Urban Inventor

Chapter 294 Planet Gravity Problem

? The location for landing on Mars was a relatively flat sandy land, where the other two spacecraft of Future Technology Company also docked.

"Mr. Zhang, the Martians welcome you."

When Zhang Wei and his family set foot on the land of Mars wearing spacesuits, they were immediately warmly welcomed by the forty astronauts. These 40 astronauts stayed behind on the two spacecraft, while the other 160 astronauts were scattered all over Mars to investigate Mars.

Zhang Wei couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, "You have only been on Mars for a month, and you have become Martians?"

"When you come to Mars, you are Martians. Mr. Zhang, you are also Martians now."

The astronauts laughed and said that some of them have been away from the earth for more than four months, and they all have a different kind of intimacy when they see the visitors from the earth at this moment.

"Hey, why is the sun seen on Mars blue?"

At this time, Dad suddenly said in surprise.

"It's really a blue sun, it's really strange!"

Mom, Ren's father, and Ren's mother also looked at the sky. It was sunset time, and on the horizon, a blue sun was hanging in the sky. It was so beautiful and amazing.

"This is the scattering effect of light. The atmosphere of Mars is thin, and there are many and large dust particles. Mir scattering mainly occurs, and the red light with the same wavelength as the particle size is scattered. The red part of the sunlight coming from the line of sight is scattered. The sunset will be blue. The atmosphere on the earth will scatter blue light, so the sunset on the earth is orange."

Zhang Wei explained with a smile, "When we complete the transformation of Mars and let the dust particles in the atmosphere fall to the ground with rain, the sun will be the same as the earth when viewed from Mars."

It was getting dark soon, and Zhang Wei's family held a small party on the spacecraft, listening to the astronauts introduce the novelty things discovered on Mars, and then began to rest and recharge their batteries.

the next day.

Zhang Wei's family got up early, ready to start their journey to Mars.

However, Mars does not seem to welcome tourists like them. Before stepping out of the spaceship, the mastermind of the spaceship reminded, "Boss, there is a super tornado coming here, and it is expected to arrive in 10 minutes. For the sake of safety, Please don't leave the spaceship."

This tornado has a diameter of more than 40 meters, a height of more than one kilometer, and a wind speed of more than 60 meters per second, carrying a large amount of sand and dust.

This dust is different from the dust on the earth. They are red Martian sand mixed with a large number of iron oxide particles. If humans wearing spacesuits are involved, there is a high chance that the spacesuits will be worn out on Mars , Subsequently, human beings will be submerged by endless Martian sand. These very fine Martian sands also have micro-static electricity. They will attach to the surface of any object, and even penetrate into moving objects inside the machine, causing damage to the machine. In the movie "The Martian", the protagonist Mark has to wear an extravehicular spacesuit brush every day to clean the dust on the solar array outside the living cabin. However, the energy shield on the spacecraft can effectively keep the dust out.

Not long after, a super tornado swept over, covering the sky and covering the sun. The red dust hit the energy shield, and the crackling sound kept ringing. Everything in Zhang Wei's line of sight turned red, like the end of the world So-so sight.

About five minutes later, the super tornado just went away.

Zhang Wei's family also stepped out of the spaceship and came outside, looking at the super tornado going away, they sighed, "The current environment on Mars is really too bad!"

In fact, this is true. Storms on Mars are very frequent. Almost every year in the late spring and early summer of Mars, there will be a storm that lasts for several months. The storm is wrapped in sand and dust, forming a unique Martian scene. . The entire surface of Mars has been polished by such storms over a long period of time. So most of the entire Mars is a desert.

It didn't take long for two astronauts to fly over in two flying vehicles. This flying vehicle is specially designed for exploring outer space planets. It has a huge compartment and can carry a lot of equipment.

Led by these two astronauts who are familiar with the Martian environment, Zhang Wei's family started their journey to Mars.

The first stop was to inspect the land allocated by the future technology company on Mars. Zhang Wei was very excited and proud to see the land of more than 10 million square kilometers. Although these lands are only deserts now, they will soon become deserts. Land suitable for human habitation, and this is just the beginning, he wants to acquire more and more land in space, first set a small goal, that is to own like the Wieland-Tangu company in the movie "Alien" More than three hundred colonized planets.

In seven days, Zhang Wei's family wandered around on Mars. In addition to the astronauts of the future technology company, they also encountered other objects from the earth, that is, the US "Spirit", "Opportunity", and "Curiosity" "Wait for the Mars rover. Among them, the nuclear battery of the "Curiosity" Mars rover can still work normally, and the photos of Zhang Wei were taken and sent back to the earth. At first, the staff of NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) thought that Curiosity had photographed aliens As for people, take a closer look, isn't this the genius Chinese scientist Zhang Wei? They suddenly felt emotional, the space technology of future technology companies is developing too fast. In just a few years, it has surpassed the technology accumulation of the United States for more than 60 years, and left the United States far behind. This speed of development makes people desperate.

This photo was immediately published on the Internet, causing heated discussions, and people were envious. We held a wedding on the moon and went to Mars for a honeymoon. Zhang Wei, you are too chic. When can ordinary people like us enjoy this kind of experience? What a romance! There are still many people who feel extremely proud, that is, the Chinese. The United States has been awesome for so many years, but it only launched an unmanned probe to Mars. We Chinese were the first to land on Mars, and we were the first to go to Mars. We Chinese are also tourists!

After basically visiting Mars, Zhang Wei did not return immediately, but waited for another three days, because the inspection work of other astronauts will end in three days.

"Everyone, we're going home!"

Three days later, Zhang Wei announced to the astronauts.

"Go home! Go home!!"

All the astronauts are cheering. After wandering in this desolate space for so long, many of them are physically and mentally exhausted. They miss their families on the earth, the land on the earth, and the air on the earth. Moreover, humans survive and develop in the gravitational environment of the earth, leaving the earth to go to other planets is not like traveling from Beijing to New York, where there is almost no problem of physical adaptation.

On the contrary, if human beings go to a planet whose gravity is much higher than that of the earth, they will be so weak that they will pant even when they walk, and their hearts will not be able to bear the load! If you go to a planet with much lower gravity than the earth or no gravity, you will behave like a gorilla with well-developed limbs, extremely strong, but the weakening and disappearance of gravity will change the human body, resulting in bone loss, muscle atrophy and other symptoms , in short, is physical degradation. When they live on a low-gravity planet for a period of time and then return to Earth, it will be difficult for them to adapt to Earth's gravity.

The surface gravity of Mars is only 2/5 of that of the Earth. If you stay in this environment for a long time, your body will inevitably degenerate. The same is true for these astronauts. Even if they can rest on the spacecraft at night, they still have to go out during the day, so they need to return to the earth to recuperate for a while.

Regarding the problem of planetary gravity, Zhang Wei has been trying to solve it. At present, there are two ideal solutions. One is to change human genes so that humans can adapt to various harsh environments. This is the best solution, and Zhang Wei The hope for a breakthrough is placed on the alien cells, because the alien is a space creature that can adapt to various harsh environments, and it should be able to find ways to adapt to various gravitational environments from it; another way is to transform the planet, so that other The gravity of the planet is the same as that of the earth. For example, a planet like Mars needs to increase its mass. This is relatively easy. You only need to capture asteroids or comets and throw them on Mars. Zhang Wei intends to do this. And if neither of these two methods can be realized, then human beings can only live in cities with artificial gravity. (To be continued.)

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