"What's this?"

"Soul Seal."

"Isn't your name too hasty?"

"Soul Seal is a general term. This specific type is an etched soul seal."

"Oh, what's the point?"

"First of all, the soul seal is definitely an object that can communicate between the soul and reality. Its power lies in that it can be used repeatedly. Of course, your guest may say, nonsense, the seal can be used repeatedly... but , this is a seal that can be engraved with the soul. As we all know, the soul cannot be created by gods. I wonder if they can make some repairs, but these soul seals can, some high-level ones, even transform other people's souls, just lightly stamp them. Zhang, this person’s soul is what you want it to be, how about it, it’s magical, right?”

Magical fart, are you lying? A look of disdain was already showing in the corners of Ivey's eyes and brows, but some strict habits and a character that made him stick to the situation allowed him to continue the cordial conversation. He wanted to know more and then add his own judgment.

"What I want to say is not just magic. As an orthodox mage, under the brilliance of Master ****, I can't believe that the soul can be changed. Isn't it conserved? If God doesn't roll the dice, how can it be done? Change its certainty at will?”

"You are looking for the wrong person. I am just a young boy. How can I understand these profound principles? However, the world is too big and time is too long. There are always some magical things circulating. At present, these soul seals are circulating very much. It seems to be very popular, if it is a fake, I don’t think so many people will be fooled, right?”

This is not necessarily true. In the past life, the wheels and pyramid schemes, has there ever been a time when people were less deceived? The biggest beacon of fraud in the world, there are still many people who persist in breathing the sweet air. When you look around, you will find that the truth is often in the hands of a few people. Not everyone's IQ is online, and at least half of the people are below the average.

"Please continue, even if it really exists, I don't understand, is there any magic in this kind of thing, and what value can it be developed?" A thing that breaks people's cognition is naturally very powerful, and its value is simply worthless. It can be estimated that whether Ivey believes it or not, you still need to understand it.

"Ah, it has a wide range of uses. For example, in alchemy, giving artificial intelligence to an alchemy tool, such as mass-producing a puppet army, and... some dark uses... This cannot be described in broad daylight. I believe you will do it in the future. More creative ideas can be born.”

Of course Ivey knows that, he can already imagine that even in combat, he can easily inflict a one-hit kill effect on the enemy, and even transform the enemy into his own cannon fodder, which is very cheap and invincible.

"Please continue, how about its scarcity? What about the price?"

"These soul seals are extremely rare. They are carved from something called a soul stone. This kind of skill is probably only possessed by gods. Of course, please forgive me for being alarmist. I don't know much about this aspect. I think it must be in the mainland. On the surface, people who master such skills will never show them to others. As for materials, compared with illusory skills, materials are much more down-to-earth, but it is precisely because of this that it makes people despair."

"I understand. First of all, there are very few soul stones in nature, and secondly, the preservation of soul stones is extremely difficult and unstable."

"It is said that this problem has been solved. They followed the method of making diamonds from carbon magic elements, heated and pressurized them, and used magic pressure equivalent to the forbidden spell level. After years of hard work, they forced it to become a stable and powerful existence. ——Bengyu. It is said that this kind of jade in stone was originally named Soul Jade, but many mages who faced it collapsed. Literally, it collapsed from the inside out, turning into the most basic elements, floating in time, from the soul Not even a trace of the body is left. Now, many top alchemy masters have seen the dominance of this material, so they named it Bengyu. It is just a small piece of soul stone, but it is priceless and unparalleled..."

Seeing that Aiwei was listening attentively, he smiled softly. He took the bait, and it seemed that the commission was quite large this time. However, as honest operators, all ghost markets have to maintain their reputations in order to keep their business flowing. Based on this. This requires him to explain some things clearly.

"Distinguished guest, I certainly need to make it clear that not all soul seals are made of Bengyu. Some of them are made of stones wrapping Bengyu, that is, the layer of stone skin that has been moisturized. Although it is far from Bengyu, Far, but it is still an amazing material. After all, it is also a kind of soul stone. As for the more essence of Bengyu, UU Reading www.uuknshu.net is often used to make high-level soul seals. By the way, the soul seal is The scope is actually very large, and it is difficult for us to really understand what it specifically includes, even some Buddha statues, some murals, some stone slabs... I often think, if someone can use soul seals to make floor tiles and step on them, I am afraid that such a palace will be Even gods don’t dare to enter, right?”

This crazy thought made Ivey think. Maybe he had seen a soul mark before, but he didn't know what soul mark it was and what level it was.

When an item reaches a certain level, it can enter the sea of ​​consciousness, connect with the soul, and... well, it can do many things.

Soul Seal, for example, falls into this category, just as Ivey thought, just by its vulgar name. If you can't do it, what qualifications do you have to be called Soul Seal?

"As for the prices, they vary. There are all kinds of prices, some are sky-high, and some are sky-high. Even if you pay back the money, the result is that the land you build will be beyond the reach of others... As for low, there are indeed very low prices, but relatively speaking, after all, soul stones are a precious material, and the skills of soul seals are so precious and mysterious. How low can the price be? Do you think so? no?"

Ivey nodded, thinking about his wealth. He didn't need to buy those expensive things, he just wanted to get a small piece and understand what this was? Is it the thing he once thought about... Of course, if conditions permit, he doesn't mind getting some high-end goods. In the alchemy world, you definitely get what you pay for.

The guy leaned down and buzzed in Ivey's ear like a fly, "In fact, there is another way to get rich, which is about soul seals. We call it gambling on stones here..."

Ivey almost laughed. Does the protagonist in the novel have to gamble on stones?

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