Universe Infinite Canteen

Chapter 116 The Witch of the Photography Club

"You guys wait." Brother Yang went back to the house and started rummaging around.

Malu casually picked up the remote control on the table and turned on the TV, and found that the picture was fixed on an animation, and the content was a bit... indescribable.

Looking at the half-stack of papers left on the table and the figurines with the same indescribable postures on the side, Ma Lu understood why Brother Yang had closed the door for a minute.

It turned out that they were cleaning the battlefield, and Ma Lu calmly turned off the TV again.

In other words, this is a very stable carry throughout the whole process.

From the moment he knocked on the door until now, Brother Yang did not show any doubts or confusion about the fact that he brought a washing machine to visit.

Like it was a normal thing.

What magical power is this that distorts reality? !

Brother Yang even took out a first-generation Kindle reader from the bedroom and threw it to No. 6.


No. 6 glanced at Malu, and after getting Malu's approval, he immediately sucked the Kindle reader in with the drain pipe.

After that, Brother Yang took a bottle of Coke from the refrigerator and gave it to Ma Lu.

"Why did you remember it?"

"Oh, it's nothing big. It's just that I have a little more money recently and plan to pay off the tricycle in advance."

Malu said while turning on his phone.

Brother Yang did not move, "Convert it to a membership card for me. I will check it for you in the future and charge it directly from the card."

As a pioneer in the food stall industry, although Brother Yang has always been reluctant to admit the success of the world's number one food stall verbally, his body is as honest as ever.

But Malu said, "Oh, but our food stall may not be open for long."

"Well, what do you mean?"

If Brother Yang heard this news before, he would probably have an expression like this, and he would have to make some sharp comments, but now his first reaction is to be a little flustered.

The main reason is that the food made by Lao Wang is really delicious, and Brother Yang is also worried that he will not be able to eat it in the future.

Fortunately, Malu quickly said, "We are ready to open the store. Well, if there is any remaining balance, I will transfer it to the store for you."


While Ma Lu was talking, he also asked No. 6 to perform spinning circles and shaking the drain pipe to test Xiao Yang's reaction.

Brother Yang also looked normal.

However, because the noise was too loud, it attracted the residents downstairs to come up, and No. 6 went to open the door.

The middle-aged man was a little unhappy. He looked past the washing machine in front of him and fell on Ma Lu and Xiao Yang on the sofa, and said angrily.

"My son is doing his homework. Can you please take care of your washing machine and stop it from running around?"

"Sorry, I won't let it make any more noise."

As Ma Lu apologized and asked No. 6 to stop, the man snorted and went downstairs again.

The test was almost complete at this point, and Ma Lu also said goodbye to Brother Yang and returned home with No. 6.

The effect of this was beyond Malu's expectations. With this high-dimensional creation in hand, Malu felt that there was no obstacle to opening a store.

His eyes fell on the last and most expensive high-dimensional creation.

——Desktop Breeding Farm.

He had already heard about the function of this high-dimensional creation from Yan Wu. It could be used to automatically breed food materials, it did not take up space, and it could also speed up the breeding.

As the latest product of creation technology, there are only 99 pieces in the entire multiverse.

But now the piece in Malu's hands is in a damaged state. It can only be used in volcanic ecology, and the breeding limit is 1,000 pounds.

But this was not a problem for Ma Lu. He opened the cover of No. 6, and this time he chose not the roller on the right, but the one on the left responsible for maintenance.

After putting the desktop breeding farm in, No. 6 quickly reported the old value needed for repairs - 4,000 points.

This value is not low. Ma Lu has upgraded his collection bags and other equipment several times before, and the new values ​​consumed are basically hundreds or hundreds of points.

The maintenance of a desktop farm starts at thousands, and it is still 4,000. Fortunately, if the old value is converted into RMB, it is not as expensive as the new value.

But this time Malu not only planned to repair the desktop farm, but also planned to upgrade the collection bag to level 6 so that he could bring back fresh ingredients.

The latter alone would cost almost 160,000 if purchased brand new.

In addition to the 40,000 yuan in rent paid previously, more than 30,000 yuan in construction costs, and the subsequent money to purchase various kitchen equipment and employee wages... this is why Malu must cut down the decoration budget again and again.

In the early stage, money should be spent wisely. Open the restaurant first, and upgrade various equipment as much as possible. Later, if you have spare money, you can slowly decorate it.

Going too far, since the desktop farm still needs to be repaired, Malu doesn't plan to buy new products this time.

At the seafood market, I contacted several second-hand dealers with relatively sufficient supplies, and made appointments with them to view the goods and negotiate prices.

In addition, he added several landlords and intermediaries on WeChat to help Zhen Ye find a house and discuss short-term rentals. He was busy until 11 o'clock in the evening when he went to bed.

Then the next day, he and Lao Wang continued to set up a stall at the west gate of Hangzhou University.

In the afternoon, Hou Yihan came again, but this time he didn't visit the number one food stall in the universe.

There is no way, poor female college students are so strapped for money that they will go bankrupt even if roadside stalls are open to eat.

So Hou Yihan didn't come here to eat this time, but came here specifically to continue listening to the story he didn't finish last time.

She always felt that the story between the boss and the beautiful sister before was not simple, so this time she even brought a bag of cha cha melon seeds to the speaker.

Shen Yue was also free. She took the melon seeds and continued to gossip to Hou Yihan while admiring He Xiaoqian's dance.

"Let's continue the book from the previous chapter. If you want to understand this bad fate, you must first understand the two protagonists in the story, especially Senior Sister Yu. Do you know what Senior Sister Yu's nickname was in school at that time?

"What is it?"

"The witch of the photography club," Shen Yue spat out six words, "because of her beautiful appearance and outstanding temperament, many boys chased her when she first entered school, but what happened to those boys later...well, not all that good."

"got rejected?"

"Not only that, many of them have also been tricked by Yu Yizhuo. That guy has a bad character that doesn't match his appearance. He has a heart of stone and speaks very meanly. No, it should be said that he is vicious."

"Eh? Really?"

Hou Yihan's eyes widened, "But she was very restrained last time. She really has the grace of a mature big sister. I hope I can be as calm and composed as her when I enter the workplace in the future. "

"Well, maybe something happened after she went abroad that made her change. She and I are not very familiar with each other. Senior sister Yu is one year older than my senior brother, and she is three years behind me. I have heard many things about them from other people. of."

Shen Yue opened the melon seeds and said, "In short, no one dares to pursue Senior Sister Yu anymore because of her bad past after her sophomore year."

"Then the boss got brave enough to do it?"

"Well, senior brother did get involved, but he was doing outreach to gain sponsorship from the photography club, which made Senior Sister Yu very angry. Later, Senior Sister Yu also disrupted an event of the Ancient Poetry and Literature Society, and the two became enemies.

"Ah, is that really the case?"

"This was just the beginning. Later, the two of them continued to fight openly and secretly. It is said that a teacher came forward to persuade them to make peace, but the effect seemed to be average.

"Because of this, when the two of them got together later, all the teachers and students in the school were shocked."

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