Valkyrie of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 169 You don't know anything about the power of magnetic field rotation

"Have you reported your safety?" A voice suddenly came from above.

T'Challa's body froze, and he looked up, only to see a person floating a hundred meters above his head, with his arms around him, looking at him with a sneer, it wasn't Eric Kermonger!

T'Challa swallowed and asked tremblingly, "How do you know I'm here?"

"Haha..." Eric laughed and landed slowly, "You guys don't know anything about the power of magnetic field rotation!"

"When I step into the tenth heaven, I can read the thoughts of any weak person."

He looked at T'Challa jokingly, and said triumphantly: "That little girl Suli thought she could hide it from me with her skillful skills! As everyone knows, I come to check every day, and I don't need to ask her any questions at all. I can just read her mind." gone."

"I can clearly see all your family's small thoughts. The reason why you didn't reveal it was just to appease Su Li. Now I'm waiting for her to do everything well, and then I'm making a vibrating gold magnet On the day of A, just pick another fruit and eat it."

T'Challa couldn't help showing despair, he roared, jumped up on the spot, and rushed towards Eric in the sky.

"Oh, that's a good idea!" Eric stretched out his hand, and sucked the Chimoyu beads that T'Challa secretly held in his hand.

"I know all your battle plans clearly, don't wishful thinking!"

"I won't give you a chance to send the message back. In the future, someone will use this Qimoyuzhu to contact Ramanda, so she and Suli will be more peaceful."

T'Challa jumped close to Eric, stretched out his hand to grab his leg, Eric raised his foot to let go, and then kicked down hard, stepping on T'Challa's right shoulder.

With the sound of "Kacha", T'Challa's right arm was separated from the body, and fell from the air with a spurt of blood.

"Ah..." Techara howled and fell from mid-air, lost his balance and fell heavily to the ground.

"Don't worry, I may need to use you to blackmail Su Li to do things in the future, so I won't kill you. But..." Eric landed slowly and walked towards him with a smile.

"In order to prevent you from causing trouble for me, it is still necessary to deal with it properly."

Eric's hands were like knives, and his hands were like lightning, "swish, swish", and cut off T'Challa's limbs.

"It's a pity that I don't have the means of senior brother, what a pity..."

Eric first used an electric current to burn the wounds on T'Challa's limbs to stop the bleeding, then took out the Chimoyu beads to control T'Challa's injuries, and then took T'Challa's neck, soaring into the sky, and flying to the sky again. Flying in the direction of Wakanda.

A gust of wind blew past, kicking up sand and dust, covering T'Challa's stump. In less than a day, all traces here were covered up by the wind and sand. At that time, T'Challa's whereabouts will no longer be known.

After returning to Wakanda, Eric found a basement, threw T'Challa in it, and then found a few loyal soldiers who were responsible for treating T'Challa's injuries, taking turns delivering food, guarding him, and preventing him from suicide.

After finishing all this, he went to the laboratory as a routine, watched the little girl Su Li playing tricks on him, read her mind, and learned about the real progress, before leaving the laboratory satisfied.

Now he finally knows why T'Chaka likes to pretend that Wakanda is an agricultural country so much. This kind of feeling that everyone is drunk and I am sober alone, watching other people being stupid is really cool.


"The seventh round of the Turing test, start!" Tony put on his helmet, looked at the information flow that was pouring across the screen in front of him, waited for the flow to slow down, and finally stopped before asking: "Jarvis, report the test results .”

Jarvis' voice came from the side speaker.

"After a double-blind Turing test was conducted on a hundred people randomly selected on the Internet, they were successfully convinced that the person they were chatting with was a ten-year-old boy. Therefore, it can be considered that the newborn artificial intelligence has already Successfully passed the Turing test."

Tony heaved a sigh of relief, took off the helmet, threw it aside, rubbed his eyes, yawned and said, "It's finally succeeded. I spent several months in vain."

"Perhaps you should name him, sir," suggested Jarvis.

"Good idea!" Tony thought for a moment, "So, Ultron, how?"

"The ultimate robot? Good name! Are you going to let him be the main control AI of the strong magnetic armor?"

"That's right. The loss of control last time made me realize that humans have negative emotions. When humans are emotional, they often make irrational, impulsive, and error-prone decisions. But machines No, the machine is calm enough, not angry, not sad, not afraid... What a perfect creation!" Tony sighed.

"Human de-emotionalization and AI's pursuit of emotion are exactly a pair of research topics that are opposite to each other. Many science fiction works have made in-depth discussions and interpretations of this, and many psychologists have written a large number of papers and Books. Do you need me to recommend some book lists for you?" Jarvis asked solemnly.

"No, thank you, Jarvis. But I'm just sighing casually, not really wanting to throw my feelings away."

"But you haven't dated a woman other than Pepper for 76 days." Jarvis's tone was obviously teasing. His intelligence is getting better and better, and he has learned to joke.

Tony laughed loudly, and said happily, "That's because I have found my true love! Also, don't let Pepper know that you are instigating me like this, or she will tear you apart!"

"Well, then congratulations, Mr. Stark who fell in love." Jarvis changed the subject in a timely manner, "Ultron's current wisdom is only equivalent to that of an ordinary child, and it needs a lot of data to feed him. He thrives. Shall I get him milk and bread?"

"Hmm..." Tony thought for a moment, waved his hand and said, "Let him find food by himself, so that he can grow faster."

"But, aren't you worried that he will spoil his stomach?" Jarvis asked suspiciously.

Of course, Tony understood what Jarvis was talking about, and explained: "I restricted him from the underlying logic, and he will be a creature of the camp of kindness and law."

Obviously, the conversation with Suri still affected Tony, who artificially chose the camp for the newborn Ultron.

"Okay. I have opened the port for external links. Ultron has begun to grow, and he will grow very fast, faster than you can imagine."

"I look forward to it!"

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