Two Hesitation is Defeat

A full moon rises quietly, hangs on the sky, and sprinkles the vast silver light on the surface of Lienia Lake, where the ancient well has no waves, while the golden giant tree that reaches the sky is slightly dimmed, competing with the silver moon with dim golden light. , together constitute the strange night scene at the junction.


A small boat floated on the lake, without raising a torch or using magical lighting, just relying on this strange night to move forward in the dark.

Looking to the right, it is a continuous barracks. The brilliance of the brazier dispels the moonlight and illuminates it as bright as day. There are tall sentry towers outside the wooden fence, and the cuckoo soldiers in dark blue blouses are searching the lake.

Fortunately, the boat was walking close to the cliffs by the lake, and happened to be in a blind spot.

Tang En looked to the left, and besides the large and small islands on the lake, he could also see a huge ‘city’, which was built on the island in the center of Lake Lienia. There are hundreds of meters high.

This is the Rhea Lucaria Academy of Magic, also known as the Kalia Royal Academy of Magic. Since the conquest of the “Full Moon Queen” Reina, it has belonged to the Kalia royal family.

But now that the queen has been imprisoned, the two sides have parted ways, and a war has broken out that has spread to the entire Lienia.

Twain is very familiar with the ups and downs, he just watched Xiao Zhou’s ups and downs.Waves, lost in thought.

‘It’s different from my impression. I remember that Lake Lienia can be crossed on horseback without a boat at all. ‘

There is no habit of chronology in the borderland, which is a headache. It is impossible to tell how long it is from the arrival of the faded man. It can only be calculated from the natural scenery.

Because of the deviation in time, many people and things cannot be judged by experience, but can only believe what they see with their own eyes.

So Tang En stopped thinking about it, and while everyone in Xiaozhou held their breaths, he began to calculate how many cards he had in his hand.

‘The quality of this body is not bad. It really is a high-magic world with gods. Even the power of the magician is not bad. ‘

He opened and clenched his fingers on the straight sword, as if activating every muscle, simulating the honed killing techniques in his mind.

As long as the physical quality is within one level, the technology can make up for some shortcomings, and this straight sword can still take away life when piercing the body.

Of course, besides swordsmanship, Tang En also has some skills in his body as a magic apprentice.

‘Academic Department of Magic Pyroxene and Moli, and then learned Kalia Swift Sword from the royal family? Well, the salted fish belongs to the salted fish, this person’s aptitude is quite good, at least his intelligence is over 9. ‘

In summary, Tang En Wright is indeed a well-qualified magic apprentice, and he is insignificant cannon fodder in the war, but the other Tang En is different.

“I can’t shake people when I cut people.”

The former right-hand man of the sword master Wei Mingyixin smiled, showing his sharp white teeth, feeling that everything is still under control, and even a little eager to see if his sword is sharp.

“Attention, we have broken through the blockade.”

There was a muffled sound from the bow of the ship, and Blazer raised his body slightly, his fluffy cloak fluttering with the night wind.

Several people on board breathed a sigh of relief. Apart from Tang En, there were several soldiers. Two of them were holding swords and shields, one was using a long halberd, and the other was holding a short bow. They looked quite capable.

“Master Blazer, what are we going to investigate this time?” A sword and shield soldier asked.

“Go around to the back and intercept Dujuan’s supply team.” The werewolf replied dully, and squinted, “Why, are you scared?”

Tang En clearly heard the sound of swallowing saliva. In fact, just looking at the map, he knew that the land around the lake in Lienia was not considered vast.

There is also a high cliff more than ten miles away. The bell tower on it can have a panoramic view of the surrounding area, which can be regarded as the commanding height of the West Bank.

I’m afraid that Du Juan’s cavalry will come to support as soon as the side makes a move. The risk is quite high.

“Don’t be afraid, with Lord Blazer here, Lienia won’t be able to go anywhere unless you are attacked by Du Juan’s knights!”

