Uplifting Journey

Chapter 445 Forcing Actors and Going Deep into the Dragon Realm

The gods watching the war between the god of the sun and the moon and the United Civilization, relying on the three-way perspective in the void, quickly noticed the traces of a certain force secretly pulling the sidelines, and they knew it well, naturally they would not touch the red Long Meitou turned away their eyes one after another as if they hadn't seen it, and went about their own business.

Although the anxious Sun and Moon Goddess has a limited perspective in the game, as time goes by, she has gradually come to terms with it.

But being aware of the real situation did not help her situation, but made her even more anxious-she couldn't understand at all, and she couldn't even see clearly the way the red dragon intervened. Anti-foreigners, she couldn't even fight back against this inexplicable interference.

For countless epochs, Cheng Bin, with the simulated consciousness of Asmodeus, has pushed the depth precision of power to the limit within the reach of this kind of data world, ignoring the distance in the usual sense in the void, without leaving a trace If you want to secretly erode the kingdom of the gods, you are even more experienced and proficient.

Even though this gap in level cannot widen the barrier-like gap between atoms and protons and neutrons in the inner world in this information world that is conducive to the growth of idealism, this gap in power is not daily. The Moon God has gone through a long time like this, but there is hardly any deity who has grown in essence and can surpass it.

Briefly describe the battle process at the bottom of the void, that is, a binary intelligent life living in the data world, and an intelligent life of the same level controlled by ordinary humans with a mouse and keyboard.

The power of godhood and real name belongs to the deepest layer in this world, but the gods who are the controllers are not. Even though they can control the extremely intelligent divine power to do whatever they want, a large part of their thinking, concepts, and perspectives still remain At the mortal level, it is impossible for them to confront an existence that really looks directly at the underlying information.

After the change of the timeline, Cheng Bin, whose technology and resources have soared countless times, is much less difficult to play with a powerful god like the Sun and Moon Goddess than the God of Shadow who eroded the middle-level divine power when he became a god.

So when Goddess Sun Moon came to her senses and was about to give up the plane she couldn't hold for a long time and run away, she was shocked to find that she had lost control of her divine kingdom and power.

The indifferent goddess with the sun and the moon as her pupils still displayed her figure in the superimposed realm of void and plane, using extremely delicate manipulations to manipulate the power of the Sun and Moon God Kingdom to oppress the mortal civilization that offended her from every angle.

But under her tough appearance, the Sun Moon Goddess, who realized that her thinking and her actions were gradually becoming disconnected, fell into shock and panic because of this unheard of event.

It is almost impossible for the intelligent life in the network to tamper with the memory of the operator in front of the computer, but to tamper with the input signal, let the intelligent computer recognize and process the instructions given by another simulated operator, so as to completely control its behavior. It is not impossible.

From the very beginning, he followed the road of soul specialization. Now Cheng Bin bypasses the protective system full of loopholes built by the goddess of the sun and moon on the surface of the kingdom of God, and directly locates the real name related to the godhead to interfere with his thinking a little bit. To usurp the entire Sun Moon God Kingdom without revealing any trace——

Even though the godhead itself is difficult to interfere, and its connection with the real name of the gods is also difficult to secretly separate, but the inner thinking personality of the soul carried by the real name changes?

Anyway, during the long time of simulating consciousness with Asmodeus, he did not try this kind of soul operation with masks for isolation and filtering.

Sun Moon Goddess followed the original inertial activities of the superficial simulated consciousness to seamlessly take over the control of the divine power and the Sun Moon God Kingdom, and continued to work hard to erode the plane where the United Civilization is located, trying to take this chip in her hands first.

And the consciousness of his real name is deeper, the real Goddess of the Sun and Moon, who unknowingly retreated to the second line, is desperately begging for forgiveness from the black hands—it is a pity that after the simulation consciousness is formed, it is a bit inconvenient for Cheng Bin to touch his original consciousness Yes, after all the input and feedback ports of the original version are down.

The Goddess of the Sun and Moon, who was locked in the small black room, could only watch helplessly as the divine power and envoys accumulated over countless years were consumed little by little in this extremely long standoff.

