Valkyrie of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 121 Group Fights

Just when Captain Marvel received the news and went back through the space wormhole, the X-Men finally intercepted Magneto.

It's not easy.

Although the flying speed of the X-Men's fighter is not slow, it is far behind the flying speed of Magneto's tens of Mach.

Moreover, Magneto's destruction of cities now is basically a matter of punching, and he does not stay to make up for the fish that slipped through the net, but rushes to the next city to catch up.

This has caused great trouble to the X-Men, and they have repeatedly missed and slowed down.

In the end, several people discussed it and decided to go to Berlin, the largest nearby city, to sit on the sidelines.

Since Magneto wants to destroy all mankind, he will definitely come to Berlin.

The fact is just as they thought, after Magneto destroyed several more cities, he came to Berlin and was blocked by the X-Men waiting here.

Scott saw Magneto flying from a distance, and immediately shouted at Magneto angrily:

"Magneto! Do you know what you're doing?"

"You have killed tens of millions of people, and now the whole world regards mutants as public enemies!"

"Stop it! We reached an agreement with the U.S. government, all the crimes will be borne by you and Stryker, and ordinary mutants will not be involved!"

Eric slowly descended from the sky, stood in the air not far in front of the crowd, looked left and right, turned on the magnetic field induction to scan the radius of thousands of miles, and then asked with a frown:

"Where's Charles? Why didn't he come? Or, he finally figured it out and started to agree with what I'm doing now?"

"Professor Charles is missing. After he was captured by Stryker, he didn't know where he was taken. He may have been killed." Scott said in a low voice.

This news was beyond Eric's expectation. He was stunned for a moment, only feeling dizzy, short of breath, and heartbroken.

He got acquainted with Charles as a young man, and they loved each other like brothers. Although there were many twists and turns along the way, it was just a difference in standpoint and concept. The ideal of fighting for the interests of mutants has never changed.

He trusted Charles, and Charles trusted him.

Therefore, when Charles encountered difficulties, the first thing he thought of was to ask him for help.

Similarly, when he is in danger, the only person he can trust with all his heart is Charles.

But now... Charles is gone.

He knew very well what would happen to the mutants who fell into Stryker's hands.

For a moment, he hesitated, whether to suspend the destruction of the world, first confirm the life and death of his old friend Charles, and rescue him.

But then, he vetoed his idea.

Now Charles is the victim alone, but if he suspends the destruction of the world and gives humans a chance to breathe, there will be far more than one or two mutants who will be hurt.

Only when all human beings are completely exterminated, will this world usher in the happy kingdom of mutants.

Charles, I'm sorry!

If it is you, you must be able to understand my choice!

You will definitely be willing to dedicate your life for the coming kingdom of mutants!

See you in the next life, Charles!

All for mutants!

Magneto took a deep breath, adjusted his mood, raised his figure upwards, and planned to pass the X-Men and continue his journey of destruction.

"Magneto, haven't you come to your senses yet? Are you determined to drag the mutants into the abyss?" Scott roared angrily.

Magneto looked down at him, shook his head and sighed: "You alone can't stop me. I don't want to do anything to you. The mutant kingdom in the future needs your existence. The population of our mutants is too large. Less!"

"Stop him!" Scott saw that talking was useless, and Magneto was about to leave, so he gritted his teeth and gave the order to attack.

Following Scott's order, everyone swarmed up and poured their attacks on Magneto.

Scott took the lead, took off his sunglasses, and put on the newly developed augmented focusing glasses of the beast, and the binocular laser beams were aimed at Magneto's eyes.

Wearing Professor Charles' augmented helmet on the head of the piano, he mobilized all his spiritual power to attack Magneto with all his strength, trying to force him to land on the ground.

Orolo raised her hand to the sky, and the dark clouds in the sky quickly gathered, and it was as black as ink. There was a burst of lightning and thunder, and bursts of thunder dragons rolled in the clouds, falling straight on the head of Magneto.

Several tornadoes pierced the sky and ground, sharp as knives, cutting around Magneto, grinding out sparks on the protective magnetic field.

Wolverine crouched down and slowly approached Magneto's feet, ready to jump up and pounce at any time.

The Iceman created an ice step out of thin air, extending obliquely from the ground up to Magneto's feet, and a group of melee mutants launched a desperate charge towards Magneto along the steps.

Magneto sighed, his face sank, and he forced himself to cool down.

How stupid the world is!

I can only use the method of thunder!

With a light swing of his fist, he scattered the tornado storm around him.

As for the thunder dragon that fell from the sky, facing the force of the rotating magnetic field, he had no resistance at all. He grabbed it like a pet and threw it backhanded at the Iceman.

Orolo hurriedly steered the thunder dragon to turn, but the thunder dragon was completely out of control, ignoring her control at all, and still fell towards the iceman.

With a flash of blue light, Nightcrawler appeared behind Iceman, grabbed him, and then disappeared in place in an instant.

Thunder Dragon lost his target, turned his head, and blasted towards the ice steps on the ground.

Amidst the loud noise, the ice steps were melted by the high temperature of the thunder, and vaporized again.

Having lost their foothold, a group of melee mutants fell from the air again and fell to the ground with a crackling sound.

The psychic power on Qin's side has been used to the limit, but Magneto, although not wearing the original psychic protection helmet, is not something that Qin's current psychic power can shake.

As for the red energy beam of Cyclops, it can't even penetrate the protective magnetic field around Magneto, it can only cause some interference to Magneto's line of sight, and its effect is not much higher than that of a laser pointer.

Wolverine took advantage of this opportunity, jumped up suddenly, and grabbed Magneto's legs with both claws.

As long as Magneto can land, he can take advantage of the X-Men's number of people and beat him up.

But Magneto glanced at him, and he only felt a huge force coming from his claws, he was lifted out of thin air, and hit towards Scott.

Scott hurriedly closed his eyes to avoid it, but was still knocked to the ground by Logan, and the two rolled into a ball on the ground.

All the attacks were completely defeated in just a few seconds, and the entire army was wiped out.

But all these offensives are actually just bait, while the real killing move is hidden under the water.

Behind Magneto, a door opened silently, Little Naughty appeared behind the door, and stretched out his hand to touch Magneto.

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