“Yes, as long as the supply team is knocked out, maybe these damn cuckoos will retreat.”

At the moment, the fighting spirit was high and gearing up, Blazer nodded in satisfaction. If it hadn’t been too difficult to break through the blockade, he would have suggested to the princess to lead troops to harass.

Even if the strategist Yiji stops him, he still has to try.

Thinking of this, he glanced at the magic apprentice at the stern from the corner of his eye. Seeing that the latter was staring at the lake without speaking, he turned his head away with a soft snort.

This Dunn Wright has always been sneaky and sneaky, if he doesn’t get some of Du Juan’s blood this time, he will inevitably be suspected of being a spy.


Everyone was speechless. Amidst the sound of the oars stirring the water, the boat headed south along the shore of the lake. At about midnight, a shoal finally appeared in front of it. Blazer stepped onto the land first and directed everyone to hide the boat in the grass , He lay down on the shore and took out his binoculars to check.

The brazier on the four bell towers in the distance was blazing, and there was the cuckoo’s sentry post. It was impossible to hide the movement of the battle. Then, just below the cliff where the bell tower was located, a supply team was slowly moving forward.

At the front are two mountain monsters bound by chains. They are nearly ten meters tall. They are dragging a heavy truck. The cuckoo knights with spears and horses are patrolling back and forth.

“The defensive strength is normal, but it must be fought quickly.” Blazer instantly set the tone for the next battle, turned his head and said, “Let me kill the knight, Vera, Duke, you two prepare the flames.” jug and oiler.”


“Karin, use bows and arrows to suppress them, we can’t let them form a battle formation; Laila, once the fire starts, cut off the chains of the trolls. These descendants of giants have no intelligence, and they will block for us for a while, and evacuate when the time comes. ”


As expected of Princess of the Moon’s guards, it looks like they have experienced many battles, and the Kalia soldiers are also very elite. After the division of labor, they immediately began to prepare.

The round flame pot was placed on the ground, the bow bag was opened, and the red-feathered arrow was resting on the string, and a voice came out amidst the chill.

“Lord Blazer, what am I doing?” Dunn raised his hand and asked.

“You?” The werewolf took a look at him, and waved his hand, “As long as you don’t hold back, play as you like.”

“Okay.” Tang En didn’t talk nonsense, he held the brilliant stone staff in his left hand and the sword hilt in his right hand, lying on the ground and holding his breath.

Seeing that the apprentice was not panicked, but rather professional, Blazer was taken aback for a moment, but the sound of the wheels was getting closer, so he didn’t think much of it, and simply turned his gaze to the road.

The “squeak” sound of the wheels turning was getting closer and closer, and the chatter of the cuckoo soldiers became clearer and audible. They were talking about which village they plundered again today. Accompanied by vulgar laughter, they happened to reach a corner, and a voice came from the dark sky. The sound of objects breaking through the sky, followed by something breaking apart.

bang bang!Following two loud bangs, the troll pulling the cart stepped on the oil pot and slipped directly, and its butt smashed two shallow pits in the ground. With the sound of the chain stretching straight, the truck with several tons of weight overturned. White grains of grain were scattered all over the ground.

“It’s now, kill!!”

Blazer jumped up and rushed forward. He covered several meters with each step, fixedly staring at the knight who turned the horse’s head, and pulled out the giant sword behind his back.


Pale cold air wrapped around the sword body, he jumped up, and landed just in front of the horse, while the royal giant sword had pierced into the ground in front of him.

Wolf attack!

The ground exploded, and the gushing icy mist directly overturned the knight and his horse, and even the heavy armor was covered with a thin layer of ice.

“‘Half-wolf’ Blazer?” The knight exclaimed, covering his head with a huge shield, and instinctively stabbing forward with the spear in his hand.


Blazer dodged sideways, ignoring the long spear passing by the side of his face. As Ninny’s ‘shadow’, even a knight with high martial arts skills could not do three moves in his hands. However, with a twist of his wrist, the giant sword that fell Turn sharply in the air.


