Uplifting Journey

Chapter 169 Mollusc Creatures Beyond Limits

"What a big bug"

Cheng Bin, who fell from the sky, was naturally attracted to the most eye-catching things in the panorama covering the entire planet.

It was a vast swamp, surrounded by thick and thick giant trees, the height of which could be measured in kilometers.

These big trees are strange in color, distorted in shape, and are covered with intermittent gnawing marks.

Cheng Bin saw at a glance the culprits who made these big trees look strange——

In the swampy lake surrounded by giant trees, a huge slug whose tentacles are several kilometers in length lurks inside, revealing its blue-striped back on the surface of the lake, as if it were a wide island.

"This body size exceeds the fifth-level giant dragon in Never Ending, and it is also a soft-bodied creature. How does this body support and operate?"

Cheng Bin, who changed direction, landed curiously towards that place.

When he got closer, Cheng Bin discovered that the swamp lake soaked by the big slug was actually completely composed of super strong acid.

"Strong acid, slug, super big body" Cheng Bin thought for a while, and then dug out the matching information from the relevant information of Naruto from his memory, ". This is the wet bone forest, one of the three holy places for practicing immortal arts. Is the big bug the so-called slug fairy?"

The fairy art mentioned in Naruto World is a way to improve the ability of ninjas after they have successfully practiced Chakra——

Integrate the natural energy permeating the environment into one's own chakra, form a stronger fairy chakra, and enhance one's own abilities in an all-round way.

This kind of practice has many benefits, but the risk is not small, and it is fatal at every turn.

Cheng Bin thought about his several exploration and research plans for Chakra, then shook his head, but curiosity still prevailed: "It seems a bit early to directly look at Xianshu, but it's okay to take a look at it along the way."

Just when Cheng Bin was falling straight towards the big slug, the super slug, which seemed to have finished its rest, squirmed and raised its head, put its mouthparts on the giant tree by the lake, and started to eat slowly.

But when Cheng Bin fell to a certain height, the slug fairy stopped gnawing, and slowly turned his head to look at Cheng Bin in midair——

Its performance does not show vigilance, but it is mostly curious.

But also, with the terrifying size and ability of the slug fairy, there are almost no things that can threaten it on this planet. It is estimated that vigilance and so on have long been thrown to Java.

So when Cheng Bin landed on the pitted tree gnawed by huge slugs, he heard a voice as loud as thunder and as soft as a woman saying, "Hello."

Standard Sakura Mandarin.

Cheng Bin clicked his tongue, suppressed his urge to tear up some slug tissue, and greeted the polite slug fairy.

Slug Immortal, who rarely saw other living creatures, seemed to be in a good mood: "Apart from Kobashirama and Kozuna, you are the third human being who can move freely in the wet bone forest filled with corrosive gas."

Cheng Bin, who had been using the panorama to detect the slug's body, was moved in his heart.

Hashirama and Tsunade. Those are the ninjas of the Senju Clan. They are both the main characters in the Naruto script and the direct descendants of the Sage of the Six Paths.

The slug in front of me seems to have survived from the time of the Sage of the Six Paths to the present. Maybe it knows some interesting information?

After telling his name, Cheng Bin chatted with the slug fairy, and then realized that he was thinking too much——

Apart from eating and sleeping, this simple slug doesn't care about changes in the outside world at all. Occasionally, when other intelligent life visits, it shows some curiosity and desire to communicate.

Its understanding of other places on this planet, such as the ninja world, basically comes from the split offspring that split itself and was summoned away by the wet bone forest contractor with psychic magic, and the information is pitifully scarce.

However, the familiar trait of the slug fairy, which can split a large number of ego, and can also be reunited, has aroused Cheng Bin's interest——

The Mechanic Emperor, Bai, and the skeleton of the plant civilization they just met all have similar characteristics.

After obtaining the consent of the slug, Cheng Bin collected some tissue samples for careful study and analysis.

Purely from the material level that Cheng Bin can analyze, he can't even understand how the slug fairy maintains its huge body to exist stably, let alone understand how the special abilities of its body work.

The most amazing thing is that Cheng Bin couldn't find the source of the thinking command of the slug fairy to control himself-the slug fairy does not have a brain-like structure on the material level.

The only thing that can be called a harvest is the unexplorable mysterious power of the slug fairy - what it calls the fairy chakra, which is somewhat similar in some characteristics to the Muku that appeared on the plant civilization home planet before.

In the ancient memory of the slug fairy inherited from the genes, it seems that there are indeed continuous scenes of great battles-a super war between various creatures using natural energy and races with strange eyes.

However, the war was too long ago, and the slug fairy was born at the end of the war, so the specific details are not very clear.

"Speaking of which, in theory, both Mukuro and Datong Peach Pose should use Chakra, but the physical characteristics of various physical phenomena are very different. Muku gives people the feeling that it is closer to a large amount of natural energy fusion. Slug Fairy

"It seems that natural energy and chakra are not exactly the same in essence. Could this have something to do with Muku's war with that ancestral tree monster?"

After pondering for a while, Cheng Bin temporarily put aside the question and said with a sigh: "It's really too early to start this kind of subject, and we still have to study chakra from the beginning."

Cheng Bin looked at the slug fairy who was slowly nibbling on the branches of the giant tree, and carefully looked at the various energies and control commands in the opponent's body that seemed to come out of nowhere.

"To some extent, the situation of the slug fairy seems to have transferred his thinking structure to the chakra. If there is a real master behind the chakra, isn't it just sending him to the door to be a mermaid?"

Cheng Bin shook his head, his figure slowly floated up, greeted the slug fairy, and left the wet bone forest.

Cheng Bin, who was flying high in the sky, looked at the planet under his feet - he had come to the sky above the continent where the human beings lived on this planet.

It has to be said that the sphere of influence that humans occupy on this planet is really small, but it is also understandable, except for the place occupied by humans, the surrounding area is basically like a wet bone forest full of strong corrosive gas. Dangerous hostile environment.

And these harsh environments are also full of all kinds of powerful beasts.

From the perspective of the environment and the food chain, these beasts with a more or less natural energy response should not be naturally evolved, but more like artificially spawned biological weapons.

"It seems that there are many things that are not clearly stated in the message before Mupujie. So, where should we start when we study the essence of Chakra?"

Cheng Bin unfolded the Naruto file to identify the map, and then turned his attention to the mainland under his feet.

"The scattered islands in the east are the land of water, the Gobi Desert in the southwest is the land of wind, the northeast peninsula is the land of thunder, and the mountains and rocks in the northwest are the land of earth"

With a movement, Cheng Bin's figure fell head and foot towards the center of the area.

"Then, there is the Land of Fire, the central area of ​​human influence where the protagonists of the script are located.

"The five major countries of water, fire, earth, wind and thunder correspond to the five major ninja organizations of Wuyin Village, Muyeyin Village, Yanyin Village, Sandyin Village, and Yunyin Village. The leader of each ninja organization is the 'shadow' named after the country. For example, the main perspective of the script—the leader of Konoha Village in the Land of Fire, Hokage

"The local ninja's objective understanding and research on Chakra should be of great reference value to me, and the person with the strongest research ability in the Naruto data is from the Land of Fire——

"The contractor of Zhongjilong Cave in the Three Holy Lands, one of the legendary three ninjas in Konoha Hidden Village, the Land of Fire, Orochimaru

"'Uncle Snake, master the core technology'. I hope Orochimaru you are worthy of this evaluation."

Well, I am not satisfied with the things I have written these days without saving manuscripts. I dare not even read the chapters and comments. I haven’t recovered from the cold for so long, tsk.

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