: The Nameless Swordsman

Rodel, Hall of the Round Table.

The innermost room has been tightly guarded. The church emissary in robes and the Rodel knight in full gold armor have sealed off the building. It can be said that not even a fly can fly in.

No matter how lofty the nobles were, they could only stand at the bottom of the stairs, looking up at the solemn building with all kinds of eyes.

The news of Greck’s death had already come, and despite the astonishment, the nobles were superficially rejoicing, but their hearts were in suspense.

The news that a real demigod had fallen and died at the hands of a faded person was too shocking, and for the old foxes, there was too much information that could be analyzed.

Which fader did it? Does this mean that they are officially on the stage of the junction? How should the situation of Ningmgfu be handled?

Each item is enough for the big families to quarrel for three days and three nights, and why they came here to watch is also very simple——

His Royal Highness, the King of Blessing, who has never seen the end of the dragon, will ask to see Lord Two Fingers today.

Is it a question? Is it a compromise? Or a deal?

Every word of the two big men will determine the future of the border land. If it weren’t for the Blessing King, he would never see him. I am afraid that the threshold of the palace will be broken. Countless big nobles will teach him what the law of the ancestors is immutable. Ningmgfu The power vacuum can only be filled by the nobility.

The turmoil outside naturally did not affect the deepest part of the building, and there was no heated debate among the nobles. Menggot just sat on a high-backed chair, looking at the huge two-finger on the opposite side, and except for the ‘two people’ Besides, there was only Enya, a petite but mature and charming finger-explaining witch, left.

Montgomery was wearing a brown cloak, barely showing any skin, sitting motionless, indeed filled with the majesty of a king, his fingers were wriggling slightly, as if he was talking about something.

As a professional finger-explaining witch, Enya didn’t look sideways, just holding a strange cane, and recounted emotionlessly: “His Royal Highness, the matter of Ningmgfu has come to an end, Greg is dead, his The Great Rune has been taken.”

“I already knew about this, but I heard that it was not the work of the Round Table Hall.”

“Yes, Gideon said he failed, perhaps in the hands of some unknown fader.”

Mengget frowned immediately when he heard this, isn’t this a joke?

Under the tremendous pressure from inside and outside, I gave the Round Table Hall a chance to kill Greg, but they failed. Not only did they catch up with Oleg, but even the big Lune disappeared.

“Are you sure Sir Baizhi is not cheating?”

“I’m sure, we are waiting for this hero. The Great Rune cannot be used without being activated through the Divine Grant Tower. Sooner or later his identity will be revealed.”

Enya said so, but felt that Lord Finger hadn’t finished speaking, and seemed to be worried about something.

If the fading person who took the big rune didn’t go to the god’s grant tower, then things would be a big deal. You must know that it’s not only the faded people and the golden princes who are eager for the big rune, and some ancient existences will also wander around the god’s granting tower.

What you want to do is self-explanatory.

Meng Gete didn’t feel this worry. He had his own responsibility as the Blessing King, so he asked, “Since Greg is dead, what should Stonewell and Ningmgfu do?”

The current junction is not the doomsday of Ah Tu’s return. Such a big power vacuum must be filled by someone, and it’s not like killing the demigod and taking the big rune and leaving.

“In this regard, Gideon has a plan.” Enya got up, and respectfully handed a letter into Menggot’s hand. There is no need for Mr. Finger to say such a mundane matter in person.

The Blessing King took it, glanced at it casually, but his brows became tighter and tighter. As someone guessed, Sir Baizhi suggested that the faded person should fill this power.

In terms of jurisprudence, Grek was killed by them, and Ningmgfu was also conquered by them, so he was born with the right to dispose of it, provided of course that the other golden princes did not do anything.

In terms of reason, Gideon eagerly wanted to give the faded a piece of territory with a rational and humble attitude. They woke up too early, and they were not enough to become kings. It was exhausting to deal with the weakest demigod.

“He is seeking compensation. Many faders are tired of the futile struggle of the past ten years, and want to use this to boost their morale.” Menggot closed the letter after only one glance.

The faded ones are disruptors, not pioneers. In fact, they wake up when the old order is still stable, and they have long been tortured and complained.

“They should be compensated, otherwise it would be a mistake to wake up the faders, but civilization is collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and we have to take risks.” Two fingers seemed to be explaining.

Menggot was speechless, it was indeed very risky, but as a king, he didn’t want to wait for Rodel to be full of lunatics before someone came out to clean up the mess. He felt that his two fingers were betting at all costs, and he was even willing to let the old order collapse.

The old order established civilization, but the old order is not equal to civilization.

“Why don’t you give the demigod some time?”

“I gave it time, but the result was disappointing. Look at the remaining demigods, which one looks like it is about to ascend the throne.”

Montgomery was speechless again, Lakad didn’t know if he had fallen, and was blaspheming the Golden Law in different ways; Marenia was completely out of the game, the scarlet corruption on her body was intolerable; Ninny also had a problem, as for what it was, The fingers never lifted;

After much deliberation, only Ratan was left, but he needed time and sacrifices.

“I understand. You want to choose one between the fader and Lataen, and the sooner the better, I will assist in this matter.” Meng Ge, who thought he could not become a king, nodded, and did not what jealousyThoughts, but the tone became harsh:

“But the ugly words are up front, even if you spare no effort to support the faded, if they are a scourge, I will do my best to eliminate them, no matter what your attitude is!”

Murderous, full of aura that would rather be broken than broken, if the faded ones, no, the round table hall wants to betray the golden law, he will do his best to wipe them out one by one.

Start the big hunting of heroes.

