Uplifting Journey

Chapter 589: Family and Destiny

Walking in from the door at the end of the corridor was a group of security personnel in uniform black uniforms, surrounded by a few casually dressed ordinary people.

Jotaro's complicated eyes lingered on two of them - a tall, quiet western woman with soft long hair, and a little girl who was leading by her.

It was his wife and daughter whom he had not seen for a long time.

Looking at the little girl Kujo Xu Lun who was half-hiding behind his mother and responding to his gaze with a look of expectation mixed with unease, Jotaro, who is not good at expressing his inner feelings, opened his mouth but didn't know what to say, he could only express his emotions. He pressed the brim of his hat complicatedly, blocking the two people's eyes from meeting.

Seeing the reaction of the familiar yet unfamiliar person in front of her, the little girl with two cute buns and a short ponytail on her head cringed even more.

Fortunately, Joseph is an old urchin full of energy. After greeting the others and asking one of the teenage boys to wait, he walked up to his great-granddaughter and squatted down. The grimace made him giggle.

With a dark sigh, Jotaro gestured to his wife with his eyes. Although she was an American, the tall woman whose personality was biased towards Yamato Nadeko nodded in agreement. After comforting her daughter, she followed Joseph's words and took her daughter's hand towards him. Go to the rest area on the other side.

Noticing the complicated gaze that the little girl glanced sideways at him while walking, Jotaro was slightly taken aback, and the sense of guilt in his heart became more and more intense-he spent most of these years traveling around for the matter of substitutes and arrows, and almost never went to Accompany her daughter's growth.

On the one hand, there are indeed many affairs that cannot be separated from the help of his Platinum Star. On the other hand, he also wants to protect his wife and daughter.

Stand-in messengers will attract each other.

This is not a joke, but a solid fact based on a large number of statistics.

A stand-in messenger will always meet other stand-in messengers unexpectedly at certain times in his life, and what prompts them to contact is often a series of seemingly natural but actually weird coincidences.

As the strongest stand-in messenger in the known range, Jotaro has experienced this kind of "coincidence" that makes people feel the power of fate countless times.

He gradually moved away from his family, and it also started from a coincidence that his wife and daughter were almost hurt by other substitute messengers.

There is only a thousand days to be a thief, but there is no thousand-day defense against a thief-the power of the Joestar family can effectively protect family members and eliminate threats from ordinary people, but the ability of the stand-in messenger that surpasses common sense is simply impossible to guard against.

What's more, as the most powerful person in the world, although Jotaro's name and image and other detailed information have not been revealed yet, a substitute who can stop time, as one of the biggest deterrents of the combined forces behind him, has been faintly Word spread in the stand-in circle.

The international joint force established in response to the situation where substitutes are gradually flooding is not monolithic internally. It can be said that the time-stop ability is revealed, and it can be said that the use of frontal combat is not affected if the identity is not disclosed, but who knows if the time-stop will be followed up? Has his identity been revealed?

The ability to stop time is enough to make many stand-in messengers restrain themselves and carefully consider their own way of doing things, but at the same time, there are countless existences that have deep hostility towards time-stoppers.

Star Platinum is invincible, but Jotaro with his family is not. He cannot 100% guarantee that he can protect his family from the malice and coincidences that are aimed at him, so he can only reduce the contact with his family and try his best to protect his family. Prevent potential enemies from finding their wives and daughters as ordinary people by themselves.

A substitute that cannot be observed and identified by human technology is like a pistol that moves at will without leaving any evidence, making this society more and more dangerous.

It is for these reasons that Jotaro is furious that Joseph has brought his family here and drawn him into a maelstrom of horror.

But Joseph, who also values ​​his family, naturally has his reasons for doing so——

"Don't look at me with that look," Joseph coughed as he watched his great-granddaughter leave, looked back at Jotaro and spread his hands, "Our main task during this time is to deal with Katz's threat, I Know him well, well, at least I know him well decades ago."

After a pause, Joseph looked at Jotaro seriously: "As far as my battle with him was concerned decades ago, Katz is a rotten person who has no bottom line and will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

"In the agreed one-on-one duel, he sent his subordinates to pretend to be himself to facilitate his sneak attack, and threatened the other party with the life of the enemy's relatives and friends. He didn't have the slightest psychological burden to do such indecent things.

"I have no doubt at all that he will find all my relatives and use the most vicious way to retaliate against me," Joseph said in a deep voice, "In addition to Polnareff's video, you also saw Zhu You should understand that Katz's abilities are definitely beyond the reach of ordinary security personnel. At this time, it is safest to put them in the place with the strongest combat power.

"Not only Xu Lun and the others, but everyone including my daughter and your mother, He Li, I have someone help them move to the nearest place. I know, these are just stopgap measures, so we must solve Katz's problem as soon as possible .”

Just as Joseph's words came to an end, a researcher hurried over and handed him a piece of information—it was the preliminary test report on the arrow.

After thanking him, Joseph quickly flipped through the information in his hand, and after looking at the conclusion page, he let out a long breath: "Sure enough, there are contact arrows, the male cell of the pillar, and the stone ghost face."

Arrows are things made by humans thousands of years ago, and the source of their mysterious power is not their image, but their material.

As far as the test results are concerned, the material of the arrow is consistent with what was reflected in the previous investigation. It is from the ancient times tens of thousands of years ago. It is very likely that it came from a meteorite that fell to the earth, and it happened to be the man of the pillar The age of birth and domination of the earth.

In the preliminary experiment, the erosive bacteria produced by the arrow that stimulated the substitute was similar to Santana's cells in some respects.

But if you want to continue in-depth research, human experiments, and even experiments involving substitute messengers, must be indispensable. I can't take care of those things in a short time.

After handing the information to the curious Jotaro, Joseph snapped his fingers to one side. The teenage dark-skinned boy who had been lazily leaning against the wall with Jotaro's wife and daughter before saw this Straighten your back away from the wall and stand up straight.

The boy scratched his black hair that was messy like a bird's nest, and then said to Joseph unceremoniously: "Hey, old man, you even called me over, what are you planning to do? I am very busy. "

Joseph looked at the hot young man in front of him in the SPW operations department and various research institutes: "The enemy this time is quite tricky. If not, I wouldn't want to use your weird stand-in ability."

"Weird?" The young man snorted lightly and raised his hand, and a comic book floating above his palm instantly materialized, "Those who try to challenge and take advantage of fate must always have the mentality of being backlashed by fate." Prepare

"Tell me, what do you want my stand-in 'God Toto' to prophesy? I'm curious what price you, a bad old man, will pay for this in the end."

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