"Feeding? That thing? "

Long Yichen frowned.

This should be the murderer's murderous motive for crazy crimes.

"How did he kill you?"

“····" Wang Meijuan fell silent.

For a female ghost who has just hung up, asking this kind of question is a bit heart-wrenching.

Long Yichen sweated: "Well, if this question makes you uncomfortable, ask another question, how did you die?" "

"I don't know how I died. He never uncovered my blindfold. "

Wang Meijuan said quietly.

“??? You should always have some memories at the end, right? "

Long Yichen couldn't cry or laugh, this girl was scared and stupid, and she couldn't even tell how to die.

"He tortured me for hours, and when I was enough, I listened to a rattling sound, as if something was taut, it had been tense, and then..."

"I felt a pain in my chest and lost consciousness!"

"Chest, so to speak, the fatal injury or from the chest?"

Long Yichen's eyes were cold.

For medical examiners, the most important thing to know is the cause of death of the deceased.

Suicide, homicide, or accidental death?

If it is homicide, what method did the murderer use, where is the weapon, and where are the wounds?

These are the core things of forensic investigation.

What troubled Long Yichen was the highly decomposed bodies of Jiang Pingping and Hou Lijuan, and no clear cause of death could be found, except for the missing heart, the rest of the body looked normal.

Wang Meijuan, the female ghost, finally told the mystery that plagued Long Yichen!

The cause of their death was precisely that the murderer hit the heart and killed with one blow!

"Did you see the next picture? You turned into a ghost? "

"I didn't see it." Wang Meijuan bit her lower lip and said, "I woke up a few hours later and found that the body had been disposed of. The man walked to the river, took advantage of the darkness to throw my bare body down the Yangtze River, and I floated on the shore for the night. Until it was discovered. "

Long Yichen nodded.

Wang Meijuan's information is not too much, because the murderer is wearing an eye patch, which can be described as extremely careful.

But the forensic doctor of death, the skill of communicating with the undead, used to give Long Yichen an advantage in solving cases that no one else could match - at least he knew more about the killer.

This killer, leg fetish, love.

The murder weapon he killed, Long Yichen speculated, should be a crossbow arrow!

Because Wang Meijuan said that before she died, she heard a rattling sound.

This fits well with the sound of a crossbow being wound.

Also, this murderer is used to committing crimes in smoggy weather!

This is equally important.

This information is irreplaceable for Long Yichen to solve the case.

But the undead are not omnipotent.

The undead also have knowledge and blind spots, and need Long Yichen's hard-core forensic dissection to confirm each other to answer a wave.

When he arrived at the dissection room, under Long Yichen's intentional or unintentional prompting, Qiao Ying only took a few minutes to lock the identity of the victim, and the investigation began immediately.

After being identified by Hou Lijuan's parents and roommates, the black stockings in Wang Meijuan's mouth happened to be on Hou Lijuan's body.

At the case analysis meeting, Qiao Ying gathered dozens of criminal police, and the information and photos of the three female victims were written on the small blackboard, all of them were pondering, the connection between the three cases, and the information of the murderer.

"At present, we can see that the only connection between Jiang Pingping, Hou Lijuan and Wang Meijuan's three cases is stockings! Jiang Pingping and Hou Lijuan have Jiang Pingping's stockings in their mouths, while Wang Meijuan has Hou Lijuan's stockings in their mouths. It can be said that except for the first victim Jiang Pingping, all other victims will be stuffed into the stockings of the previous murdered girl by the murderer! "

Qiao Ying calmly analyzed: "Based on the above, it can be seen that the murderer is a twisted fetish and has perfectionist tendencies. "

"The hearts of the three girls were missing, and according to the forensic argument made by Long Yichen, the cause of death of the girls was a crossbow arrow in the heart, or a dagger, and the possibility of death by a knife was extremely high. Afterwards, in order to cover up the cause of death, the murderers gouged out their hearts and damaged the wounds. "

"At the moment, the only person we have of suspicion is a person with the screen name Daylight Vampire. Based on the analysis of the victimization time of the three cases, the daytime vampire will launch a covert attack on a young single woman acting alone in smoggy weather and a very poor line of sight. From the analysis of several scenes, it is very likely that anesthesia is used to turn over, and then commit murder in a different place, and throw the corpse in a different place, and the scene of the corpse throwing is not consistent with the first crime scene. "

"From the criminal psychological analysis, the murderer called Fat Long unnecessarily and deliberately leaked Jiang Pingping's buried bones, suspected of provoking the police."

"But this testimony, from the suspect Feilong, may not be credible." Arrey objected.

"But the emergence of the third case has eliminated the suspicion of the fat dragon."

Qiao Ying said keenly: "We are the fat dragon caught yesterday afternoon, and the presumed time of the victim's death is yesterday evening." Therefore, the fat dragon in the detention center did not have time to commit the crime, and his suspicion was greatly reduced. "

"What about accomplices?"

"Not likely. The police touched Fat Long's subordinates, most of them were arrested, and a few were not too suspicious. "

Qiao Ying basically denied the possibility of the fat dragon committing the crime.

The case is at an impasse again.

In the case analysis room, there was a lot of smoke, and the criminal police smoked cigarettes one by one, and they were anxious.

Because everyone knows that there is a perverted serial murderer in Donghai City, and every time there is a smog, he will haunt the thick smog day and night, and attack single girls with beautiful legs.

He has committed three crazy crimes in a row, killed three beautiful girls, and formed a fixed killing pattern, who knows if he is touching Wang Meijuan's stockings at this moment, looking for the next victim, and stuffing the stockings into her throat? _

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