As for what will happen in the end, Meng Gete doesn’t know, he will just stand quietly in front of the throne, waiting for the challenger to arrive.

This killing intent couldn’t shake the finger, only the finger-cleaning witch said with cold sweat, “Yes.”

As if it was some kind of foreshadowing to part ways, and also like some kind of bet, the two people with high status reached an agreement.

The nobles waiting outside didn’t know that they were destined to be disappointed today.

“You have your position, and we will make a decision. Some things, some people, should not be obstacles at this stage.”

Meng Gete didn’t know who he was referring to, but it didn’t look like he wanted to use his own power, so he didn’t bother to care too much.

An invisible spiritual force traveled through time and space, went to Lienia, and brought a message to a certain Two Fingers.

[The traitor, it’s time to get rid of it. Remember, this matter must be done in secret. Her identity is unusual, so don’t affect other candidates.]

In the cave, fingers swayed.



Under the scorching sun, Ningmgfu was still disorderly, and the pain of the war was the most uncomfortable moment.

The faders are still meeting at Fort Hyde, and the round table hall opens the big coin mode. They can’t wait to praise Vic and others as an example of the faders. Various officials make wishes and ask Rodel for the finger witch.

It seems to be telling the entire junction that there will be meat to eat in the round table hall, and even the captured nobles are treated politely, trying to reverse the stereotype of the faded “lawless”.

Their vanguard has already set off, marching towards each castle, trying to cut a piece of meat from the hands of the nobles, but their number is too small to occupy the entire Ningmgfu.

So the defeated soldiers everywhere became bandits everywhere, and then they robbed houses and houses, causing smoke everywhere.

On the storm hill, dozens of corpses were scattered around, all of them were chopped into pieces, and even a whole corpse was a luxury.

The two soldiers put away their knives at the same time and smiled at each other.

“I won, Lord Blazer, you have regressed after all these years.” Tang En raised his long knife and put it into its sheath, beheading 20 rebels who were known to be evil, which is nothing to mention.

“Hmph, it’s because you have too many tricks. No matter how fast I am, I can’t suck people in as fast as you.” Blazer snorted coldly, put the big sword back behind him in some displeasure, and then glanced at the man not far away. male city.

Stonewell is still standing on the high ground, the Greco flag on the wall has disappeared, and the defenders who have lost allegiance are looting wantonly.

“You said the two of us, can this fortress be captured?”

“Technically, there is no problem, but it’s best not to do this. It stands to reason that Two Fingers and the King of Blessing should have reached an agreement.” Tang En took a step forward and stood shoulder to shoulder with him, letting the never-ending wind blow his robe.

Blazer nodded, it was just a joke, he knew that Kalia would not be able to take this fortress.

Tactically, the battle line was too long and the troops were not enough. Once strategically, Kalia immediately became the target of public criticism.

He knew that Her Royal Highness Annie and the Golden Law were mortal enemies.

“I’ll send it here, Lienia, go by yourself, now that the battle line has reached Platinum Village, no one should be able to stop you.”

“Hey, didn’t you come to look for me?” Tang En was a little surprised.

“Nonsense, I’m going to investigate in Galid. By the way, I remembered one thing.” The werewolf turned around and said with some displeasure: “Your boy, you must have been bribed by Latan, right? Let him be full of scarlet corruption, and it will be easier to kill him in the future, but now, I heard that his injuries have recovered a lot, how can we beat him?”

“Even if it costs hundreds of thousands of people?”

“For His Highness’s ideal, this is nothing.”

“That’s why you don’t understand Your Highness, she’s not as cold-blooded as you think.” Tang En glanced at Blazer, who was very upset, and changed the topic, “Don’t worry, I admire Rataen very much, but people like us express The only way to admire is also very simple.”

Are you here to kill Ratan?


Blazer wanted to laugh at Tang En for bragging, but seeing his flat expression, he couldn’t say anything.

Lienia was right in front of him, and he still remembered that when he parted last time, this man was still a chicken who could be crushed to death with one finger, but now he has killed Greg.

“It’s up to you, anyway, it’s all up to His Highness to judge.” Blazer turned and left without delay, and halfway, he pointed at Melina and smiled jokingly: “Oh, by the way, don’t take this woman with you.” Run away, otherwise I can only kill you next time we meet.”

“Get lost!” Tang En didn’t bother to talk nonsense with him. I can learn from my loyalty to His Highness, how could I elope with a piece of wood.

Blazer was not afraid of his anger, and threw a badge from a distance. Tang En took it, held it in his hand, and saw that there was a Kalia pattern on the badge.

“Callia Knight Chapter, you haven’t come back for too long, don’t be killed by friendly troops.”

Damn, he has made so many contributions, so he only gave me the ID card at this time.

Tang En cursed and cursed, and Melina, who had been listening quietly by the side, came over. She was confused just now, but she also grasped a few key words.

“Wait you not only recognizeKnow the Princess of the Moon, and General Broken Star? ”

“Well, I also know the Valkyrie Marlenia, and by the way, I prevented a little conflict between her and General Broken Star, so that Gelid didn’t become a hell on earth, but this is all a thing of the past, and it’s not worth it at all. carry.”

Nothing worth mentioning!

Melina’s breathing was stagnant, and her right eye slowly widened. She realized a problem, a problem that has troubled the big people in the border for a long time.

At the same time, he knew Valkyrie and General Broken Star, and prevented a tragedy of killing people, and then was reprimanded by the werewolf for meddling in his own business.

Could it be the nameless swordsman known as the end of the battle, the savior, the broken hero, and praised by countless Gaelids…

Tang En read her expression, pointed to his face with his thumb, and laughed loudly against the storm.

“That’s right, it’s just me!”


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