In this stressful war, the united civilization of the elves, which was not destroyed in one breath, solved various internal problems as quickly as possible and completed a complete transformation during the war. They quickly concentrated their strength on the barrier of divine power to tear down Opened a few openings and extended the tentacles to other planes.

The new version of the magic net, which has lost its barrier, covers the old magic net in the adjacent area along the preset channel. The mortal organizations in the nearby planes related to the source of the holy light have silently connected to the new version of the magic net as if they had been prepared for a long time. .

Magnificent super magics that distort the time scale of the plane level are activated one after another. Under the pressure of the gods, the United Civilization, which has let go of its worries, puts all preparations on the table, blatantly and frantically improving its own power, and the gods are stunned. The mortal civilization under the suppression of the Sun Moon Goddess is expanding like a plague, and the speed of spreading is getting faster and faster.

With the help of the forces gathered in the early days of the source of the holy light, the United Civilization completed an unprecedented merger and expansion before the gods reacted. Although the star world is extremely vast, the area involved by the United Civilization is still not that big, but those with a wide distribution of beliefs The gods can already feel the phantom pain caused by the large fragments of their own beliefs being broken——

In the distorted and elongated time, only relying on the divine magic that the original believers in the plane obtained through the connection of faith and the godhead automatically feeds back to the past, there is no way to resist the overall erosion of the United Civilization that can fight against the gods.

But take the initiative to put divine power on those planes, touch the body, and even the kingdom of God to directly join the war to restore faith. The source of light, I can't help feeling a little hesitant in my heart——

The shadow left by the Lord of Hell has not faded away, and the red dragon who dissuades Hell seems to be easily fooling the Goddess of the Sun and Moon in secret, and the turn of the era is approaching. Is it worth taking the huge risk in front of you?

Looking at the mortal civilization that has almost no absolute disadvantage in the all-round confrontation with the gods except for the special ability and power accumulation brought by the godhead, and feeling the huge threat of its civilization ideology to the way of faith, the gods couldn't help but to the red The dragon is full of resentment——

Aren't you a god too? Even if the priesthood is to seek knowledge and be enterprising, it is not necessary to personally cultivate an enemy to dig the foundation of the way of the gods, right?

However, even though they were full of complaints, none of the gods took the lead to stand up as a leading representative to criticize the group of gods from the source of the holy light.

It's not that they lack the ability to make decisions, but that when they connect with each other secretly, the foundation laid by the source of the holy light and the chess pieces buried by Cheng Bin during the period of Asmodeus' simulated consciousness began to become active in the dark Guided the choice of the gods, so that the trend of the mainstream eventually turned into a wait-and-see.

After all, judging from the current power form of the United Civilization, they may be affected more than the gods with godheads at the turn of the era. In the past, the magic net itself had some structural strikes at the turn of the era. If this is the case, it may not be impossible to catch Opportunity mobilizes mortal forces and operates to bring back the mortal pattern and development tendency.

All of a sudden, the entire star world was in turmoil, envoys appeared frequently, and oracles spread everywhere. The churches of various gods began to prepare for the upcoming upheaval under the enlightenment brought by their own gods.

However, due to the influence of Asmodeus' trial move, the time of the turn of the era mentioned in various oracles and prophecies was much earlier, and all the busy preparations in the mortal world seemed hasty. Many, not to mention that the gods have abandoned their original plans for the coming of the saints and began to change their strategies drastically.

As long as the exposed information and the impact are not enough to touch the power of the supreme gods involving time, and the body becomes hell instead of the god of knowledge, Cheng Bin doesn't care much about the chaos of the astral world and the void. After confirming that the United Civilization was on its own path in the battle against the gods and began researching and developing technologies to counteract the winds of the era that were slowly blowing, attention was turned to another incarnation.

The Dragon Realm, which has been silent for countless years, was broken by an outsider.

The crimson giant dragon in the void accurately positioned itself in the Dragon Realm following the resonance brought by its physical nature, tore apart the barrier whose symbolic meaning was more than protective, and descended between the void and the kingdom of God.

The scarlet giant dragon, which is obviously different from ordinary red dragons in appearance, spread its wings and flew in the sky. He looked at the incomparably desolate land of the kingdom of God and said in surprise: "I heard that there are almost no active people in the kingdom of God, the dragon god Aiou." The only life in the world is the sleeping ancient dragon, so it's really like this."

