Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 73: 05 Xia Hospital must also be your instructions.

In the games of the fringe world, in order to ensure an absolutely fair game between players, they occasionally "weaken" those extraordinarily powerful players.

Extraordinarily powerful players are generally the kind of super veteran players who pass the game and pass the level and pass the unknown levels. Not only are they experienced and cold-blooded, they also have multiple skills and a specially strengthened body. Attributes, there are all kinds of relatively easy-to-use primary and secondary cards. This old player is undoubtedly excellent and can easily survive in any environment and any map.

But for newbies and those new players who have only played three or four games or even five or six games, it is a terrible disaster to meet this old player. If this old player is lucky enough to draw the death card, or even If you bring your own death card, it is even more of a disaster.

The marginal world will screen each player who wants to participate in the game before the beginning of each game. The system will try to throw players with similar levels into the same map.

However, because the number of players in the marginal world is not large, and many players will actively start new games in advance or at mutually agreed time, it will inevitably occur that senior and new players are matched together.

The newcomers are ignorant, the old people are cruel and cold-blooded, the two are opposite. The poor newcomers are basically either pitted or killed, and the survival rate continues to decline. If this continues, no new player who has just entered the game will survive, and the old player will only be able to survive. Internal consumption, the edge world may eventually fail to start the game normally due to the decreasing number of players.

The world will be aware of this, so to improve the situation, add an interesting setting to the game.

At the beginning of each game, the six players who have just entered the map will immediately calculate a comprehensive score for each of them. Player skills, cards, physical fitness, psychological quality, survival desire and survival probability will be counted in this comprehensive score.

If the overall scores of the six players are almost the same, it means that the six players have the same level of strength, and the game system does not need to be involved, just let them play freely.

If the overall score of the six players is high, but it is not too high, the system will not easily intervene. At most, the lucky value of those low-score players will be slightly increased. They will be in the game. Easily get better cards or props.

However, if any one or more of the six players have far higher comprehensive scores than others ... it means that those players with extremely high comprehensive scores far surpass others, which is not the same for other players. It's not fair, so the game system will give these high-scoring players a special "weak halo".

The so-called weak aura is to temporarily weaken some of the player's physical properties or skills, and by using this method to lower the comprehensive score of high-scoring players, so as to maintain the balance and fairness of the game.

Similarly, if the overall score of any player in the game is particularly low, far below the average level ... the kind of scores that are normal and average by others, and he is extremely low, then this low-scoring player, The system will give him an "amplifying aura", which has the opposite effect to the "weak aura".

No matter whether the player has received the "weak halo" or "amplified halo", at the beginning of the game, it can be seen from certain characteristics that suddenly appear in the body that he has got a weak or amplified halo. This feature is the position of the wrist or shoulder. There will be a "sign" of the fringe world-snake-wrapped cross.

The aura of weakness showed a black snake cross.

The amplification halo shows a red snake cross.

Black snake crosses are common, and the probability of red snake crosses is very low. Unless the other five people are all veteran players, and only one is a novice super novice, then this novice player may be lucky. Get this red snake cross.

At this moment, Jin's arm had such a small sign of a black snake cross, which was printed on his arm like a tattoo, which was actually a symbol of strength, which meant that he was too powerful, so powerful The game system had to "weaken" him in this way ... terribly, despite the blessing of the weak halo on his head, Kim still looked so strong.

While Mu Qin was confidently saying "You can't kill Zhou Yue", the experienced Jin seemed to realize that Mu Qin had a backseat, and he wanted to step back and distance Mu Qin immediately.

Most of the offensive cards in this game can only be used when the player is in close contact with the player, such as towers, trials, inverse demons, etc. All cards used by others need to be in contact with others.

Therefore, in the game, if you do not know what cards are hidden in the opponent and are afraid to be controlled by the opponent's cards, the player can choose to keep a distance from others at all times to avoid this disaster.

It's a pity that Kim was still one step behind. After all, he was just too excited just now. At first, he took the initiative to grab Muqin and let it go. Now it's too late to let it go. Mu Qin quickly used his inverse **** of death, and took the identity of the killer from Jin. When Mu Qin took out the card that was originally an inverse god, he found that this inverse **** had become Upright death.

The death card on Jin disappeared.

Muqin, who had captured the identity of the **** of death, instantly felt that his body was undergoing tremendous changes. He returned to the feeling he had in the map of the library before, the feeling that ... all the emotions in the body were slowly disappearing. .

"Is the **** of death inverse?" Kim felt the changes in his body and saw the death card in Muqin's hand, and he had easily guessed everything. But he didn't panic, and still kept a slightly twisted and polite smile, "Take away my death, do you think I can't kill Zhou Yue?"

