Urban Supreme System

Chapter 372: The Meeting Begins

The meeting between Little Putao and Gungun is mainly to increase the popularity of Su Chong's House, so the meeting is completely free and will not charge any fees. (starting)

But if the meeting goes well, Little Putao and Gun Gun can meet up to 2,000 people, and judging from the current situation, there will definitely be more than 2,000 people attending the meeting.

The rest of the people over 2000 will not have the chance to meet Little Putao and Gun Gun at today's meeting. Although this is unfair to these people, there is no way around it.

If more people were to meet Little Putao and Gun Gun, the only way to shorten the meeting time for each team was, but three minutes was not too long.

These supporters came here from thousands of miles, braving the fierce sun, just to meet Xiao Putao and Gun Gun.

However, if there is not even three minutes of meeting time, if you have to change people before you see Little Putao and Gun Gun clearly, more people will be dissatisfied, so the three-minute meeting time can no longer be shortened.

If it wasn't because Li Hua's announcement was too late, they only started to announce the meeting between Xiaoputao and Gungun two days ago. Because of the rush, many supporters couldn't come now.

The people who come now are basically people who live in Shenzhou City, or people from nearby cities close to Shenzhou City, so they have time to come here to participate in the meeting between Xiaoputao and Gungun. Many times.

However, a lot of media came to this meeting, and it will be broadcast live, so those who can't come can also watch the live broadcast of the meeting on TV.

The meeting was hot. Let the relevant departments of Shenzhou City attach great importance to it. After all, it is an event where thousands of people gather together. If there is an accident, the consequences can be big or small, so now more and more people are being sent to help Su Chong's House maintain the order on the scene.

Today, the meeting between Xiao Putao and Gun Gun was held not at Su Chong's house, but in a square not far from Su Chong's house.

Because only the square can accommodate so many people, so now the staff has begun to guide tourists to queue up in the square.

As a result, the number of talents outside Su Chong's House began to decrease. It can be operated normally.

Although the meet and greet started at 10:00 in the morning, at 9:30, Little Putao and Gun Gun had already been brought to the square by the staff, but there was no arrangement for tourists to meet Little Putao and Gun Gun.

And Su Zhe and the others followed suit. Although the meeting could only be publicized two days ago, Li Hua and the others had already started arranging work, instead of starting planning during these two days.

So now the relevant facilities on the square are complete. At about 10 o'clock, Li Hua stepped onto the podium to speak on behalf of Su Chong's House and answer questions from the media.

Because Su Zhe didn't want to show his face in front of so many people. So Su Zhe and An Xin stayed in the background, watching the meeting. Leave everything to Li Hua and the others to handle.

At 10 o'clock, Little Putao and Gungun's meet and greet officially started, and they began to meet with their supporters.

With the cooperation of the staff of Su Chong's House and the police, the meeting went smoothly. Everyone present consciously followed the order of the scene, and no one deliberately caused trouble here.

And if someone wants to come here to make trouble, seeing so many people at the scene, they dare not act, because if they make trouble at today's meeting, the meeting cannot be held, and even if Xiaoputao and Rolling are hurt, the troublemaker probably Will be surrounded by little grapes and billowing supporters.

Tourists are allowed to take pictures on the site, as long as they are not close to the small grape and the rolling 2 meters, they can take pictures of the small grape and the rolling with a mobile phone or a camera.

But there is a requirement, that is, do not turn on the flash or the like, so as not to frighten the little grapes and the rolling with the dazzling light.

If you do not comply with this rule, the staff will immediately take the person away and disqualify the person from meeting.

However, the meet and greet was held during the day, and the sun is so bright now that there is no need to use flashlights, so there were no accidents, and no one deliberately violated the rules.

Li Hua and the others are very cooperative in taking pictures of Xiaoputao and Gungun in normal times. Although they didn't meet many people before, they are not afraid to meet so many strangers today, and still go their own way.

If Little Putao and Gun Gun meet someone who is pleasing to the eye, or when they are in a good mood, Little Putao and Gun Gun will show off their cuteness to each other and cooperate with each other to take pictures, which makes everyone on the scene can't help laughing, and they like this scene more and more Two quirky little things.

If Little Putao and Gun Gun are impatient, they will ignore people, or squat in a daze, but the daze appearance is also very cute.

Once Little Putao and Rolling Roll are unhappy or angry, they will stick out their tongues to express their dissatisfaction, and the color of their bodies will gradually deepen.

The darker the color on their bodies, the more angry they are. At this time, the staff who usually take care of them will come to comfort them, and they will also act like a baby to the staff. year-old children.

The changes on Little Putao and Gun Gun's bodies, besides arousing people's astonishment, also indirectly prove that their colors are real, not dyed.

The meeting in the morning went well, the time passed quickly, and soon it was 12 o'clock at noon. Little Putao and Gungun needed to go back to feed and rest, but they hadn't seen Little Putao and Gungun at the scene, so they had to wait until At 14:00 noon, we can continue to meet Little Putao and Gun Gun.

Soon Little Putao and Gun Gun were taken away by the staff. Although it was time for lunch, few people who lined up in the square left to eat first.

Because if you leave now, you need to line up again when you come back after eating, so only people in the last line leave to finish eating, and only a few people in the front line leave the line.

Even the people at the back of the line did not all leave, only a few people left the line.

Because there are still a steady stream of people coming to the square to line up now, the line will only get longer and longer. Once you leave the line, you will have to queue further back when you come back.

It was uncertain whether the people who were at the back of the line would be able to see Little Putao and Gun Gun. If they left now, the hope of seeing Little Putao and Gun Gun would be even slimmer, so most people chose to continue queuing here. (to be continued...)

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