Urban Supreme System

Chapter 293: Something Happened

"I hope you will continue to do this in the future. If your general manager punishes you for something like this in the future, you can come to me and I will make the decision for you. What's your name?" Su Zhe took out a business card , and handed it to the young guard. (First release) Watermark Ad Test Watermark Ad Test

The young guard hurriedly took Su Zhe's business card and immediately replied, "My name is Song Hongwen."

"Sometimes you should stick to things, and you must never give up casually. This is the principle of life." Su Zhe patted Song Hongwen on the shoulder and said.

Song Hongwen thought for a while, then nodded, expressing that he understood what Su Zhe said.

Su Zhe saw that Song Hongwen was standing here sweating profusely, and his clothes were soaked in sweat, so he said: "It's so hot here, you don't need to stand here, you can just watch this side in the guard room .”

"No need, this is my job, and we all take turns, so it's not hard." Song Hongwen shook his head and refused.

Su Zhe also knew that Song Hongwen couldn't be persuaded, so he didn't say anything, so he ran back to the car, opened the car door, took something from inside, and ran over here again.

At this time, Su Zhe also had a bottle of water and a pack of tissues in his hand. He handed them to Song Hongwen and said, "Wipe off your sweat and drink some water."

"No, I'm not thirsty, thank you sir." Song Hongwen shook his head and said.

"I brought them all. Do you want me to make a trip for nothing? Take it." Finally, Su Zhe forced the mineral water and paper towels into Song Hongwen's hands, not allowing him to refuse.

"Do it well." Su Zhe patted Song Hongwen's shoulder again, said, and then he left.

But after Su Zhe left, Song Hongwen's eyes were wet.

Song Hongwen didn't expect that Su Zhe not only didn't want to take revenge on him, but also was so considerate of him.

Although it's just a bottle of water, it's just a pack of tissues. It's not worth much money, but Song Hongwen will always remember it in his heart.

It is estimated that Su Zhe himself did not expect that Song Hongwen was very grateful to him for just a small gesture.

Sometimes a casual move. But it can warm people's hearts.

After chatting with Song Hongwen. Su Zhe drove home.

When driving halfway,

Su Zhe's cell phone rang. It was Li Hua who called.

"Is there something wrong?" Su Zhe asked. Usually, if there is nothing to do, Li Hua rarely calls. Li Hua and Zhang Jingsheng can make decisions about the general affairs of Su Chong's house without bothering Su Zhe. That's why Su Zhe would ask this question when Li Hua called.

"There was an accident in the hospital, and someone came to the hospital to make trouble." Li Hua said seriously.

Su Zhe could tell from Li Hua's tone that this matter was no small matter. It made him feel very difficult, otherwise Li Hua wouldn't have called.

"What happened, tell me carefully." Su Zhe immediately turned the car around and drove towards Shenzhou City.

Su Chong's House is the main source of his points. He can't let something happen to Su Chong's family.

On the phone, Li Hua explained the ins and outs of this matter to Su Zhezai in detail.

It turned out that two days ago, a woman came to Su Chong's home to see a doctor with a small Alaskan sled dog.

At that time, the Alaskan sled dog brought by the woman was just a common cold. After diagnosis, the medical staff of Su Chong's Home, because the woman did not want her Alaskan sled dog to stay in the hospital, the medical staff prescribed a little medicine to let the woman Take it home and give it to Alaskan sled dogs, try the effect first, if it doesn't work then, come to Su Chong's home for treatment.

The process of this matter was normal, and nothing happened. The woman paid the money and left with the medicine.

The Alaskan sled dog is just a very common cold. Even if it does not take medicine, the Alaskan sled dog can get better by itself relying on its own immunity.

The medical staff just prescribed some cold medicine according to the woman's request, and gave it to the Alaskan sled dog to make it heal faster.

This is a very normal thing, and other pet hospitals do the same.

Moreover, the medicine given to the woman by the medical staff was processed by Su Zhe's healing potion, and the effect was much better than ordinary medicine. So if all goes well, the women's Malamute should be on the mend soon.

But today an accident happened. The woman came to Su Chong's home again with her Alaskan sled dog.

But this time the Alaskan sled dog is dying, and it is almost dying. From the appearance of the Alaskan sled dog, it should be a symptom of poisoning, and it is very serious. If it is not treated, the Alaskan sled dog will not be able to save its life.

The woman insisted that the Alaskan sled dog was poisoned because of the medicine prescribed by the doctor at Su Chong's House.

Therefore, the woman demanded compensation from Su Chong's House, and brought over a dozen men this time, and deliberately disrupted the normal order of Su Chong's House, so that Su Chong's House could not operate normally.

The woman said that her Alaskan sled dog is a descendant of some kind of competition champion, and has many noble blood. In short, some of them are worthless. The purpose of talking nonsense is to make the lion speak loudly. The woman must pay 500,000 yuan to the Su Chong family Lose it to her, otherwise she won't let it go easily.

In short, according to the woman's point of view, if Su Chong's House doesn't give money this time, don't even think about continuing to drive.

Moreover, this woman did not allow the staff of Su Chong Home to get close to the Alaskan sled dogs, let alone allow the staff to inspect the Alaskan sled dogs.

But now Su Chong's family can confirm that this Alaskan sled dog is indeed the same Alaskan sled dog brought to Su Chong's family for treatment last time, and this woman did not lie or cheat.

But this Alaskan sled dog showing symptoms of poisoning must not have been poisoned because of taking the medicine prescribed by Su Chong's House. Something must have happened in the middle. As for the Alaskan sled dog, there are many possibilities of poisoning species, which cannot be confirmed yet.

Moreover, relying on her large number of people, this woman was very unreasonable. Not only did she not let the staff check the Alaskan sled dogs, but at the beginning, she also instructed the people who came with her to prepare for the Su Chong's home. Smash.

Fortunately, the security personnel of Su Chong's House came out in time to stop the other party, and unnecessary losses were avoided.

Although the number of security personnel of Su Chong's House is smaller than that of the other party, with the three Chang Zhiqiang who came to work only two days ago, Su Chong's House is not at a disadvantage now, and it still has a faint advantage.

It can even be said that just relying on the three of Chang Zhiqiang, they can deter more than a dozen men on the other side, making them dare not mess around with Su Chong's family and dare not act rashly.

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