Melina, you are very useful

The soul puppet originated from Servis. This old bastard must be dead, but his related research results have been left in the Magic Academy. It is not difficult for those well-educated professors to deduce it.

Talk about puppetryIt didn’t leave a good impression on Tang En, and it was nothing more than a bitter battle. Even Selian used this thing to do some weird things. Even Tang En now feels:

The gift in the letter is probably not only the implantation of the magic pattern, but also a bigger ‘surprise’ waiting for him.

“You know Servis again?” Melina asked sullenly. Even if this man said that he and Radagon are brothers now, she would not be surprised at all.

“Of course I know him, but I have a great relationship with him.”

“Are you friends?”

Tang En grinned and said with a cruel smile: “Well, the friend who crushed his head into mud.”

Melina was speechless, and Tang En took this opportunity to think quietly.

The conversation between Olytis and Yogg was very simple, and it was also in the interests of the Magic Academy at the moment. Since he patted his ass and left, those magicians have been having a hard time.

The so-called poverty leads to change, even these people who are prone to fishing have to find a way to keep their heads, otherwise they will be sent to the sky one by one by Ni Ni sooner or later.

‘Servus is a hateful person, and the research results can’t be faked. Those soul puppets are much more powerful than ordinary puppet soldiers, but why did they mention Rockstella? ‘

Tang En knew a little about this dungeon. It seemed to be one of the old forces that fought against the Golden Tree in ancient times. Its residents were Knox people, and they had dealt with Dunn in Selia.

He was also impressed by the two Knox swordsmen who used the flowing sword.

They rebelled against the golden tree and the supreme will behind it, and got a tragic fate.

Longing for the starry sky was smashed into the ground, the once glorious civilization was wiped out, and even the imprints of their existence were buried in the dust of history.

At the current junction, only scholars know about this ancient civilization. As for what the Academy of Magic will do in Knoxtera, Twain is still unclear. Perhaps it is a professor who integrated his research into Servis’ research.

After all, in another ‘City of Eternity’, the ultimate form of a puppet appeared.

“In the end, am I still to blame?” Tang En smiled wryly, without the mess he left in Lienia, the magicians would not be able to exert their subjective initiative.


He looked at the people coming and going on Birum Avenue outside, and said to himself that the history of this junction was getting more and more incomprehensible.

Those who deserve to live are dead, those who deserve to die are alive, and those who should not have returned have returned. After ten years of fermentation, many “foresights” have gradually become useless.

Fortunately, my butterfly is getting stronger and stronger.

Apart from Servis’ matter, Vic’s answer also satisfied him.

Vic didn’t lie to the Round Table Hall, but only concealed some guesses, which meant that he had changed his direction and weakened Tang En’s role. No matter how suspicious Sir Baizhi was, he couldn’t draw a conclusion until he found Wei Mingyixin.

‘If I’m not mistaken, there will be a place for Vic in the future Nimgfor, it depends on when this idle move comes in handy. ‘

I have had friendship before, and I will fool around in the future, no, there is a basis for reasoning.

Tang En left behind a few runes, left the cold Hepa tea and left here, but headed northeast. Melina soon realized that something was wrong.

“Aren’t you going to find the Kalias?”

“Why, do you really want to see His Highness Ninny?” Tang En asked back, seeing that there was no response, he simply laughed, “It’s really a pity that I haven’t brought some gifts to see Your Highness after leaving for so long.”

Who wants to meet the princess of the moon.

Melina wrinkled her nose and dissipated into particles.

Compared with ten years ago, the surface of the mirror-like lake has not changed much except that the water level has dropped slightly. He was hunted down here, and he went to the camp of the Holy Tree Army at a critical moment, and there are still some broken wooden stakes left.

Some familiar faces flashed in front of my eyes, but things were already different, and the powerful army had already returned to the northern sacred tree, which might bring changes to the border area in the near future.

And those cuckoo knights who were avoided before have become air, no longer need to worry about it.

The damp air was so familiar, and the Rhea Lucaria Academy was still standing in the center of the lake. As Tang En walked, he thought about how to capture this magic hall without causing rebound of his fingers.

Mother-in-law, oh no, Her Majesty the Queen has been under house arrest for so many years, and it’s time to regain her freedom.

In fact, it is not difficult to capture this academy. You must know that since Tops went to Kalia, he already has an overwhelming advantage in combat power. As long as the Topps force field is popularized, magicians will be useless.

What is difficult is the people behind, the black knife assassin, the shadow of disaster, these are the troublesome ones.

‘Could it be possible to push out that bald man and turn it into a factional dispute within the academy? It is feasible, but it depends on what level Topps has reached in the past ten years. ‘

It wasn’t long before Tang En set foot in Lienia, and he already had some clues. As he was walking, there was already a group of people blocking the way.

It was a checkpoint. The cuckoo knights and Kaidan mercenaries were cruising back and forth on horseback. Seeing Tang En approaching, their fierce faces improved a lot.

“Fade, where are you going?”

“Wander around casually, can’t you just find a place to rest?” Tang En raised his staff. He is a magician and fader, so how could he be afraid of these people.

The knights looked at each other, although they were very upset, but they could only restrain their temper. The faded people were running around everywhere and couldn’t be managed, but they were in the limelight. The higher-ups had greeted them many times, telling them not to provoke the faded people.

The story of Ningmgfu has spread. The Faded One killed a demigod and took all the territory.Everyone knows that they will become a prince.

“where are you from?”

“Ningmgfu, why, Lienia is still banned?”

