At least through the attitude of the current alliance, even they have a very simple understanding of the move memory.

All kinds of thoughts crossed Lin Heng's mind one by one.

He gently patted the scales of the tyrannosaurus and motioned for it to put itself down.

The wind howled.

Landed in the blink of an eye.

Lin Heng jumped off the Tyrannosaurus.


After not hearing a response for a long time, Lin Heng carefully walked to the edge of the pit, for fear that he would accidentally step on the crack and fall.

At this time, the surface of the Mountain Spirit Secret Realm can be described as full of holes.

In addition to the twenty-metre deep pit caused by Shakiras, cracks have also extended in the distance.

Lin Heng's eyesight was extraordinary, and he even saw suspicious traces on the bare mountain.

At the same time, it is also strange.

Is Shakira so strong?


When he heard the sound and looked back, he couldn't help but laugh out loud after seeing the current situation of Shakira.

"Poof—hahaha, Shakira, how did you do this!"

I saw Shakiras standing in the center of the pit with a gray face, and the sharp corners on his head and body were still wearing a lot of rubble.

The original black and red hard shell can no longer be seen.

It was also confused at this time.

I don't know how I jumped a few times and collapsed!

Same with tofu!

He looked down at his figure and sighed heavily.

[Am I so fat?] o


heard his heart, looking at the aggrieved expression, Lin Heng laughed even louder!

It wasn't until the resentful gaze below grew stronger and stronger that Lin Heng reluctantly put away his ridicule, thinking about how to get Shakiras up.

This pit is very deep.

Shakiras is more than three meters tall, but less than a third of the pit.

So it wants to come up on its own, which is undoubtedly a big project.

And let the tyrannosaurus back the words ....

Lin Heng turned his head.

The atavistic tyrannosaurus felt the owner's gaze, and although he didn't know what he was thinking, he always felt that there was nothing good!

He lived for decades longer and called himself intelligent.

Perception is not good.


Blink flew into the sky, leaving only smaller and smaller black spots.

Lin Heng's Erkang hand was retracted, quite speechless: "As for it, I haven't opened my mouth yet!" He

was just thinking.

Shakiras is so heavy, another thorn.

Plus a hard shell that cannot be broken.

I'm afraid that the tyrannosaurus can't carry it, and it will be injured when it comes up.

"Forget it, I'll go down too."

Come to think of it, there's only one last resort.

He goes down and lets Shakiras get into the Pokéball, then lets the Tyrannosaurus bring himself up.

Lin Heng took out special climbing equipment.

One set on the body after.

Install the zipline.

Pedal the pit while sliding down.


Right at Shakiras' side.

"Salad salad!"


Shakiras looked moved, and the two star eyes blinked.


Last meter!

Lin Heng had just arrived at the bottom of the pit.

Shakiras ran over excitedly.

The surface shook again, and Lin Heng hurriedly shouted: "

Stop stop, don't move!"

"I'll pass!"

He didn't want to get here.

Again smashed into deeper pits!

Lin Heng sighed, untied the rope, bypassed the crack at the bottom of the pit, and walked towards Shakilas.

Shakiras' eyes were shining.

When he passed, the sharp corner on the right tentatively stretched out.

touched Lin Heng's sleeve.

Seeing that the master did not stop him, Shakiras was even more daring, and the sharp horns covered the master's arm entirely.

But the action is very light.

It didn't do any harm.

"Let's go."

When Lin Heng saw such a well-behaved Shakilas, he couldn't say a word of reprimand.

Watch it nod gently.

Just press the Advanced Ball button.

Wait for a burst of red light to pass by.


The huge baby Kilas is gone!

Only Lin Heng was left in the entire deep pit!


Hearing the dragon groan, Lin Heng raised his head and saw the atavistic tyrannosaurus dragon looking down strangely.

After discovering your gaze.

The huge head retracted with a bang.

But the two dragon whiskers are still hanging on the edge of the pit, obviously they are not caring about the stomach!

"I'm not running now."

Lin Heng was angry and funny, and waved his right hand, allowing the atavistic tyrannosaurus to come down to pick him up.

During the charge of the Tyrannosaurus.

He found a less bumpy location.

Just stood still.

I was shook by something!

Lin Heng wrinkled his eyebrows.

He followed the light source and was surprised to find an amber-like object buried under the rubble.

The Eye of Insight starts.

[Mysterious Fragment: Contains strange world energy, please save it carefully, maybe it can be synthesized one day! ]

"What is this?"

Saying is the same as not saying.

Seeing that the atavistic tyrannosaurus was about to arrive, Lin Heng squatted down and picked it up, wiped off the rubble chips, and casually threw it into the space backpack.

The next second.

Boom -

far bigger shaking begins than when Shakiras used the Earth Fall!

Lin Heng's body swayed left and right.

The whole world is spinning!

Fortunately, at this time, the atavistic tyrannosaurus arrived in time, and he hunched up his master, and his eyes were unprecedentedly serious.

Lin Heng returned to his senses.

At this time, he had already risen to a high altitude.

But after seeing the scene below, he gasped sharply!

More than a deep pit!

The whole secret realm is collapsing!

The bare mountains snaked into huge cracks, the surface of the earth collapsed, and landslides.

"Not good!"

Not only that, but even the sky began to be covered by layers of dark clouds.

Rain or shine!

The entire Mountain Spirit Secret Realm collapsed, as if the end was coming!

"Tyrannosaurus, go over there!"

Lin Heng hurriedly pointed to the exit.

Brush -

The atavistic tyrannosaurus exerted unprecedented speed, and Lin Heng was blown chaotically by the wind in the sky, and could only hold on to the scales.

But I can't take care of that at the moment.

He had only one thought in his mind - run!

The secret realm is collapsing!



The second attached principal's office.

After listening to the vice principal's words, the principal said with an ugly face: "This is the talent you are optimistic about?" The

vice principal cried bitterly.

How did he know that things would turn out like this.

Now because of the Chu family, even the reputation of the second appendage is in jeopardy.

They say that there is a problem with the quality of the students they teach.

After the Water Jun Cup, enrollment will begin immediately, which is the top priority of the school every year.

If something happens this time, can they still recruit good students?!

The headmaster's breath was heavy.

"Forget it, we still have the Mountain Spirit Secret Realm to try, you hurry up and organize more students to enter, and you must win the qualification to represent Jianghua City!"

"Yes Headmaster!"

The vice principal breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just that this breath is just halfway out, and suddenly a jingle bell phone rings!

Sensing the dissatisfied gaze of the principal.

He was in a hurry and wanted to hang up, but accidentally pressed the hands-free answer!

Next second.

A panicked and fearful male voice came out from the phone: "The vice principal is not good, the mountain spirit secret realm has collapsed..." In

an instant, the vice principal was dizzy, his brain was buzzing, and he couldn't hear anything....

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