Chapter 064 The Horrible Bride of the Teacher in Xinshan Village 【Flowers for collection】

Obviously, these cars are crew cars.

If it is driving on the road, it will not attract too much attention.

However, some traffic accident happened ahead. These cars were blocked on the road, crawling forward like a turtle.

“Look, a filmmaker.”

“”The Scary Bride of the Old Corpse in Xinshan Village”? Yo, it’s still a horror movie.”

“It’s so weird now, there are ghosts in the world everywhere, and there are still people making ghost movies? You are not small.”

“This is called rubbing heat, you don’t understand.”

“It’s the first time I’ve heard of Zeng Gui’s enthusiasm, and I’m afraid I’ll spend my life earning money instead of spending it.”

Many people in the car couldn’t help talking when they saw these cars.

They guessed right, the crew really wanted to take advantage of the frequent occurrence of supernatural events, stir up the stale cold food of the old corpse in the mountain village, and take the opportunity to harvest a wave of leeks.

The director and chief producer is a 40-year-old middle-aged man with long hair and slightly fat.

“Are there ghosts in the world?”

The corner of the director’s mouth twitched, showing a disapproving expression, “I think there are ghosts in people’s hearts! Peddling, what happened in front of this? Can it still work?”

“We have to reach Huangcun before dark!”

“We’re going to grab it all, Shet!”

At this time, the director was furious when he saw the moving vehicle at a slow speed.

“Ah Cheng, find someoneBrothers go to the front to see what’s going on. ”

The director took the walkie-talkie and instructed.

The voice of the action director Acheng came: “Okay, director.”

Not long after, Acheng’s voice came from the walkie-talkie.

“Director, there was a car accident ahead, and a woman riding an electric car was crushed to death by a big car.”

The director became angry when he heard it, “Fuck! I knew it! There is no fucking woman in the countryside who obeys the traffic rules. They deserve it, fuck!”

Ah Cheng wanted to say that this time it was the cart’s responsibility, but he didn’t dare to say so.

Now the director is getting angry, so don’t hit the muzzle.

“Yes yes yes.” Acheng casually agreed.

After half an hour, the scene of the traffic accident appeared in the director’s eyes.

“Oh, this is too miserable.”

The driver looked at a woman whose head was crushed like a rotten watermelon and couldn’t help but blurt out.

“Grass! This kind of thing happened to me when I made the first movie, it’s fucking bad luck!”


The director cursed and spat out the window.

When the crew vehicle arrived at Huangcun, it was already dark.

Didn’t grab the light, the lighting team played several groups of light directors and were not satisfied. Several scenes in the announcement could not be filmed, and the angry director once again scolded.

Although the crew knew that the director was a novice, they didn’t dare to say anything.

After all, the director is the chief producer, the investor, and the real boss.

Who dares to provoke him, unless he doesn’t want to make this money.

“Little Fatty, give the director a stick of incense.”

After getting out of the car, the recording engineer asked his assistant to light a few incense sticks.

Encountering a car accident on the road is unlucky for the crew. The recording engineer who has been with the group all the year round naturally understands this truth, so he asked his assistant to buy a few incense sticks on the road.

“Remember to ask the director to worship the Quartet, don’t miss it.”


The sound engineer here reverently bowed in the four directions of east, west, north and south.

On the other side, the assistant Xiaopang walked to the director with a stick of incense.

“Director, bye bye.”

The director was startled: “Worship what?”

“If you encounter a car accident on the road, it is not auspicious. If you have a fragrant, you will seek good luck and avoid evil.”

The director was very happy when he heard it, “Let me worship that dead person? Shit, she’s bothering me so much, it’s good that I didn’t scold her.”

Seeing that all the departments on the scene were holding incense and wanting to worship, they immediately said loudly: “No worship! No worship! Start work immediately!”

Then he murmured in a low voice: “Grass! If one scene is delayed, I will lose tens of thousands. Is it really his bad luck!”

“Director, the incense is on, let’s say goodbye.”

“Yes, director.”

“It’s also good to have peace of mind.”

Lighting engineers, photographers and action directors all spoke.

The director was furious, kicked the incense stick on the ground by the recording engineer, and roared: “Worship! No worship! Didn’t you hear it? Start work now! Records, which one to shoot? Live production, urge the scene!”

“First shoot the eighteenth scene, Xiaolu, the scene where Chu Renmei escaped in the middle of the night.”

“All departments pay attention! Hurry up and move!”

“Brother Dao, field manager, quickly clean up the scene!”

This scene is for the heroine alone. It just so happens that there is no need to change clothes and re-comb her hair. The scene is also ready-made. The props and the field manager just cleaned up the garbage. The teacher also set up a few people and found the lens.

So, it will be ready to shoot soon.

“Attention to all departments, one, two, three, start!”

Chu Renmei, played by the female No. 1, seemed to be chased by someone. She ran wildly and looked back in horror. As a result, she accidentally fell, her leg was cut by a stone, and blood flowed.


“Director, how is this Daquan?”

“That’s right, take a close shot of the character’s reaction, take a close-up of the wound, take a subjective shot, and then go to the pool, hurry up, act!”

“The action team, go to the water pool first, and the ghostly martial artist walks through the scene first! Make sure to turn around and shoot!”

“Good director!”

Patting and sucking over there, the action team here came to the water pool to play.

“Damn, I suddenly feel a little cold, are you cold?”

Wu Xing Huazi, who played the ghost shadow, shivered as he spoke.

“Come on! You kid supports the wall with your right hand every night and swaying with your left hand. Brothers from the kidney family have rebelled long ago. It’s no wonder you’re not cold.”

“Yes, yes.”