It turned out to be the faded person of Ningmgfu, which is even more troublesome. Who knows if he will be a nobleman in the future.

The leading Rhododendron knight jumped off his horse, saluted and said, “The academy is recruiting fading students recently, and the treatment is very good. Are you interested?”

Tang En thought about it for a moment, and felt that the risk was a bit high, besides, he just wanted to find out what kind of experiment the Magic Academy was doing.

“Sorry, I was just wandering around.”

This reason is too frivolous, but it is extremely true. Every day, there are countless faded people who ‘walk around’ everywhere in the border area. In the past, they could be suppressed arbitrarily, but they don’t dare to do so now, at least the Rhododendron Legion.

The knight had no choice but to get out of the way and warned: “Some restricted areas, please be sure to detour.”

“I didn’t intend to cause trouble.” Tang En performed the ancient stargazer salute, and walked slowly under the watchful eyes of a group of people.

The tiger skin of the faded ones is so easy to use, and it is getting better and better. Originally, this group of people went down to the cemetery, went up to the ruins, and licked them clean one by one to gain strength.

‘Someone is following. ’ reminded Melina.

“It’s a common thing, just get rid of it.” Tang En blew a whistle, stepped on the spirit horse that suddenly appeared, got into the woods next to the road, and quickly disappeared.

And several Kaidan mercenaries who followed from a distance looked at each other, and had to go back to report with a sad face. Faders who can possess such special props are generally unaffected.

Faded people can get runes by killing them, but they kill faded people, there is no benefit at all, and they may be thrown out to take the blame, only fools do it.

“I found another problem.”


“Kalia didn’t recruit faders, otherwise these people wouldn’t be so relieved.” Dunn rode on the horse, shuttled through the forest, and had already analyzed the information.

Melina had been slapped in the face so many times that she no longer dared to question her analytical ability, so she just asked, “Why?”

“Perhaps Her Royal Highness Nani is worried about faders, and she doesn’t have the heart to engage in “rebels” like Lakad. Hey, she is really Buddhist sometimes.”

“I heard that Princess Full Moon is famous for her majesty.”

“Haha, Majesty.” Tang En couldn’t help laughing, pulled the rein, and made Torette stop quickly, “Forget it, you will understand when you see her later, but you should be careful, she probably won’t Give you a good look.”

Tang En has already guessed Lini’s mentality. Melina is obviously related to the goddess Malika, and has a mysterious mission. With His Royal Highness’s mental ability, I’m afraid he has already guessed a lot.

Well, it’s true for Cerlian, and it’s true for Melina, and it’s up to me to be the bridge again.

Tang En, who had a bit of a headache, stopped thinking about it, let go of the rein, and let the spirit horse walk around in circles, and then said in unison with Melina:

“Magic enchantment!”

This is not unusual. The main body of the academy is surrounded by a giant barrier, and the power of magic released inside is much greater. However, Tang En looked around on the horse, and there were only countless forests in his eyes.

“Concealment and vigilance? It seems to be Professor Ella’s handwriting.”

He knew that there was an enchantment expert in the professor, so he retracted his spirit horse and landed on the ground, and said to Melina, “I am a real entity, and if I touch it, I will startle the snake. Can you pass through?”

Half a month ago, his request must have been in exchange for rolling eyes, but the iron tree had already bloomed, and Melina decisively showed her figure.

“Yes, but I can still take you there.”

Is there even such an operation? ?

Tang En looked surprised. Originally, he planned to let Melina go to the opposite side of the barrier to have a look, but he never thought that there would be such a harvest.

What do you see me doing? Anyway, a lot of things have been done, and it doesn’t matter if I can do a favor.

Melina didn’t think much about it, just like after breaking through the trading restrictions, there were countless times at one time, and she turned into spirit particles and scattered around, but they didn’t dissipate like usual, but stuck to Tang En’s body.

It feels a little weird, like a mother’s hug? And what is the principle?

“Hurry up, it will consume me a lot of energy!”

Under Melina’s urging, Tang En took a step forward, feeling a ripple sweeping across his body, and being pushed away by something.

One step away, thousands of miles away, the forest in front of him disappeared, replaced by a cliff with a round building below it.

What a subtle trick.

Tang En raised his eyebrows. The principle is similar to that of the phantom wall, except that it adds a layer of warning function. If it is broken violently, the magicians around the building will rush over immediately.

Speaking of which…

“Ansel Well?”

He was a little surprised. He hadn’t had time to look at the entrance to the underground world. It turned out that it had been activated.

The dog jumps over the wall in a hurry, and if he can’t win Kalia, he will find a way to obtain resources from other places?

Tang En understood the college’s motives, and began to search for the part of Ansel River in his memory.

There are also many secrets hidden in the underground of the junction, most of which are the lingering places of the losers conquered by the golden tree, and there are a few things under the Ansel River.

The ruins of the Ulu Dynasty, the “eternal city” Knoxtera, the malice of the old thief-the corruption lake, and the disgusting red ants.

“How is it?” Melina showed her figure, gasping for breath, but her face was still expressionless.

“The Academy of Magic is indeed doing something. They used to…” Tang En got stuck in the middle of speaking. He seemed to realize that he didn’t know if the Academy of Magic had ever been there, because there was a big black ball Both.

“It’s not important. What’s important is that the Academy of Magic is indeed playing tricks, and I like to sabotage other people’s plots and use their heads as a gift to His Highness.”

You are not a conspirator yourself.

Melina slandered in her heart, and when the man passed by,At that time, I heard him say something meaningful.

“Melina, you are actually quite useful sometimes.”


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