Dear ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Chapter 649 of the Infinite Extreme Live Broadcasting System Volume 649. The male magician of Pattaya is a little surprised and ready to go in. I did not expect it to be dark.

These designs are too clever!

However, he did not wait for the male magician to enter.

Sika said, "Don't go in!"

"What's wrong?" The male magician stalled and turned to look at Sika.

I saw Sika pick up a book from the bookshelf, and threw it directly into the underpass.

Huh! call out! call out!

箭 An arrow shot from the left and right directly into the underpass.

"This ..." The male magician was startled. If he rushed in just now, I'm afraid he was shot through.

Sika groaned: "Sure enough, I think."

"If I guessed right, every room has such a mechanism. It is likely that there is no mechanism, that is where we really need to find." Sika speculated, but this speculation he was not completely sure.

There are two types of layouts in the government agencies, one is the startup type and the other is the ambush type.

The ambush type is equipped with real and fake hidden doors. If you are not careful, you will be killed by the institutions in the hidden doors.

Start-up type organization means that the owner opens the device after a person enters it.

Prevent intruders.

Basically these two types cover the essence of most institutions.

"Every room, we try. I can't determine the type of institution now." Sika told them what they thought.

They looked at Sika and felt that Sika was special, and she was really good as a half-elf.

Mixed races, no matter where they are, the vast majority will not be recognized by the same race.

This is a big value for the whole world.

Although some people do not have such a mentality, this is a comprehensive view.

"Let's try each room," Sika suggested.

The two felt that it was more appropriate now.

Twenty-three try one by one.

It is true that each bookshelf has a book that can be pushed back, which is a little different in texture.

Finally in a room on the second floor, everyone found an undercover shot without a mechanism!

"Go and call them Freya." Sika felt that the five were safer and gathered together.

Separate action is to improve efficiency, combined action is to get together, strength is talking about safety.

"We have found the channel." The male magician is a bit of a showy element. In human nature, men always like to show something in front of women.

The animal world is the most obvious, such as orangutans mating. They will show off everything.

Nufria looked at Sika and said nothing.

"Take some small pieces, and go ahead, if there is any organization, how much can be predicted in advance." Sika proposed that everyone take something just in case.

哐 Dang!

"Someone came in !?" The magician was startled!

"Come in!" Close the secret door!

After everyone went in, there was a push-pull rod.

The dark door closes directly.

The other secret doors were closed when they came in. The way to switch is to pull that book back.

Because of this, there is a mechanism, so naturally I did not go in.

"Shouldn't be able to find us in a short time." Sika knew she had to hurry.

The voice just now was a magical arrangement in advance, which you can hear yourself, and the other party can hear too.

She said, "Don't leave now. Wait for me."

She began to sing magic, took out a bottle of blue liquid in her hand, and poured it into the ground.

"Magic liquid." Sika recognized this thing and said it during the college study.

This is something that can quickly restore magic and use magic.

Ravioli needs to be extracted. There are cheap and high-quality ones on the market. you get what you pay for.

"Brightness!" A light appeared in Fliya's hand.

This can see the light in the dark environment.

No harm, but it plays a very important role in this environment.

Darkness was in the light of her hands, and the channel became much clearer.

"A lot of words were written next to it." Sika saw some text.

Everyone looked carefully, but found that this was a type of text they could not understand.

"This is not our text, it should be orc text." Fuliya speculated.

Because they couldn't understand, everyone went along.

I listened carefully, and seemed to hear the sound of clicking.

I was a bit infiltrating.

Girls walked behind Volia, and compared to Volia, it seemed natural.

I have no fear at all.

Finally, everyone came to a large back room.

"There is a lot to eat here." The male magician had fun, and he had been a little hungry for so long.

Many snacks, including cookies.

Swallow directly into the mouth.

Sika reached out and said, "Wait."

As soon as the male magician stunned, his face was a bit unnatural: "Shouldn't it be poisonous ... then I'm miserable, I ate it, and I've swallowed it."

He didn't think much, and now he just reacted.

Sika could not help but smiled helplessly: "I don't know if there is poison. But I mean, someone is eating here."

"You see there is a pile of food next to it. This bag has just been opened. And there are some scattered on the ground."

"From the marks of tearing the packaging ... it can exclude some animals without wisdom." Sika was really weak.

He is so rash.

I wasn't right, they were not like themselves, they left the elven tribe and wandered outside.

Although he has little fighting experience, he still has enough life experience.

"Look, see if you can find someone." Sika felt that there should be living people here.

Everyone looked around.

Rely on light.

Twenty-six people looked for a turn. Still not found.

可能 "Maybe we think too much. We should go now." Sika sat down.

The male magician said, "Probably not. I just ate the biscuit. It was crispy. After a long time, the air was humid. This thing will be overcast."

Jessica felt the stool move.

This is a boxy stool.

Jessica lifted the stool directly.

Below is a little girl.

Unlike ordinary people, the eyes of little girls are cat eyes ~ ~ Catwoman? "Xika directly associates this, but obviously it should be that the identity of the human race occupies more.

The girl looked at them in horror: "Don't ... don't kill me, I don't know anything."

"Are you Pattaya?" Sika asked.

The girl froze, took a few steps back, and said nothing.

Sika said, "Look, we are magicians. Your father is Bart. I'm right."

Seeing the girl still unbelieving, Sika said, "If you don't believe it, I can put the magic book aside. We are entrusted to find you by your housekeeper."

The girl was vigilant, and whatever Sika said was unbelief.

Nufria took out a copper plate from her clothes: "Do you still recognize this? The token your steward gave me. You should know."

The girl looked hesitantly and looked at Freya: "Did you really call the housekeeper?"

"Yes, yes," said Fuliya.

The girl was dubious: "Are you here to save me now? Can I go out now?"

"Not yet. When we came in just now, there should have been some people coming in. It is estimated that we are now searching for us." Fuliya looked at the way forward. 166 novel reading network

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