This place where the landscape environment looks not much different from the general desolate plane, there is no such thing as petitioners and divine power crystals, which should exist in the kingdom of God. A dragon-shaped mountain gradually condensed due to the long-term immobility of the sleeping ancient dragon.

This made Cheng Bin mutter a little: "Dragon God Aiou's godhead level is not low, right? But the scale of divine power is almost on par with the original me. At that time, I was very narrow in seeking knowledge, and only Lacey Aiwei Those two believers, the dignified Dragon God wouldn’t be like this, right?”

Cheng Bin, who was flying in the sky, was really thinking about the source of the Dragon God's power——

The dragon god Io is very strong. Whether it is the dragon invasion that slams the star world, or the time interference that crushes Oghma, it proves that it has power above the gods.

However, judging from the current structure and accumulation of the kingdom of God, the dragon god Aiou simply uses the power of the god system, and does not have the capital to transcend the world—not to mention, the void storm in the alternate era is not a simple dragon world Can resist.

But the fact is that the dragon god Aiou dared to provoke him without a god, and all the existences that violated the dragon world in history died silently, and the dragon world still stood firm in many eras.

"It's not likely that he has been using external forces similar to high-dimensional interference forces to solve problems?" Cheng Bin, who is familiar with the operation and use of high-dimensional interference forces, muttered in his heart, "Too many such forces are used in the information virtual world. Obvious and completely unnecessary."

As long as it is not like Cheng Bin who has to carry out the information at the point of intervention secretly and as obscurely as possible, after touching the depth of the rules and approaching the high-dimensional interference power in the world to achieve what one wants, there are too many ways for low-dimensional individuals to open, Or continued to exert influence in the lower-dimensional world-with minimal effort.

After all, although the power of high-dimensional life is so large that it is difficult to describe, the speed of its scale expansion when it touches the world line will only be more terrifying, just like a purely profitable investment will make people spend money like crazy, and it will continue to expand and grow , High-dimensional life that occupies more world matrix, its power is never enough, and it is seldom wasted in one world.

Just like Samael in the EVA world, he would rather use human civilization and the earth converter to transform and expand his material interference ability, and would rather directly pull the power of heaven to pay for that world line after failure, rather than invest more A copy of your own high-dimensional interference power comes in.

After all, if the same amount of power is placed in a world line that is progressing smoothly, the benefits will only get bigger and bigger, and a cost cycle investment dozens of times will become millions. Why should high-dimensional life waste this power and give up on What about the huge gains that can be foreseen in the future? Anyway, the existence of potential enemies who are really qualified to be regarded as potential enemies is definitely not something that a little power of the world line can kill.

Unless there is a special reason, or like the battle between Heaven and the World Devourer in ***, there is an opportunity to completely kill a high-dimensional life and take over its legacy, directly increasing its power base, otherwise high-dimensional life will rarely To do money-losing business.

Therefore, the power of the dragon god Aiou, who has little divine power and is simple in the Kingdom of God, is used to frighten the gods. It should come from some kind of plug-in left by its high-dimensional interference power, and even crush the god of knowledge in the timeline changes. Gemma's time interference ability may also be based on this.

This plug-in based on the world of gods can make the dragon god Aiou have transcendent power, and it must touch the deeper reality of this world. Cheng Bin is still very interested in this.

"After invading the Kingdom of God for so long, the Dragon God Aiou didn't react at all. What was he thinking? It can't be that he's still sleeping." Cheng Bin, who was waiting for the turn of the era to come gradually, was not in a hurry. While observing and thinking, he Slowly flew towards the center of the Kingdom of God.

And right in the center of the Dragon Realm of the Kingdom of God, on a plain rocky mountain with a smooth top, the dragon god Aiou, whose figure was indistinct and indistinct, slowly opened his eyes and turned his gaze to the direction of the red dragon.

There are more cold symptoms and I took the wrong medicine. My brain is infinitely written.

That digital account that scares me is here again. He keeps using his own settings to talk about some things that haven't been written yet.

Most of the replies in the comment area will disappear after refreshing. Fortunately, I almost vomit blood after replying. I decisively asked the customer service to report a wave of bugs

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