Uplifting Journey

Chapter 126 Human Fleet

Jupiter, the most massive planet in the solar system, has a mass 2.5 times that of the other planets combined.

Jupiter's atmosphere, which is 5,000 kilometers thick, is filled with hydrogen and helium.

For the human civilization that started to develop the solar system, Jupiter is the organic polymer material base, nuclear fusion fuel base, and engine consumable supply base.

Its strategic significance is evident.

After losing the starry sky near the earth and Mars in the war with the mysterious dragons, Jupiter is currently the most important base for human beings, second only to Jupiter, which is the various metal smelting bases on the asteroid belt.

On the surface of Jupiter's atmosphere, countless disc-shaped spaceships are pumping hydrogen and helium, and countless vortex tornadoes form a magnificent scenery.

And on Jupiter's inner satellite orbit, a huge fleet quietly floating in the dark universe is undergoing repairs.

Under the protection of countless support ships, destroyers, and cruisers that are covered with scars and are undergoing various small aircraft repairs, a brand new spherical super mothership is as eye-catching as an elephant standing in an anthill.

Deep inside the mothership with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers, in a wide hall, a row of translucent cabins with various indicator lights flashing neatly lay flat on the ground against the wall.

In a working cabin, a lean adult Western man opened his eyes in warm culture fluid.

"Who am I?" The operation of thinking touched the dense neural network of the brain, and pictures emerged in front of the man's eyes——

There are as many dragons as there are stars, a huge fleet waiting for battle, interlaced lasers, and flashing fireballs.

"I'm Eddie, a member of the United Parliament, the commander of the No. 1 mothership formation."

The confused eyes quickly regained clarity. The man Eddie frowned and took a breath of the oxygen-supplying liquid uncomfortably, then raised his hand and knocked twice on the training cabin.

After testing the condition of the human inside, the cultivation cabin quickly sucked out the culture fluid, and used an electromagnetic brush to clean the man briefly.

Eddie, who was completely naked, sat up holding the open edge of the culture cabin, coughed up some culture fluid from his nose and mouth with some discomfort, then turned over and fell outside the cabin, shaking his unsteady body.

Pulling out a thick piece of clothing from the opening in the wall next to the training cabin, the man put the black-gray one-piece suit on his body and pressed his wrists. The loose clothes shrank and became very close-fitting.

"This should be Mothership No. 2. I don't know how the plan is going."

Eddie did a few squats and push-ups, then got into some twisting positions, moving his slack body all over the place.

Then he stood up straight and looked at the training cabin before him and smiled wryly: "Is this what death feels like? If I had known it, I wouldn't have chosen real-time backup."

Just then, a faint beam of laser light shot out from electromagnetic devices scattered throughout the room, and was aimed precisely into Eddie's pupil.

A floating window appeared in front of Eddie's eyes, and a black head with a bald head was displayed in the center, and several sound waves were accurately superimposed in Eddie's ears——

"Eddie, you're finally up, how do you feel?"

"Andrew? I feel terrible," Eddie shrugged looking at the acquaintances in the window, "What happened after I died?"

"Well, everything is going well. Come to the conference room and talk slowly. We are all here."

"Minister Chen is here? I have to give him feedback on this bad user experience."

"Come on, we'll wait for you."

After taking a deep breath, Eddie looked back at the many training cabins at work, then turned and walked towards the gate.

Next to the core control area of ​​the super mothership, in a small meeting room, the current top seven helmsmen of human civilization gathered together.

Eddie greeted several people and sat down in the empty seats at the round table.

"Eddie, you just woke up, let me explain the situation to you first."

The short and chubby black man Andrew touched his bald scalp, then looked at Eddie's bald head with a smile and said, "The previous bait plan was completely successful, and the refitted No. 1 mothership knocked out 7% of the Lizard Legion." ten"

".The remaining lizards are out of battle with us at a safe distance. This is the previous record."

Andrew pointed to the desktop in front of him, and a three-dimensional projection appeared in front of Eddie, demonstrating the follow-up details of that battle in detail.

"It's good that it goes well, at least I didn't die in vain, what about my gang of brats?" Eddie looked at an Asian young man beside him.

Eddie said to this Asian young man with a gentle temperament and a faint smile on his face: "Minister Chen, I have to say that the feeling of being about to drown in the new training cabin is very refreshing."

"But you have to admit that the effect is very good," the young man surnamed Chen smiled at Eddie, "Including you, the current progress of the resurrection of the No. 1 mothership personnel has reached 90%. The mothership will be able to resume normal operations."

"The technology involving thinking and memory is really amazing. It's a pity that many high-tech technologies have not yet come and expanded research and put them into practical use."

Eddie suddenly sighed, touched his hairless head and said: "But I suddenly feel that this method is called resurrection, although it is said that after the analysis of memory thinking is converted into data and then loaded into the clone, it is the same as the original people can't detect a difference."

"The only problem is that many identical people can be reproduced in this way."

Minister Chen looked around, and spread his hands to everyone: "When the time is in danger, why not create a group of copies of outstanding talents? It is acceptable to create an identical self after death, but it cannot accept multiple selves at the same time. Existence, you also have a little bit"

"Okay, okay, this issue has been voted on before, so stop promoting your theory, the current population is not considered a shortcoming."

Andrew waved his hands helplessly and said, "With NZT drugs, the average person's level of excellence is not too far behind. Let's continue talking about the issue of war."

"As far as the current investigation is concerned, the surviving dragons retreated to the side of the asteroid belt for repairs after the No. 1 mothership self-destructed, and there is no action for the time being."

A pretty dark-skinned mixed-race woman suddenly looked down at the small translucent board in her hand, and then continued: "Oh, the latest news, a small number of dragons have evacuated towards Mars."


Eddie glanced at the beautiful woman who spoke, of course he wouldn't have any thoughts about her appearance——

Not to mention the brain developed by NZT drugs, they have very little concept of beauty and ugliness. In essence, the woman is also of the same generation as them. Although they are so young on the surface, in fact, everyone is almost a hundred years old. .

"Speaking of which, after the fall of Mars, those dragons didn't stay there for long, did they? Why did they suddenly send troops there?" A yellow-skinned man propped his chin and wondered, "After a big defeat, he dared to disperse his forces, and the resource mining on Mars and utilization efficiency is so low.”

"Compared with the asteroid belt, the only difference on Mars is that there are humans? Remember that there were survivors before disconnection, and the main resistance was the Dragon Blood Warriors."

Andrew looked at Minister Chen and said, "Minister Chen, have you figured out the question about the Dragon Blood Warrior last time?"

"Well," Minister Chen, who is in charge of the scientific research department, nodded, "Based on the initial research and communication records, the feedback from the troops who ventured into the earth, the intelligence before the loss of contact with Mars, and the recent laboratory research on dragon corpses. "

"The transformation plan of the Dragon Blood Warrior may have been intentionally passed on from the Dragon Clan."

The other six people looked over in shock.

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