The manager froze, and then swept his head a little embarrassed.

I was so excited that I didn't notice that I had expressed my bargaining mentality.

"I'm a little bit sorry. Well, actually, I also work for the company, so I only say so from the perspective of the company." The manager is a little sorry.

Lu Feng said: "I can understand your mentality. But at the very least, respect each other?"

"I wait for you until Saturday, just want to talk to you. Unfortunately, I don't want to talk to you anymore." Lu Feng gave others a chance.

Does not mean that this opportunity can be spoiled at will.

With cooperation, Lu Feng can find others.

The manager was a little annoyed by what he had just done, as if he had done something he couldn't keep.

In business, details often determine success or failure.

Power is now in the other person, not in himself.

The bargaining was just too obvious just now, you just need to pay attention to it.

The horse has stumbled.

"Actually, I really apologize sincerely. This game definitely looks like a hit for me."

"In order to express my sincerity, I will discuss with the company and finally give you the cooperation plan and share."

"You can also compare with several companies, and then you will make your own decisions. Trust me, this time I will return to the company and I will give you the best."

In order to be able to retain Lu Feng, the manager decided to go back and persuade the other responsible persons.

He made the first Plants vs. Zombies, and then he made this game.

Although it is difficult to make good games one after another, this young man may have such opportunities.

Long-term cooperation is the long-term cooperation.

Lu Feng didn't say much, and she really didn't have much knowledge about cooperation.

Many things are the experience of previous life, but can the experience of previous life work. Still have to test the market.

There is a saying that no matter whether it is a black cat or a white cat, it is a good cat that catches a mouse.

"How?" The housekeeper walked in after the manager left.

Lu Feng said: "He wants to cut the price. I don't think he is sincere. So he has no plans to cooperate for the time being."

"Oh, that's fine. Some people do. I know some people, and they also do this."

"I'll ask." The steward was slightly hesitant.

Lu Feng laughed: "Thank you. Take a break and you should be almost sixty years old."

"More than fifty. Maybe I will temporarily leave for a few days and go to the A-level assessment." The steward said.

Lu Feng has always been wondering what this level is. Seems like he has a rank.

Looks very low-level.

The steward held out his palm, and a fire of ice in his hand: "This is the ability of the hunter level."

"Murder?" Lu Fengyun wondered.

Is this a world of cultivation power?

The steward laughed. "Where. This is the level used to perform an airpower test on an airship."

"The planet we are on is called the daughter star. There is also a prosperous planet called the parent star."

"Dominated by our two planets, there are many planets around them. These planets are named Alpha planets. We can go there to get a lot of different things."

The housekeeper briefly introduced it.

Lv Feng found that she really thought too much. Is this a sub-star?

To what extent will motherhood flourish?

What a curious world.

"What is the mother star like?" Lu Feng asked.

The steward looked up at the outside: "I haven't been there, it's not very clear. Only when the hunter level reaches S level is he qualified to go."

"It should be a wonderful world. But we can live well here."

"You see, Master, you are doing very well now. A game has given us a few facades." The housekeeper was pleased.

Lu Feng smiled and went out.

Over the next few days, the store gradually increased, mostly students.

At this time, a new problem emerged.

That is the problem of minors.

On this planet, all children under 16 are minors.

It's 18 years old from the world they used to be, as if two years old.

Well, of course this is not the point.

"Hello, we have received a report. You have a lot of minors online here." A man wearing a star costume came in.

A total of seven people.

There is a star on the shoulder.

Lu Feng was not very clear about the laws of this country, and looked at them and said, "What should I do?"

"You need to make a camera here, and then the entrance is prohibited to enter under the age of 16. It is not legally specified."

"But the industry's default rules are like this." The man in Xingguo Service still had the patience to explain to Lu Feng.

Lv Feng glanced at it and was doing a signboard these days.

Ready to change to LV computer Internet cafes.

Make a chain.

The result is in this small detail.

There are a lot of people under this age in the store. More people didn't go directly to the machine, but chose to stand by and watch the adults play.

Vaguely, Lu Feng's store is a bit like Internet cafes.

Of course, if you look closely, there are still obvious differences. The reason is simple, this place is only the game designed by Lu Feng. None of the other companies' games.

"Yes. I can do it." Lu Feng did not mean to confront Xingguo.

This is not necessary at all, but Lv Feng is thinking about something.

Where are the students' pastimes?

Can they only go to school?

Can they develop other things without going to school?

Maybe I managed it too wide ~ ~ After these Star People's announcement, they left.

Lu Feng thought about it and decided to put a large screen at the gate.

This screen shows some movies.

Even if they do n’t buy into it, many people can get pastime.

For Lu Feng, this is just a hand.

However, for many students, Lu Feng's shop is full of good impressions.

The next few days are busy here, busy there.

The surrounding shops have also been renovated.

The business was split in an instant, and the original family was hot.

After three divisions, it is still quite ordinary.

Without knowing it, I have spent almost a year here.

The housekeeper also discussed several contracts regarding the contract for the Red Alert Agent.

"The contracts are here. Who do we work with?" Said the steward.

Lu Feng carefully looked at these contracts: "Let's look at some companies to cooperate. The agent is very good."

"Check it, is that the manager who has been here a long time ago?" Said the housekeeper.

Lu Feng nodded: "Well, comparing several, it is indeed the best contract. It is clear that this time it is working hard."

"Listen to you, that guy is an impolite guy," the housekeeper groaned.

Lu Feng said, "It's just a temporary agency, and the rights are on our side. As long as it is in our favor, we can choose to cooperate."

"I asked him to come out and talk about specific cooperation." Lu Feng turned on the computer and responded in an email.

That day, the sky was snowing.

The snow of the goose feather class kept falling, and Lu Feng stepped out of the door.

Snow floated on the hair: "Unconsciously for a year. Red alert, you should burst."

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