A rhododendron pyroxene was directly chopped into pieces, and the sharp airflow of ice cut through the cloak, revealing the gorgeous plate armor inside.

“Two cuckoo knights?” The werewolf was expressionless and only clenched his giant sword tightly.

“Kalia is besieged in the isolated city, and you think it’s difficult to guess this kind of indiscriminate means?” The knight grinned grinningly, pulled off his cloak, and raised his big sword to slash.

“We all know your skills, why don’t you try to kill hundreds of people!?”

The moment Blazer rushed out, the five-man squad got up one after another, and the arrows shot into the crowd accurately and ruthlessly. The food scattered all over the ground was set on fire.

The plan went well, and it was time to carry the bucket and run away. However, Tang En felt that something was wrong. The enemy did not collapse in a panic, but started to fight back. Looking at the place filled with ice fog, he immediately understood.

‘Have you been seen through? ‘

There were three cuckoo knights besieging the werewolf, and the latter was actually very strong and had the upper hand, but it was useless. The horns on the four bell towers had already sounded, and the barracks at the foot of the mountain were in chaos.

There was no traitor to betray, and Du Juan didn’t expect it to be today, but he made preparations every day, and reinforcements would arrive soon.

“That’s why I hate smart enemies.” Tang En raised his eyebrows and analyzed the situation in a fraction of a second.

These people just want to kill Blazer and are trying to hold him back, so should they escape?

If you are a magic apprentice, then you don’t need to think about it at all. Similarly, you don’t need to think about it as a sword ghost——

Help him break out and kill him back!

“cover me.”

Tang En left behind a sentence, and rushed forward with his staff in his hand, leaving only the archer with a confused face. The latter had received a secret order to shoot and kill the magic apprentice if he escaped. This person did not escape, but a Shouldn’t the magician hide in the distance and output?

Night Breeze whizzed past Tang En’s ears. He didn’t have time to familiarize himself with the magician’s fighting style now, but the old way was more useful.

Da da da……

Stepping on the dirt with fine steps, Tang En saw the counter-charging soldiers, most of them were besieging the two sword and shield fighters, and a few were attracted away by the halberd fighters who were going to cut the chains, while the two outside listened Looking back at the sound of footsteps, I was taken aback on the spot.

A man in a magic robe rushed forward, holding a short staff in his hand, no matter how he looked like he was looking for death, he was stabbing with a spear, but the magician suddenly sank.

Tang En moved forward with a sliding shovel, feeling the coolness of the spear brushing against his hair, and the dust was swirled up. He passed between the two of them, stabbed the cane into the ground to stop the whole person, and held the hilt of the sword with his right hand.


Accompanied by the sound of metal rubbing, the straight sword was unsheathed. When the soldier on the right turned around, he felt a pain in his calf. He lost his balance and fell to the ground. On his face, the pyroxene at the top was emitting blue light.

Pyroxene magic gravel!

The coat of arms illuminated the surroundings, and a fist-sized ball of light hit the face directly, and the whole head exploded like a watermelon. Red and white liquid splashed on the side of the soldier’s face, and he blinked subconsciously.

Who puts spells close to their faces?

However, he didn’t have to think about it anymore. Tang En, who was lying on the ground, jumped up. The straight sword pierced through his chin and flew straight at the iron helmet on the soldier’s head. Planed in half, the body shook and fell heavily on the ground.

what is this?

After cutting off the vitality of the two of them, Tang En was stunned for a moment, and felt that some kind of power flowed into his body, maybe it was an illusion, he felt as if the power was a little stronger.

However, on the battlefield, he didn’t have time to think about it, and he flicked the straight sword lightly to draw a line of blood, and looked at the soldiers beside him with his light blue eyes full of inquiry.

Passing by each other, two corpses were buried, and the first killing at the junction made Tang En realize:

Sword plus magic is also swordsmanship, Mingliu Wei is still invincible!


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