past few months, and Li Xuan's cultivation of him has not been wasted.

The commander of the Second Infantry Regiment is Li Chunjing. This Li Chunjing also performed very well in the Second Lanjiang Battle and Crossing the River Battle. Recently, he and Hao Bainian have become the representative of the new generation of senior generals. .

As for the commander of the 3rd Infantry Regiment, it is Fang Xitong. He is also one of the more outstanding generals in the new generation. Although he is not as outstanding as Hao Bainian and Li Chunjing, he is barely usable. Although this person is conservative, he Loyal enough, this aspect gave him a lot of extra points in Li Xuan's heart.

The commander of the 4th Infantry Regiment is Wang Danxu. Although Wang Danxu is a bandit-born general, and he is still illiterate, he is one of the more capable bandit leaders. Recently, he has been thinking hard. If you want to read and read, you have to choose a regimental leader from among the bandit chiefs, and it can only be him.

After all, the generals who came from bandits also need to be appeased. The positions of the four heads of regiments cannot be arranged without them.

But it's only limited to Wang Danxu.

Fang Dongquan and Huang Xueren, Li Xuan is ready to marginalize them. Of course, this marginalization does not mean that they are directly deprived of their glory and wealth, but that they are no longer allowed to command a large army alone.

And this trend actually started during the second Lanjiang Battle. Fang Dongquan and Huang Xueren were still battalion commanders, but in fact they no longer had the opportunity to lead the army to fight alone.

After deciding on the candidates for the commanders of the four infantry regiments, Li Xuan selected several outstanding young generals to become deputy commanders.

He also selected a few newly trained staff officers from Zeng Ziwen's subordinate combat division as regimental staff officers.

Li Xuan has tried to establish a staff system in the army before, but it is the first time that he has actually established a staff position in the army.

After the commanders, deputy commanders, and staff officers of the four infantry regiments are determined, the battalion commanders below will also make certain personnel transfers. Most of the battalion commanders are promoted from the previous team officers.

If the battalion commander changes, the captain will naturally also change. This has formed a large-scale promotion wave from top to bottom. The officers are basically promoted by one level, and a few are directly promoted by two levels.

Their military ranks have also been improved. For example, Hao Bainian became the first colonel in the new army of the Tang Dynasty. Li Chunjing, Fang Xitong, and Wang Danxu were also promoted to lieutenant colonels. In order to appease them, Fang Dongquan and Huang Xueren also served as deputy commanders. Long way, was promoted to lieutenant colonel.

The only thing that hasn't changed is Butcher Chen, because he was originally the rank of major. In the past, he had to go to the artillery team to be an artilleryman. At that time, his rank was higher than Xie Ziwei, and it was extremely troublesome.

After the artillery battalion was expanded into an artillery battalion, the battalion commander of the artillery battalion, Xie Ziwei, was promoted to major, and Chen Tufu, as the deputy battalion commander of the artillery battalion, was naturally unable to continue his promotion. Change.

And here, there is one person who needs to pay attention to one or two, that is Bai Yunqi. In this personnel change, Bai Yunqi did not continue to serve in the field army, but was transferred to Li Xuan's personal guard Served as the battalion commander of the personal guard battalion, and was promoted to lieutenant colonel.

This Bai Yunqi is really not suitable to stay in the field army, even if compared with Fang Dongquan and Huang Xueren, his ability is too poor, let alone to be the commander of the field army, even if he is a battalion commander, he is too weak.

So this time, Li Xuan simply transferred him back to serve as the battalion commander of the Guard Battalion, let him continue to play a role, and help Li Xuan see the Guard Battalion, a guard force that was related to the safety of his life.

After the relevant appointments were issued one after another, some people were happy and some were crying.

At the same time, after the official personnel appointment was issued, it was also announced that the Datang New Army had once again entered a state of combat readiness.

According to the plan of the Department of Operations, the troops leading the army to Liping House are the 1st Infantry Regiment and the 2nd Infantry Regiment. It will go straight to Liping City from the middle road, and wipe out all the resistance of the Ming army along the way. The 2nd Infantry Regiment marched from the north, first captured the Tonggu Guards, then turned south to Lipingfu City, and cooperated with the 1st Infantry Regiment to capture Lipingfu City.

After taking Liping House City, according to the expectations of the Department of Operations, the 3rd and 4th Infantry Regiments should also come up. These two Infantry Regiments will not participate in the actual combat tasks in the early stage. They will undertake the tasks of maintaining the logistics line in the later stage, and at the same time make use of these Time continues to expand the troops.

However, the 1st Infantry Regiment and the 2nd Infantry Regiment will go directly south to Liuzhou Prefecture in Guangxi, capture Huaiyuan, attack Guilin, an important town in northern Guangxi, and then attack Liuzhou, an important city in the hinterland of Guangxi.

What to do after winning these two places in this way, although there are general strategic arrangements, continue eastward to Wuzhou and south to the seaside to reach Qinzhou, but how to go at that time depends on the situation at that time.

After all, plans can never keep up with changes. Who knows how the Ming army will respond.

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