The other martial arts players started booing along with their equipment.

“No, it’s really cold.”

Acheng laughed and said, “You kid, just say it if you don’t want to go into the water. Of course, it’s useless to say it.”

The others laughed.

“You can act as a ghost, you can still show your face, and there are red envelopes.OK. ”

“That’s right, unfortunately I don’t have this chance.”

Hua Zi grabbed one of the martial arts: “I’ll give you this opportunity, how about you go into the water?”

“Hehe, I don’t know how to water.”

“Damn it! This is the first time I heard that martial arts can’t handle water.”

Seeing that there was enough trouble, Acheng said loudly: “Okay, stop making trouble, is the wire hanging?”

“Hang it up.”

“I need to tie a steel wire to Hua Zi, and hurry into the water.”

One is for safety, and the other is for the terrifying effect of the sudden appearance of ghosts.

Soon, Hua Zi tied a steel wire on his body and walked into the pool.

“Hold the grass!”

Hua Zi’s feet shrank back as soon as they reached the pool.

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s so cold, it’s ridiculous. If you don’t believe me, try it.”

A few martial arts walked over and stretched out their hands and shook their heads, all nodding.

“Brother Cheng, this water is quite cold, let it cool.”

“Mountain spring water, of course it’s cool. We’ve filmed so many movies, and we haven’t seen so many things about your kid, so hurry up and get into the water.”

“After ten seconds, remember to pull me out!”

Hua Zi said, slowly descended into the pool, and then couldn’t help but repeat: “Ten seconds, don’t forget.”

Acheng said impatiently: “Damn! What happened to you tonight? There are so many words, hurry up. The director will come over and scold people later! I don’t want to be scolded by a new director.”

The ghost played by Hua Zi appeared face up suddenly, so after he got into the water, he lay down on his back.

As we all know, people are buoyant in water. In order to sink directly, Huazi had several sandbags tied to his body.

When the sandbag hits the water, it quickly drags Hua Zi into the water.

“One second, two seconds, three seconds…”

Hua Zi counted silently.

Hua Zi, who closed his eyes, didn’t see a ghost, swimming to his side like a fish.

A pale hand slowly stretched out to Hua Zi.

“Seven seconds, eight seconds…”

When Hua Zi just counted to eight seconds, he suddenly felt a hand grabbing his ankle and pulling it down hard.

On the edge of the water pool, Ah Cheng is also counting.

“Seven seconds, eight seconds…”

Just when Ah Cheng counted to eight seconds, the steel wire that had been loose was suddenly stretched with a bang.

Acheng realized that something was wrong, and immediately said loudly: “Pull!”

Several martial artists hurriedly pulled the wire hard.

But Hua Zi, who was underwater, seemed to weigh thousands of pounds, and seemed to be unwilling to come out, playing a tug-of-war with them.

“Brother Cheng, you can’t pull it!”

Several martial artists said loudly.

Acheng’s face changed greatly, and he also leaned over to grab the wire, and while pulling hard, he said loudly: “Pull it!”


Hua Zi was finally pulled out of the water.

“Quick…cough…hurry up and pull me up, quick! Cough, cough…”

Hua Zi was dragged ashore by the crowd and coughed violently.

“Huazi, are you alright?”

Ah Cheng asked with concern.

“Brother Cheng, underwater…there is something underwater…”

With a look of horror on his face, Hua Zi pointed at the water pool and said, “Something grabbed my foot and tried to pull it down.”

A Cheng was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly looked at Hua Zi’s ankle, but he didn’t see anything.

“Nothing, are you hallucinating?”

Hua Zi had a lingering fear in his heart, and said loudly: “Brother Cheng, I can’t get down this water, you can find someone else.”

A Cheng was not happy when he heard it: “Who are you looking for, or you, it’s time, who do you want me to look for?”

“Then I don’t care, the big deal is I quit.”

After Hua Zi finished speaking, he got up and strode away.

the other side.

“OK, this is over.”

The director’s voice sounded.

Then, the voice of the on-site producer sounded: “Okay, all departments pay attention, the transition is over! In the next scene, by the pool, Chu Renmei cleans the wound.”

Immediately afterwards, a group of people shouted.

“Field service, transfer, move apple boxes!”

“Who, the rice pineapple is no longer needed, put it away!”

“Come on two people and move the monitor over there, hurry up!”

“Everyone, work hard, we’ll call it a day after filming this one!”

Huhuala, a large group of people started to get busy.

The director walked forward while talking to the female lead.

“Zi Yu, our scene is about the scene where you played Chu Renmei cleaning her wound by the pool, and then seeing a ghost from the pool.”

Female No. 1, a pretty girl nodded: “Understood, Director.”

“Remember, there are so many points in this scene, the beginning is to see ghosts startledJump, then the self-deprecating self-deprecating thought that had hallucinations, then the horror of believing in the existence of ghosts, and finally the charm of being bewitched by ghosts. Therefore, your expression must be rich. ”

“Don’t worry, Director.”

The director quietly pinched the female No. 1’s buttocks and whispered, “Judging from your performance last night, I believe you can be expressive.”


Female No. 1 let out a soft sigh.


The crew went to the filming site and encountered a car accident on the road. It was the author’s personal experience. It was true that the crew was incense. There was an accident during the filming that day. Coccyx, a martial arts brother was stepped on by a horse, but it was no big deal, but we happened during the day.

In addition, the director is different from this director. We have known each other for more than ten years, and the people are very good.

This drama was filmed in the first half of this year, and it was finished at the end of June. It just finished the later stage some time ago, and it will be launched on the platform after a while.

Finally, ask for a wave of flowers and evaluation tickets!

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