Looking around the room, Zhang Wuhu frowned.

"What about Eno?"

"Take a walk outside..." Su Xiaoling pointed outside the tent.

Zhou Xin got up: "I'll go find Brother Jiang."

"No need, wait for what he does, a bastard assists." Zhang Wuhu waved his hand and said with a slight impatience, "Okay, listen to me, I'll arrange tomorrow's tasks!" "


Inside the camp.

Jiang Ye stood at the edge of the camp, looking at the dark night as thick as ink.

In that dark night, countless pairs of blood-red eyes flashed from time to time, and occasionally, one or two thick demon qi burst out, causing the sentries on duty to tense for a while.

Jiang Ye's body trembled slightly, as if he had just been hollowed out, and moved to the side of the watchtower step by step, holding the bracket, short of breath.

Such an abnormality naturally attracted the attention of others, and the sentinel lowered his head, looked at Jiang Ye and asked, "Boy, what are you doing?" Said

, sneering.

"Dying woman on her belly?"

Jiang Ye raised his head, his eyes full of longing: "Big brother, can I go up?"

"What are you doing here?"

The sentinel brother thought for a while, suddenly raised his eyebrows, and said categorically.


Jiang Ye immediately took out a few pieces of change from his pocket and shook it at the sentinel brother.

The sentinel brother refused sternly.

Jiang Ye added a few more.

The sentinel brother looked pensive.

Jiang Ye pulled out the generic D-grade rune.

The sentinel brother laughed loudly: "Come up, good brother!"

Jiang Ye climbed up, stuffed things to his eldest brother, and then turned his head to look at the vast wilderness.

The eldest brother coughed dryly, and was saying that he only allowed him to come up and did not allow him to do other clouds, but he saw that Jiang Ye's attention was completely not on him, and he couldn't help but wonder.

"Brother, you came up just to see the view?"

"Yes, ah, boundless wasteland, you are so beautiful!"

Jiang Ye opened his arms and greedily breathed the cold air.

In front of his eyes, the properties panel kept beating.

[Mutant Beast: Night Wolf], [Weird Lineage: Three-Eyed Mayfly], [Earth System: Ground Mountain Cat], [Mutant Plant: Nocturnal Vine], [Mutant Worm: Poisonous Giant Scorpion] ...

Correspondingly, the experience bar is also rising.


"The ancients, stand tall and see far, sincerely do not deceive me."

Eno looked out into the distance.

Although the vision at night is very poor, and it is a moonless night, with a little starlight, the demons wandering in the wasteland still enter Jiangye's eyes.

One by one, the silhouettes of demons moved, jumped, entangled, and then disappeared one by two....

The demons of the wasteland are fighting, especially the strange ones who like the night, and those demons who sleep in the caves are unknowingly taken for their lives.

"Among the demons, the beast line and the weird line have the most," Jiang Ye rubbed his chin, "During the day it is the world of the beast lineage, and at night it is the territory of the weird lineage." After

looking at it for half an hour, all the demons within the limit of his line of sight were looked at, Jiang Ye smiled at the strange-eyed sentinel brother, and then slowly climbed down.

"Another kid who doesn't know the height of the sky." The sentinel brother looked at Jiang Ye's back and sighed, "The wasteland is beautiful!" I don't know how many people died..." Back

in the tent, Zhang Wuhu happened to finish the task.

"Huh? What are you talking about?

Zhang Wuhu snorted coldly: "After chatting, sleep!" "

Say it, just turn off the lights.

Everyone didn't have much to say, and they got into their sleeping bags.

Jiang Ye was next to Zhou Xin, and Zhou Xin whispered: "Team Zhang said tomorrow's mission, he wants to hunt five B-class demons in one day, namely [Blood Wolf], [Iron Tree Associated Flower], [Violent Bear], [Nagran Mangniu] and [Blood Swamp Crocodile]. "

The tone is not small," Jiang Ye exclaimed, "Killing five heads in a day, just rushing is not necessary, right?" "

Hey, Zhang Wuhu has a tracker, these five demons have been marked in advance," Zhou Xin said, "The person is a young master, and someone has already selected the prey to present."

Jiang Ye pondered for a while: "That's also good, save time." "

Let me tell you about the characteristics of these five demons and the role that each of us should play..."

Zhou Xin was about to continue, but was interrupted by Jiang Ye.

"No, I know, as for the effect, I'll just put some buff runes for you." Jiang Ye smiled, "(My role is to K-head, give the demon a fatal blow experience)!"

"Uh... OK.

Jiang Ye turned over and took out his mobile phone to chat with Zhang Huanhuan and his younger brother Jiang Feng.

These two people are now conducting so-called "special training", and they both know that Jiang Ye has come to the wasteland, so the news is sent like a fly.

Zhang Huanhuan said something like not having the ability to shrink back, don't do it, knife mouth tofu heart.

Jiang Feng gave Jiang Ye advice earnestly.

"Brother, I asked our instructor, he said that the E-level auxiliary to go to the wasteland is to send to death."

"So you come back."

Jiang Ye: "..."

"Brother, how is grandpa?" Do you still drink Coke and eat fried chicken every day? Don't let him eat it.

"Well—who's in charge of our uncle?"

"But the instructor said it was so easy to die."

"Talk more if you can."

"Good. I checked the information, low-level rune masters can't make money because of the poor rune effect, so they often sell some illegal runes, have you ever sold them, brother? "

...," Jiang Ye thought about it, thinking that the spear buff rune group was considered to enhance the well-being of mankind, and the self-developed flame frost talisman with overflow of power was innovative research, so he typed the past two words, "No."

"Well, I heard that a [pharmacist] was caught selling astringent medicine."

“...... It's not early, go to sleep. Jiang Ye was helpless with his younger brother.

This kid, honest, is still hot-blooded, and in the words of the last world, he is red and specialized.

If it's just a mouth, the problem is that the younger brother will really do it, like helping the grandmother cross the road, giving money to beggars, community volunteer labor is nothing, this stinky boy actually ran in to save people when he encountered a fire on the way to school, and as a result, people did not save themselves and fainted from smoke.

Who can you save if you kid is one meter two in the first grade of elementary school?

Jiang Ye let out a long breath, relaxed his body, and slowly went to sleep.

Early morning the next day.

"Ready to go!" Zhang Wuhu snorted.

Everyone got into their sleeping bags, all full of energy, tidied up their clothes, washed their faces, and got into the off-road vehicle.

Zhang Wuhu drove out.

The person in charge of Camp No. 3 was standing at the entrance of the camp, and he smiled and waved at Zhang Wuhu.

Zhang Wuhu's eyes flickered and he nodded.

No one noticed this detail, except for Eno.

He took a deep look at Zhang Wuhu and frowned slightly.

The off-road vehicle drove into the wasteland, and along the way, you could see the bones and flesh left by the demon fight last night, and the earth was dyed red.

"Go to Black Rock Hill first, where is the lair of the blood wolf." Zhang Wuhu said coldly, gave the car a turn, and drove towards a bulge in the black earth.

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