Valkyrie of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 139 Attacking Osborn

The Osborne family has a genetic disease, a retrovirus, that becomes more pronounced with age.

After the onset, the patient will turn green all over, lose control of his limbs, and eventually lose his life.

From ancient times to the present, no one in the Osborne family has ever been able to die.

The disease has plagued the Osborne family.

Originally, in Norman Osborn's generation, there was a chance to solve this problem.

Norman found a talented biologist, Richard Parker, who is in charge of hosting the super spider project and conducting in-depth research on gene transplantation.

Richard Parker is a genius, and soon achieved fruitful research results. With this research result, Norman can cultivate a super spider based on his own genes, and then improve his own genes to completely solve the hidden dangers of the Osborne family.

But an accident happened, and I don't know what Richard was thinking. He destroyed all the materials, and most of the super spider samples, and escaped with the research results.

With Norman's way of thinking, he couldn't understand why Richard would do this.

If he wanted money, Norman would never be stingy.

If he wants to blackmail the Osborne Group, isn't he afraid of the group's revenge?

But Richard died on the way to escape, and even the scientific research materials disappeared. Even if Norman wanted to figure out the reason, it was impossible.

Fortunately, there are countless miracles in this world, and the birth of Zhan Liu rekindled hope in Norman.

Although from Peter's mouth, Norman learned that the ultimate infinite qigong has an upper limit, and it cannot achieve the effect he wants. But human beings will progress, and technological progress is especially rapid.

He led the Osborne Group and the Stark Group to jointly conduct research on the ultimate immeasurable qigong. I believe that under the joint efforts of the two geniuses, Tony and Peter, they will definitely be able to achieve some results.

It was very good at the beginning, the cooperation between the two was very tacit, and the results were quickly produced. Tony's strong magnetic armor can enhance the magnetic field fighters of the first level to exert the strength of the tenth level.

But then I don't know what went wrong, Tony discarded the strong magnetic armor, and continued to spend time and drink. But Peter actually didn't do good research, and started running around behind SHIELD's ass, doing Thor everywhere to perform tasks.

He tried to persuade Peter to return to his lost ways, but the effect was not good. Moreover, Peter had the support of S.H.I.E.L.D. behind him, so he had no choice but to give up.

He was a little discouraged at first, so he picked up the abandoned lizard gene experiment again. But there is no such thing as a perfect road, and the turning point turned around. Magneto was born out of nowhere and started killing in Europe.

It doesn't matter how much Magneto can fight, but when the matter is resolved, there is new news that Magneto is the magnetic field turning ninety-seven heavens!

Norman's heart skipped a beat!

That's why he and his party from X Academy today.

As a successful businessman, before he came to the academy, he had done sufficient intelligence gathering, fully understood the current plight of the mutants, and made a targeted solution.

Know thyself, ever-victorious.

His sincerity satisfied Professor Charles very much, and the host and guest enjoyed themselves.

"Mr. Osborne, I am moved by your generosity. I think Eric will not refuse to be friends with you." Professor Charles promised with a smile.

As soon as Norman heard this, he knew that this matter was over, and immediately responded with a smile: "Humans and mutants are originally a family. We should be brothers and help each other."

The PY deal was concluded, the two smiled at each other, and Norman got up to leave.

Charles was hospitable to guests and hosted a banquet.

The two chatted and laughed happily on the wine table, and their relationship grew deeper.

Before the meal was finished, Magneto arrived. It has to be said that Professor Charles' ability is more concealed and faster than any communication method.

When Norman saw that the Lord was coming, he hurriedly got up to greet him, even more eagerly.

Magneto is also very polite to this big benefactor who can help the mutant kingdom develop better.

After being seated, they drank a few glasses of wine with each other, and after a few polite words.

Magneto said: "My ability can indeed change people's DNA and solve your family's genetic diseases. It shouldn't be a big problem. But now there is a problem."

Norman frowned, and said seriously: "Mr. Lanshere, please do not hesitate to order, as long as I can do it, I will never refuse!"

"I'm not trying to negotiate terms with you."

Eric shook his head and said:

"It's because I don't know much about genetic manipulation. I've never done it before. I'm worried about problems. After all, genes are very precise. If there is any deviation, the consequences will be disastrous."

"So, I need some time to learn about genes. You need to prepare some relevant materials for me, and maybe some experimental equipment, experimental animals and so on."

"That's no problem. Everything in the Osborne Group is ready-made." Norman agreed immediately.

Eric shook his head and refused: "You know, Mr. Osborne, my identity is not convenient to appear in New York, otherwise it may cause misunderstanding."

Norman suddenly realized, nodded and said: "Ah, I didn't think carefully, then I'll send all these things to X Academy, and you do research here, how about it?"

"Okay, then there is work."

"That's what I'm supposed to do."

After the negotiation was settled, the three drank happily, and Norman returned home happily.

Watching Norman's convoy lose its shadow in the distance, Eric turned his head and asked, "Charles, will he find out if we do this?"

"Don't worry, Eric. Even if he guesses it, what can you do if you can solve the family genetic disease for him at any time? Is it possible to turn against us?"

"Whether he finds it or not, he will pretend not to. We have provided him with a good step, and he will cooperate with us to continue playing the trick. At least, until he finds a replacement for you to solve his family genetic disease , will always be like this.”

"Businessmen are as untrustworthy as politicians. He can support us strongly now, but when his family's genetic disease is resolved, will he continue to support us?"

"Even if he doesn't dare to breach the contract by then, is it possible that the level of support will be the same as it was at the beginning? Obedience and violation, passive sabotage are not the patents of employees of state-owned enterprises."

"Furthermore, we are not lying to him. After our mutant kingdom develops on the right track, we will of course help him solve the problem of family genetic diseases. We mutants never treat our friends badly."

Professor X's gaze spanned a long distance, looking at Norman Osborn in the special plane beyond the line of sight, and said slowly.

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