Uplifting Journey

Chapter 678: Where It All Begins

An off-road vehicle with pale blood dotted inside and outside is running on the vast African grassland. The modified shotgun on the trunk rack and the scattered long and short tusks tell the identity of its owner.

The driver of this off-road vehicle was a middle-aged male poacher. According to the habits developed over the years, he should have led his "relatives and friends" to form a poaching team to make a fortune at this time of year, but today

The middle-aged man sneaked a glance at the guy in the passenger seat whose painting style was incompatible with the status quo and dressed like a successful man with a golden collar.

Since this blond Asian man who claimed to be Yoshikage Kira found their foothold, the three views formed by the middle-aged people for decades have collapsed-the opponent not only has a strong fighting quality like a veteran who has experienced many battles, but also Possess real supernatural powers!

The advantages of firearms and numbers are completely meaningless in the face of invisible and invisible destruction explosions.

What is even more frightening is the blond man's indifference to life, as well as his incredible perception ability that can detect traps in advance and even know the secrets deep in the poacher's heart out of thin air.

In the gathering point where poachers settle down, no one is pure and good. Even a humble peddler can come up with countless terrible tricks.

But the villains at the entire gathering point succumbed powerlessly in the face of the irresistible bloody massacre brought about by the blond man.

The middle-aged man has never hated himself for boasting so much in the past—as a well-known old hunter who is most familiar with the map of the grassland and the distribution of elephant herds, his "family" is naturally noticed by the blond man who wants to go deep into the grassland and requisitioned.

During this process, a lot of blood was shed and more people didn't even have the chance to bleed—where did the blood come from the people who were wiped out?

Just as the middle-aged man who was driving was running around involuntarily, a gentle voice sounded beside him: "Are we almost reaching that coordinate?"

The old driver shivered. He turned his head and glanced at the blond man holding a partial map of Africa in his hand, then turned his head to observe the seemingly uniform grassland, and quickly replied: "Yes, we are almost there. The boundary between grassland and woodland.

"It should be about an hour's drive away from the latitude and longitude coordinates you provided."

After asking casually, the blond man named Yoshikage Kira stopped making a sound, just looked at the red cross mark on the map in hand and fell into deep thought——

The power and information that the Crimson King conveyed to him in that mysterious space was very messy, or it was difficult for him to digest all of it with his human-level comprehension ability.

But the most critical part of the information, the Crimson King still marked it with extra emphasis - that is the monster named Cheng Bin, the time and latitude and longitude of the first landing on the earth, and even the information is specific to the general scene when the monster landed on the surface .

To be honest, Yoshikage Kira was extremely vigilant and distrustful of the information unilaterally provided by the mysterious stand-in of the Crimson King at the beginning—at the moment when the Crimson King suddenly entered, he even thought that the other party was an enemy ontology.

But after digesting part of the information and seeing the possible evolution process of certain timelines from it, Yoshikage Kira, who was feeling cold in his heart, had to believe it——

Originally going back in time, he planned to find all kinds of mysterious powers on the earth to make up for the various fatal weaknesses of fragile humans, but this action, which has never been stated and has not yet been implemented, was actually within the expectations of that monster!

All the information he obtained privately through untold hardships in reincarnation actually all pointed to various hidden clues planted by that monster!

The "Stone Ghost Mask" that he had given high hopes to become stronger by simply wearing it was actually made by that monster himself! The monster known as the ultimate being is itself the ancestor of the powerful and mysterious vampire! Vampires are nothing but failures and rations derived from some kind of research of Ultimate Life!

It is impossible to imagine what will happen to him if he really obtains the power given by those enemies.

The embarrassing feeling of "Is this even in your expectation?!", even though he has experienced it countless times in reincarnation from shallow to deep, it is still difficult for Yoshikage Kira to feel it deeply again.

Fortunately, the random entry of the Crimson King disrupted the process of this endless cycle of reincarnation.

Just catch the most vulnerable moment when that monster descended on Earth from space, and all nightmares will be over once and for all.

Yoshikage Kira looked at the boundless blue outside the off-road vehicle window, imagined the hope that seemed within reach, and his accelerated heartbeat was filled with excitement and excitement.

Fifty minutes later, Yoshikage Kira, who was half lying on the lowered backrest, straightened his back. His gaze swept across the sparse forest outside the off-road vehicle. The scene full of fallen leaves and dead branches gradually blurred in his mind. The scenes overlap.

"Are you there?" After murmuring silently, Yoshikage Kira looked at the driver beside him coldly, "...you are the most experienced poacher in the settlement, so you can definitely lead me to the nearby elephant herd, right?"

Ruowu's murderous aura made the skin of the middle-aged man tremble with goosebumps. He nodded, then slowed down the speed of the car, turned his head and looked around carefully.

It is not an easy job to find elephant herds on the vast land. In the past, the teams led by middle-aged men needed a lot of time and some luck to find the ideal target.

But this time, the middle-aged poacher only took a few glances before he found signs of elephant herd activity in grasslands and forests, such as scattered feces, trampled elephant paths, and traces of plants being crushed and scratched—something In the case of clear and fresh clues, the pursuit work is much simpler.

But how can outsiders who need a guide to lead the way know in advance that there are elephant herds nearby?

The middle-aged man didn't dare to ask more questions, and followed the instructions of the passengers around him honestly, while avoiding disturbing the elephant herd, he followed far behind the traces left by the elephant herd.

With rich poaching experience, the middle-aged man will not lose track of the elephants even if he drives a car at a long distance beyond the sight of the elephants.

And Yoshikage Kira closed his eyes again and fell into meditation. After going back in time, he set off from Japan and rushed all the way to Africa non-stop. When he arrived near the destination, there was still more than half a day left before the final time limit.

As long as he stays near the herd when the time limit approaches, these striking, gigantic creatures will guide him to his ultimate goal.

The off-road vehicle stopped on a high slope with a better view. At this time, the group of elephants in the distance could be clearly seen through the telescope.

Hearing the driver's prompt, Yoshikage Kira opened his eyes and took the binoculars to look at the herd of elephants. Then he looked at the sky and glanced down at the watch on his left hand—it seemed that he was sleeping in the wilderness today. There are too many supplies, and I can only make do with them overnight in the car.


Although many lower limits have been broken through in reincarnation, sleeping in the same space with dirty poachers is really unacceptable.

Anyway, the traces of the herd of elephants are right in front of you. If you lose sleep and find the wrong direction, it’s a big deal to go back and trace. You basically know the main points of traveling on this land, and we can talk about the things after that.

The blond man who put the binoculars next to the seat turned his head to look at the useless guide beside him, and made a decision with the entangled mentality of choosing bread varieties in the supermarket.

The middle-aged man stared at by Kira Yoshikage was horrified, but before he could react, his neck was tightly held by an invisible palm.

There was no struggle, no last words, and the middle-aged man was instantly reduced to ashes in the flames of the explosion that ordinary people could not see.

Like dust off his suit, Yoshikage Kira had no thoughts related to murder flashing through his mind. He glanced at the gas gauge of the car and reached out to pull the handbrake that the middle-aged man hadn't pulled out before. , and then close all the windows, turn on the air conditioner, and put the seats in the car flat.

He dragged out the box containing the food reserves from under the gun mount in the trunk, and after picking through the box with a frown, Yoshikage Kira put a bottle of mineral water and compressed biscuits beside him, then lay down and rested.

There is often only a thin line between hope and despair. Tomorrow, what fate is waiting for him?

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