Use the XP System To Build the Devil City

Chapter 119 As an Upright and Kind Secretary (please subscribe)

Li Muran laughed for a long time after listening to the angry Yisha report.

Call the women of the Rabbit Ear Tribe into the Demon King City. Li Muran simply asked the other party some questions.

From the conversation, we know that her name is White Tail.

And White Tail is not an elite of the Rabbit Ear Clan, it seems to belong to the crane tail category.

Everyone chose Baiwei unanimously, probably because everyone felt that she was a burden in the group.

There is no loss in sending it away, and it also reduces the burden on the ethnic group.

After hearing Baiwei's confession, Li Muran was not only not surprised, but also felt a sense of relief that "I guessed it was so".

"You and I are really similar."

Li Muran said meaningfully.

Also the worst one.

Also abandoned by others.

Li Muran saw his shadow from Baiwei.

Baiwei looked at Li Muran timidly.

"Big, my lord. Are you going to eat me? Me, I don't have much meat, it's not tasty."

"Don't eat, don't eat. Don't say such a horrible thing."

Even if there is no legal restriction in another world. Li Muran would not do such a horrible thing.

Setting fire to a mountain or something is another matter.

"Don't worry. We still have enough food. We don't need to eat you."

Baiwei was a little relieved, but immediately looked at Li Muran again with a heavy heart.

"So, are you going to kill me?"

"Will not kill."

"Is that to be a slave?"

"No, but I want you to join the Demon King's Army. Of course, we won't force others. Joining is voluntary. How about it? Do you want to join?"

"I, I don't want to join."


"Hey, no, isn't it all voluntary?"

"You can't. You were sent to me by the rabbit ear group to offset the loss of carrots. You have to join if you join, and you have to join if you don't."

"Okay, it's too much. But when I think that this is the Demon King's Army, I feel relieved."

Li Muran was very satisfied with Baiwei's reaction, and grinned.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like the leader of a bully who forced his good into prostitution.

Yisha called Li Muran aside.

"Master Li Muran, why is he so insisting on letting a rabbit-eared tribe join the Demon King's Army? The Rabbit-eared tribe is very weak, and has no other advantages except escape and strong fertility. Joining the Rabbit-eared tribe will not bring strength to the Demon King's army. , but will hold back the Demon King's army. Besides, she is still the worst one of the rabbit-eared tribe. The rabbit-eared tribe thinks she is a burden, and for us, it is even more of a burden."

Li Muran smiled, noncommittal to Yisha's statement.

"Isa is right. If it was the beginning, I didn't intend to force her to join. But when I look at this child, I will unconsciously project myself on her, and I can't help but want to help her. Let If she continues to stay in the village of the Rabbit Ear Tribe, not only will she not have a bright future, but she will continue to be excluded, and if something happens later, she will be the first to be sent out as a victim. At that time, maybe it will really happen be killed or eaten."

After listening to Li Muran's words, Yisha also nodded with a smile.

"Master Li Muran has a gentle heart under his evil appearance. The careful and gentle Mr. Li Muran is indeed the most attractive."

"What is an evil appearance? Tell Bella such things, the devil will be happy when he hears that. I won't be happy."


After talking to Yisha about his inner thoughts, Li Muran turned to Baiwei.

"From now on, you will be a member of the Demon King's Army. As a member of the Demon King's Army, you must remember the rules of the Demon King's Army. This is the most important thing. If you make a mistake, there will be serious punishment waiting for you."

Being fooled by Li Muran, Baiwei shuddered, his ears pricked up in fright.

"Yes Yes."

"As a qualified Demon King Army, the most important thing is to click this share button for me every day. Second, you must be loyal to the Demon King, respect the Lord Demon King, and completely obey the orders of the Demon King."

When Li Muran was teaching Baiwei some basic principles, Bella, who had been busy since just now, also appeared.

Bella, who has horns, silver hair, and an apron, said to everyone with a smile.

"Ready to eat. I made noodles. Rabbit ears."

"The boy's name is Whitetail."

"Shirao goes to wash his hands, and come over after washing."

Baiwei was curious, Li Muran introduced Bella to Baiwei.

"This is the Demon King of our Demon King Army. The person you will pledge your allegiance to in the future."

"This, is this Lord Demon King? Then, what about you?"

"I'm a secretary, just a small character. Also, my name is Li Muran. This forest elf is called Yisha, and he is a cadre of my Demon King's Army."

Shirao had an expression of disbelief.

"Master Li Muran, are you kidding me? Are you testing me? Even if I'm stupid, I won't be fooled."

"I didn't test you. It's true. Bella is the supreme commander of the Demon King's Army. Remember it well. Well, hurry up. The noodles can't be kept for too long."

Yisha also proved to Baiwei that what Li Muran said was true.

White Tail felt particularly incredible.

The devil is not like the devil, but the secretary is more terrifying than the devil. What is the situation with the devil's army?

Of course, I couldn't figure it out, so Issa dragged me out to wash my hands.

Although the Demon King Army promised not to kill White Tail.

But Whitetail was still nervous. Especially when the Demon King asked him to eat together.

Baiwei didn't dare to have dinner with such a powerful big shot.

But compared to the Demon King, it is Li Muran's secretary who scares Shirao more.

The man looked unfriendly and inexplicably frightening.

The moment I saw him, I reflexively thought that he was the devil several times.

Compared to having dinner with the top leaders of the Demon King's Army, White Tail would rather stay in the facility called the rabbit cage just now, grab grass and eat with the hornless Thunderhorn rabbit. It feels a little more reassuring that way.

But I only dare to think about it.

Whitetail didn't have the guts to disobey the Demon King's orders.


"Yes. You must wash your hands before eating. This is the rule that Lord Li Muran specially requires all members of the Demon King Army to abide by. I heard that it is for everyone to be healthy and develop good habits. You should get used to it as well."

"Yes Yes!"

Although I don't understand it, it should be correct to do as required.

After washing their hands, Isa and Shirao returned to Demon King City again.

Li Muran and Bella have already set up the table and served the food.

In addition to Li Muran and Bella, there is also a shiny slime, a dark elf child with a lazy face.

"This is Christian, and this is Black Bean. From now on, we will be a family, so we must get along well."

Christian shook his body. It seems to be saying hello to Whitetail.

Black Bean also extended his small hand to greet White Tail.

But White Tail couldn't understand what she said.

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