The steward didn't disbelieve what Sika said, because he could feel that at this moment Sika's hands had enough strength to choke herself.

A standard display can even be said to exceed the average fighter.

It can almost be said that it is comparable to some orcs and savages who are famous for their brute force.

He tried to break free of Sika's hands, but he remained motionless.

Originally thought that Sika was not a real knight. After all, with the recent outbreak of war, many people are posing as knights in an attempt to make themselves more deterrent. "Don't waste your energy, it's your strength, it's not my opponent at all." Sika also learned a lot in this year's study.

During that time, Sandell taught himself something.

People must have faith to live, and faith is their bottom line. Anyone who tries to trample on faith is about to be judged by justice.

This is the spirit of the knight. Although Sika is a magician, he is somewhat influenced by Sandel.

"I'll ask you, you won't accept it!" Sika stepped up, but the steward's face was a little breathless.

He nodded quickly and replied difficultly: "Serve ..."

"I can't hear you." Sika relaxed a little.

The housekeeper trembled and said, "Serve!"

This sound, a little fearful.

Sika then let go of her hand: "I know you're a wizard, I've given you a chance. If you don't know to cherish. I'll let you know what regret is."

"Cough cough." The housekeeper coughed several times, looking at Sika.

I originally thought that this young face should be gentle, and I haven't even seen the world. It's easy to scare yourself.

It turned out that it was such a scene.

Sika's eyes were hard to detect, hiding a black and a white.

Just a moment to get the news.

Sika didn't feel anything about this change and didn't even know it.

The steward didn't say much else, walked alone to the stone aside, and sat on top.

His face was gloomy.

"Good job," Miss Euler laughed. "This is what the Cavaliers should have. I like it! Hee hee."

Sika showed a more friendly smile, but she had some doubts in her head.

Recently, his temper seems a bit wrong.

Looks a bit cold-blooded.

Presumably related to the form of the fallen angel Lucifer. When you reach the Lava Mountains, ask some Hall.

"Tonight, take a good rest. Although this is the first time I have taken this route, I still know the length of the journey. Take more rest." Euler has a natural interest in knights and is also interested in magic.

As long as she is a wizard and a knight, she is friendly.

Making friends is what the Euler family has always told her, which will expand her network.

Many times there are unexpected gains.

Sika nodded. "Thank you. I'll take a rest first."

"Uh-huh." Euler responded.

The mountains at night, alone, are always very dangerous. Because you never know what dangers or weird things will emerge around you when you fall asleep.

Only accompanied teams can give you more safety.

This is because Sandel made Sika better to follow the group, so he gave the knight suit and sword. Another use, Sika doesn't know yet. But it won't be long before Sika will know.

Euler arranged for patrols on duty.

Change the staff every 5 hours, and rest.

The flames flickered and bounced in the dark night, and the dark forest was the only firelight.

Sika fell asleep tiredly.

The steward frowned, lying in the tent, rolling around.

"It's really an obstructive person." The steward narrowed his eyes, thinking of something to do, and thinking of the previous things, but looked timid.

At midnight, the surroundings were very quiet.

Quite surprisingly quiet, like the night before the storm.

Several guard personnel patrolled near the tent.

It was night and very tired. Not even doing anything, after all, this is anti-biological clock.

"Ha ~" The guard yawned.

Immediately, a voice caught the guard's attention.


"What voice?" The guard's heart tightened instantly, as soon as he found something wrong, he was ready to shout at any time.

The guard picked up the torch and gradually approached.

Click, click, click.

The sound is getting denser. It's like something is eating.

The guard took the torch and looked forward, his pupils dilated, and he sat behind his back: "It's a corpse ... ghost!"

He saw ghouls eating trees.

The trees kept rattling.

The ghoul turned his head and looked at him, his face saw him.

He quickly backed away and withdrew his tent: "No, there are ghouls near here!"

"Are there many?" Another guard asked.

The guard said, "I'm not sure. I saw at least one."

"It's unusual to see ghouls here. Shall we wake up Miss Euler?"

"Now the ghouls haven't entered our area, just eating trees. When you evacuated just now, did the ghouls find you?"

"I don't know ... but I think the ghoul should have seen me. Just like I heard before, very shy. I don't know why, didn't follow up."

He described the ghoul, the height of the ghoul was not high, that is, half a man. It's less than about three feet away ~ ~ The skin tone is dark and the claws are sharp. The most noticeable one is the abnormally developed oral cavity.

"Let's ask Miss Euler?"

"Then you go, I won't go."

The guard heard this, and walked towards Miss Euler's tent.

Then she pulled the string outside Miss Euler's tent.

After all, afraid of disturbing others to rest, if adventurers and businessmen are very tired during the journey, they may not be able to judge accurately.

Even the fight was fragile.

Euler fell asleep for some time, and as the string moved, she opened her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Euler didn't wake up.

The guard said: "Some of us just found traces of ghouls here. But there is no indication of an attack. Do we want to act?"

He knew that ghouls weren't a good thing, specializing in corpses.

Then the corpse that has been eaten is transformed into the evil magic person, and the corpse is resurrected to become a new member of the undead.

It's weird to be gnawing trees now.

Euler heard the ghoul, and he was an instant spirit, he had heard it before at home.

Ghoul is a special creature that lives for the undead. And they are social creatures, all of which have scale and division.

After thinking about it, Euler stood up and squeezed the necklace on her chest with her hands.

It was a swan necklace, and the depiction on it was very delicate, just like the hand of a master of art.

As soon as Euler stepped out, he saw Sika's tent and hesitated to flip over.

"We found ghouls, if you want to go, you can be together. It will be safer."

"If you're already asleep. I'll go first." Euler whispered without forcing Sika to go.

Just waiting for Sika's answer ...

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