"At least it's not that easy." Mu Qin held the death card transformed from the inverse death **** in his hand, winning the killer status and let him breathe a little sigh of relief, and smiled at Jin, "You are very strong, The death card has greatly enhanced your power ... but without this card, at least I feel that with Zhou Yue's current strength, I can still escape from you. "

"You are right. Zhou Yue is indeed a very powerful person. He also knows me enough. If he wants to escape, then he can easily escape from me." Jin Youyou watched Mu Qin, " But he can, others can't. "

King Jin's words gave Mu Qin an ominous hunch.

Muqin couldn't help asking him: "What do you want to do?"

King didn't answer immediately, but sneered slowly, saying slowly: "If someone is not killed by the killer himself, if he dies, he will only count the killer as half a person. There are only six people in this game, except you and me. Zhou Yue, there are three left, you will not kill Zhou Yue, you will not easily kill me, so in order to save enough people, you must start with the remaining three. If I first you will Those three people are all killed, do you think you can escape from this game? "

"So, you're so sure ... won't you be killed by me in this game?" King's words didn't make Mu Qin too panic, he put forward the hypothesis, "As long as you kill you, the remaining three people Even if I didn't kill it, you can count me a head and a half, plus your head, I won the game no matter what. "

"In case you can't," King slowly said, "In case I can't die, you can't kill me, and the other three people have been killed by me, your head count will not be enough, no matter if you arrive No matter how tangled you are, you can only kill Zhou Yue to make up for your missing head. Zhou Yue is still going to die and will die in your hands. "

"I won't let this happen." Mu Qin had already killed his heart, he stared at Jin, with malicious intent in his tone, "I will let you die first."

In the face of such a murderous Mu Qin, Jin turned out to be happy. He squinted his eyes and smiled with excitement, and sang a praiseful tune to Mu Qin: "Lord, who I obey and love, can die in Your hand is also a great honour to me, and I am very happy about it and wait and see! "

"Fold up your stupid wishful thinking, I said, I am not the will of the world!" Mu Qin clenched his fists, "I am not the Lord you worship at all!"

"Whether you are or not, you have a great connection with the will of the world." Jin Youzheng is fearless, and he is still obsessed with looking at Muqin. "I can come to you, and it must be your instructions."

Mu Qin couldn't listen anymore. The madman's nonsense when he went mad, thanks to Mu Qin's patience for so long, he finally felt intolerable, so he began to move closer to Jin without any trace, thinking about how to do it better .

King was too strong, and he was right in one point. Muqin was really not sure that he could kill him.

But with the death card, even if Mu Qin can't kill him, Mu Qin thinks he can find a way to get him running. As long as he can rush him like a duck, Jin will have no time to find someone else. Even more trouble to find Zhou Yue.

Thinking of this, Mu Qin was prepared to throw his bets. He stretched out his hand without mercy to catch Kim's arm. He wanted to control Kim first, but at this moment the vigilant Jin quickly escaped Mu Qin's hand.

Sure enough, Mu Qin found that Jin's movements were not as fast as before. Mu Qin's highly concentrated dynamic vision could slightly capture his trajectory. However, Jin's speed was still very fast ... The card didn't actually bring him much increase. His original strength was so powerful.

"No, no." Dodging Mu Qin's hand, Jin Zeng murmured Mu Qin, muttering, "Since you have taken away my killer status, then I, who is now a human, is here for you It's better to run away in front of the killer. "

He described the escape as if he were playing, turning and running with a smile, his speed was extremely fast, and he jumped up like a sly fox.

To hold his fox's tail, Muqin needed a weapon. He searched for something that could be used as a weapon. He quickly glanced at a medical cart parked in the corridor and saw several carts on the cart for disinfection. The scalpel in the dish had a very short and narrow blade, and it seemed a bit rusty, but Muqin wasn't disappointed. As long as it could cause damage, the weapons that were **** were also weapons.

So in the process of chasing Kim, Mu Qin went up to the scalpel and followed up in the direction that Kim left.

Kim ’s speed is really too fast. Even Mu Qin, who got the killer status, feels he ca n’t keep up with him. At a turn, Jin Yi disappears in Mu Qin ’s vision. Kim ’s speedy escape really makes Mu Qin a little frightened For a while, but he calmed down quickly.

Gold is indeed fast, but because it is fast, there is no way to cover the marks and sounds.

Luxia Hospital has been deserted for a long time, and there is a thick layer of ash on the ground. The traces of someone running over it are very obvious. With these traces, Mu Qin can use these traces even if he cannot catch up with gold for a while. Come follow him and learn where he is going.

King is now heading towards the main building, and his footsteps pass through the connecting passages between the buildings, the traces extending to the deepest part of the corridor.

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