After seeing the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus falling, Xiaogang analyzed Bai Mo's previous battle steps, and he felt a little uneasy. The grass-type skill quadrupled the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, and Bai Mo let the Lizard King use the sword dance to improve the attack. The ending is doomed. !

Chapter 0362 The idea of ​​​​playing fossil resurrection technology

When Xiaogang was self-examination, Bai Mo also breathed a sigh of relief, encouraged the Lizard King who was a little out of breath due to the high-paced attack, and then took it back to the Poké Ball.

"Congratulations, Dr. Bai Mo, you won, this is the gray badge, and, the doctor said that this is the first gym you challenged in Kanto, please take this badge collection box, I lose this game I'm convinced." After Xiaogang put away the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, he walked slowly to Du Baimo's side and handed over the badge and a box for collecting badges to Bai Mo.

"Thank you." Nodding lightly, Bai Mo thanked him very kindly after taking the two things.

"Dr. Bai Mo, what are your plans next?" Seeing Bai Mo's politeness, Xiaogang asked one more question.

"I'll go to the Nibi City Science Museum first!" Bai Mo also concealed it, and directly stated his thoughts. Of course, he must keep the real purpose secret!

"Science Museum!" Nodding, a tangle flashed in his eyes, but thinking of his own situation, Xiaogang finally gave up the idea in his heart and said with a smile:

"The Science Museum is the only place in our city that is more famous!"

"Then live with Dr. Bai Mo, you had a good time!"

"Thank goodness!" With a slight smile, Bai Mo turned around and left with his girlfriends. Speaking of which, Bai Mo was still a little curious about whether Xiaogang was still as lustful as the original.

For the time being, Xiaogang's eyes on his girlfriend are very positive, which makes Bai Mo a little suspicious, but when he thinks that Xiaogang seems to be more interested in his older age, Bai Mo feels that he will only have to find a chance to confirm it next time. .

Nibi Science Museum is located in the north of Nibi City. As Xiaogang said, it is a major attraction in Nibi City, and it is also the only museum in the Guandu area.

The Nibi Science Museum mainly exhibits content about fossils and the universe, which can be said to represent the past and the future, respectively.

Quan Dang is dating to cultivate feelings, Bai Mo took Xiaoyao and other girls into the museum to visit!

"Wow, what is this!" As soon as they entered the museum, Bai Mo and the others were attracted by the two skeleton fossils in the middle of the first floor. Xiaoyao couldn't help but ask Bai Mo, because she thought Bai Mo was Almighty.

Naturally, Bai Mo would not disappoint his woman, and explained with a smile, "If we read it right, this is the skeleton of a fossilized pterosaur and a sickle helmet. These are elves from ancient times, and there are no traces of them now. It may be extinct or maybe it's extinct."

After all, it is outside now, and there are ears on the wall. Of course, he will not tell the fact that some ancient elves are still sleeping in certain places.

Bai Mo plans to wait for the company to be established, so he will set up branches in those places and start building enclosures.

For example, Dasha Valley in the Kanto region.

On the side, seeing that Bai Mo really answered Xiaoyao's question easily, the girls all had beautiful eyes, and Bai Mo's wise and erudite look was really attractive.

Next, Bai Mo took the girls around on the first floor of the museum. The exhibits here are all ancient elf fossils and the like, but Bai Mo found that these were incomplete, so he was not interested.

After visiting the first floor, Bai Mo and the others came to the second floor of the museum. This floor is mainly for space exhibitions, including models of space shuttles and meteorites that fell from the moon.

The so-called meteorite that fell from the moon is the legendary moon stone.

As for the Moon Stone, Bai Mo said that the Yuejian Mountain is just right. As for Pippi and Pikexi, um, his small world is slowly growing with the growth of his spiritual power. Yanshan is not bad for raising Pippi this kind of elves.

Moreover, these elves, Bai Mo, are not going to be subdued, so just release the channel and transport them away.

After visiting the museum and returning to the door, Bai Mo planned to let the girls visit by themselves. When he went to investigate some things, his eyes stopped for a while on the body of a man in a white coat. He gave up his previous thoughts and released superpower.

The man in the white coat was obviously a scientific researcher from the Alliance, and his status was not low. After revealing his identity to the museum owner, he came to a laboratory through the back door of the museum.

In the experiment, there are obviously some research projects going on, and many people are busy!

"How is the research on resurrecting ancient elves from fossils?" The man asked another man in an office in the laboratory with concern.

"It's been slow, and we've been working on collecting fossils of all kinds of ancient pixies, because our research wouldn't have been possible without them."

"But now with the support of the alliance, we have now found the complete fossils of ammonite beasts, fossil helmets and fossil pterosaurs. Now the main situation is to find a way to extract the genes of these elves from the fossils, but this step of research It's going very slowly."

The man explained the current specific situation of the research project.

Hearing these words, Bai Mo's eyes flashed, and the idea of ​​stealing information was temporarily put aside. As far as he knew, more than one force was doing this research.

The Zvqi family of the Fangyuan Alliance is doing it, but the first one to succeed is the museum under the alliance.

It can be seen from the original work that, except for Kanto and Chengdu, the fossil resurrection technology in the rest of the area is in the hands of other forces, at least Fang Yuan is like this, so Bai Mo came up with the idea here.

Bai Mo felt that with some of the things he knew for a long time, as long as the Xianzfuqi family became the force controlling the fossil resurrection technology in the Fangyuan area, WT could rise faster.

However, this research should still be in the preliminary experimental stage, so he plans to find another opportunity to come over later.

After all, if you only get the preliminary information, you still need to spend manpower and material resources to research, which is not necessary.

At this time, after hearing the news, the man who rushed over from the alliance nodded and said, "You don't need to have any psychological burden. The more urgent something like scientific research is, the easier it is to make mistakes. You can tell me anything you need. , the league will do its best to provide support and help you solve the problem.”

"I believe that as long as the ancient elves can be resurrected, it will be a great strength to the growth of the alliance's strength."

Chapter 0363 Stationed in Yuejianshan

In the office, when he heard the words from the alliance, the man was a little helpless. Their research has been going on for a while, but the results obtained are very limited, so he can only ask a question, "I know this, now The problem is mainly focused on how to advance the gene of the elf from the fossil, if other research projects of the alliance have research in this regard, I hope they can give us some technical support."

But hearing this man's words, Bai Mo's eyes flashed.

When it comes to extracting genes, he can't help but think of Team Rocket's research base in Niijima, where Mewtwo will be born in the near future.

It is said that the genes of Chaomeng originate from dreams, and aren't the genes of dreams extracted from fossils?

That being the case!

Thinking of this, Bai Mo has an idea. When the company in the Fangyuan area is fully established, he plans to recruit a few reliable branches in Kanto. Others are not important, the main thing is to buy Dashagu and control it.

In the same way, he can also have a base in Kanto. Then, he will find a way to get some of the information he needs from the Alliance and the Rockets. In this way, he may be able to take the lead in researching the technology of fossil resurrection. The benefits will be even greater.

"Don't worry, I will report this matter to the alliance." The representative of the alliance made a guarantee at this time, and Bai Mo immediately withdrew his super power and took the girls out of the museum.

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