Dear ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Chapter 368 of the Extreme Infinite Live Broadcasting System Volume Kim Sika pulls out a magic book from her body and groans.

"Elemental Call!" Sika raised her hand, and a light appeared on the ground.

In the light, a black gas gradually appeared, and it seemed to condense a special shape.

"Moon Elf?" Sika stunned, the elemental summoning was somewhat random and inevitable. Near the volcano must be a summoning fire element.

As for the fire element or the fire elf or the fire dog, it is not sure.

Similarly, at night, dark elements related to the night are also summoned.

After seeing this light, the dwarf looked at Sika in doubt: "Are you a magic apprentice?"

He has a certain confidence in killing Sika. It is estimated that he is a novice in magic. The magic fluctuations of novice in magic are still unstable.

Sika is also the first time to use magic to fight, cast spells, and let the moon elves attack the dwarves.

The Moon Elf is like a bright moon, but with a hint of darkness. The elven had a moon-shaped sickle.

The elves rushed forward in a stride, with smooth and flexible movements.

Sika can see a red and green energy bar above the moon elves. According to Hall, the red represents the health of the moon elves.

When the red energy bar bottoms out, it means the end of the elf's life this month.

绿色 And green represents the time of existence of the elves.

精灵 When the time is up, the elves will disappear. The magician can summon one again. The upper limit of the summoning depends on the magical intelligence.

Sika now has three magics in her hand, one is Holy Light Healing, the other is Elemental Summoning, and the other is Fireball.

Two can be used for combat.

Use one now, only one fireball left.

So Sika must seize the opportunity, otherwise, after the Moon Elves are resolved, she will fall into a big deadlock. Beer affects me somewhat, but the problem is not particularly great.

The dwarf obviously has considerable proficiency in combat. This kind of thing is probably not the first time.

"When I pack this elemental creature, I'll pack you!" The dwarf gritted his teeth. This elementary creature was harder than he thought.

Xika stared at him closely, and finally found a chance!

Moaning and singing: "Fireball! Let go!"

A fireball flew directly from Sika's magic book, rushing towards the dwarf.

The dwarf's pupils shrank, and it was too late to dodge.


The whole person was hit by fireball!

After the dwarf was hit, he fell directly to the ground. Sika had just prepared to walk over to confirm the situation, but did not expect a flying knife to fly directly towards herself.

"Has a companion?" Sika flashed away quickly.

哐 Dang.

The flying knife dropped on the ground.

Two dwarves: "Xili, I said you can't do it. Alas, lose to a mage. Obviously still new."

Sika realized it was a little bad, even though it was her first fight and she gained the upper hand.

However, now the only spell left in the magic book is the Holy Light to heal.

Sika turned and tried to run. It was difficult for a mage without magic to exert her combat power.

"Want to run? Is it so easy?" One person stopped Sika quickly.

西 Just as Sika was deadlocked, a man was holding two axes: "Move him, have you asked my axe?"

Sika turned to look at it, it was Uncle Vic.

Vick picked up the axe, one on each hand: "Come, try your heads hard, or my axe hard. Come on, let's go!"

Some crazy tone scared these thieves to flee.

He left with the body of the man who had fallen to the ground.

Vick breathed a sigh of relief: "Finally scared the group of guys. I never thought you would still be a magician."

Sika embarrassedly touched her head: "The one who has not been certified is not a real magician."

"It's very good. It's much better than the group of apprentices who only know about bragging. I'll send you back." Vic said.

Sika said, "Thank you."

Hall patted Sika's shoulder: "What kind of politeness, I have to keep my guy safe? Hahahaha."

He sent Sika back before leaving.

Sika saw that she had used two magics, re-branded them, and entered them in the book.

Through the things tonight, Sika feels that there are only three magics that are too limited. You must go to the Guild of Wizards to get certified.

Branding supplements spells and other things. Sika lay on the bed and covered her with a quilt. The moonlight shone on that beautiful face.

The next night passed, Sika returned to work again. The morning in Sham Shui Po is lively. Everywhere, people haggling with vendors.

早 "Morning." Sika greeted Vic, and then began setting up the table and chairs.

Before eight o'clock, many guys who like to drink come to the store. Have a drink, chat and have a side dish.

The people in the tavern are very mixed. There are bounty hunters who specialize in arresting criminals, and rangers.

The Hee Hee Hee pub became lively.

This day, another dwarf came, with two pigtails. Just wanted to push the door in.

Suddenly shouted, "Hey, who left a war spear at the door? No one should be mine."

The dwarf pushed open the door, and when no one spoke, he picked it up.

The battle spear was over seven feet, and the dwarf was only over four feet tall, not as high as a spear.

"This thing is so long, it's not easy to take." Captain Kim dwarf found that the war spear was too long to take.

I simply carried myself on my shoulder.


As a result, I just wanted to enter the door.

I banged and got stuck.

I was standing upright, unable to get in, and stuck horizontally.

Kim Kim laughed: "Ha ha ha ha, my Kim is not a man who loves to take advantage of small things. I don't really want to pick it up."

Pretending to walk into the tavern casually.

Xika thinks this person is really interesting. She obviously wanted it, but it was too long to get in.

Kim has a thick face: "Guys, is anyone willing to invite me to drink? I would like to tell you about my great sailing experience ~ ~ Most people ignore Kim, but there is an older The orc offered him a drink.

Sika guessed that Kim might be an adventurer, traveling around the world to adventure. As for the living environment, it depends on your own purse.

I have money to live in a hostel, but no money to sleep on the street.

Kim greeted Sika, Sika felt strange, everyone was not familiar with it. Is it a familiarity?

I really am a strange guy.

Kim began to brag about his sailing adventures in the tavern. He had seen a 30-foot frost bone dragon and a 15-foot corroding poisonous dragon.

The giant octopus on the sea floor said that he had seen Cthulhu. Everyone scoffed, and the existence of Cthulhu was still a problem.

I'm just bragging, just listen.

From time to time, Kim can amused the people around him, boasting that he is also full.

This level of free eating is quite ok, Kim often does this when he has no money.

After eating, Kim finished the story with a full stop. He walked towards Sika and whispered, "Hey man."

"I can detect that you are an apprentice to a magician. The magic intelligence factor is 1."

Sika looked at him in wonder: "How do you know?"

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