Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 686: 18. The end of the expedition (10)

"--what is that?"

When asked by the boy next to him, the father who waved his cane to drive the flock looked up to the south where the whistling came.

At this moment, it was almost evening, and in another hour the night would fall. Father, children, and two faithful old shepherd dogs are driving the bleating sheep back to the village, and then from the southern birch forest, a special shape is drilled out of the forest.

It's not a beast. It doesn't look like a limb. It's like a giant green beetle. It has a wonderfully rounded outline. It is covered in bright red sunset. While spraying smoke, it emits a strange call to advance at high speed.

Father reflectively grabbed the hunting knife in his waist. He thought it was some kind of unseen dangerous species and instinctively put on a defensive posture. Then he relaxed his strength all over again.

"That is……"

He saw the long "body" dragged behind that thing, and there were bright windows above it, which released a much brighter light than oil lamps and candles, and he could clearly see the young women in gorgeous clothes sitting inside and enjoying dinner , With smiles on their faces.

"It turned out to be a locomotive."

The shepherd moved his hand away from the knife handle, and quickly drew a cross on his chest towards the shiny holy pattern and the goddess on the train car.

"Don't be afraid, that's not terrible."


The young boy didn't relax because of his father's words. He also saw a locomotive or two back, but this strange shape obviously couldn't match the images in memory.

"It was to go to the northern front to congratulate the warriors fighting the orcs. Probably to prevent those hairy monsters from sneaking in, so it looks different from ordinary locomotives."

"Is that right?"

Nodding to look at his son stupidly, the shepherd continued to say:

"Don't you say that Alphonse's eldest son said when he went to the city not long ago? Her Royal Highness would bring many girls from the big families to the front, and bring all the blessings to the soldiers? It shouldn't be wrong. ."

No more questions, the shepherd took his son and two old dogs and continued to drive the flock back home. When they got home, the dinner should be ready, just use "see the Her Royal Highness to ride" "Motorcycle" as a topic to promote alcohol.

With a relaxed and happy mood. The shepherd knocked on the buttocks of a sheep that had fallen off. The country hummed in his mouth.


No matter what, they will do it perfectly. This is Li Lin's advantage and is also a specialty of v.e.

In order to meet the unbelievable requirements of the Wang Family Navy. The company has invested a lot of technical force. Including the high-power engine whose output power is twice that of the conventional model. After armor is laid on the inside of the car shell, and after adding a few special cars, the train can still maintain high speed. In order to meet the needs of distinguished passengers. The carriages are also arranged according to the level of the Zeppelin spacecraft, and the neoclassical decoration gives a feeling of moving palace. In addition to comfort, safety is not overlooked-in addition to the standard shower fire extinguisher, fire extinguisher, and exhaust device, a liftable armor plate is also installed at the window position, as long as the captain steps on the emergency pedal, the 15mm thick The armor plate will rise to protect passengers.

If you consider the battalion Marines and the armed cars at the front and rear of the train, it is really foolproof.

At least one infantry regiment, a cavalry battalion, and sufficient intelligence and logistical support are required to take the train. This kind of national-level operation is impossible on this train, at least for the current From a political perspective, there is no possibility.

As for the idea of ​​pulling off road spikes or burying bombs on the rails, it is debatable in front of this train equipped with a large number of induction methods and railway repair equipment, not to mention, there are "those guys" in-

"There are too many seasonings and too much meat, which affects the body health index and is not conducive to maintaining the figure."

"Shut up and eat work meals at ordinary times. It's rare to eat a good meal. What if you don't eat enough?"

"How many years have you not had a good meal?"

"Noisy, eat well."

"Yeah, let's have a nice meal together?"

Flower mantis



Giant needle ant

The elite in the killer group named "worm", a "worm" has enough fighting power to match a small group of human soldiers. Such a "worm" is equipped with 4 people.

In the face of such fighting power, there can be no accidents.

In this case--

"Open your mouth~~~~~~"

Muscles are tight all over, cold sweat is constantly oozing from the forehead and armpits, the static electricity in the air is so strong that the skin is paralyzed, and the cramped mouth seems to open.

"This is made for Roland specifically, try it."

The girl warmly held the fork, with a golden roasted lamb chops on it, releasing a tantalizing aroma, and the surrounding sight became more dangerous and burning.

Why did Nona come here? ! ! !

I don’t know whether it is the influence of the beast in the blood, or the education received in the military school has an impact on the personality, or the special rush after entering the Spring Festival. In short, Nona is keen to express her favor for Roland, and has nothing to do with it. cover up.

She didn't care about blinding the flash, but Roland did! It's about whether he can see the sun tomorrow.

"do you know?"

Gloria smiled while continuously forcing the knife, and the bright red steak was chopped into countless pieces.

"The wild cats caught in the past were thrown into the river and drowned."

"It's a good way and a good time."

"Same feeling."

"Slightly cruel, but it does have a deterrent effect."

The corners of the mouth were slightly twisted, and Vernia, Fafna, and Spider all cast a meaningful glance at Roland.

(Is this train...a Shura train?)

Surrounded by beautiful girls of various attributes-as a man, he should be cheered for this, but I do not know whether it is a pros or a disadvantage. Roland is very old-fashioned on the issue of men and women. The situation of black lights, blind men, and widows is restrained and then restrained, and the first time I have anything to do with multiple girls, I dare not think about it.

Besides, in this case, it is possible to encounter life-threatening behavior if you just move it at random.

"Come on, Roland, eat nothing left."

"No, it's unnecessary. Uh..."

Continue to exert pressure on the abdomen to avoid the sound of denudation and maintain an impeccable upright sitting posture. Roland asked:

"Why is Nona here?"

There is no war right now. However, as a test driver for various new armored vehicles and even large mobile weapons, Nona will not be idle until she can mix with this special train at will.

There must be someone matching, but why should he do this? Simply want to make a Shura field?

Never possible.

In addition to the appearance, Li Lin must have other arrangements.

"...What I have to say. Is it for the Highness of the Virgin?"

Shrug your shoulders. Nona whispered in Roland's ear. The voice is extremely calm.

"You have seen the performances on the platform, you know, the saint is more troublesome than your fiancee. If you are not careful, you will be involved in the power struggle between the church, Charlemagne and the consortium."

Pretending to be intimate, and speaking in a low voice, this is to prevent Gloria from hearing these words.

As a believer, such disrespectful words will inevitably make them disgusted, and if it leaks to the society, it will be extremely troublesome, so it can only be transmitted in this way.

Li Lin did not have a good opinion of the church and did not want to have a good relationship with this group of fanatics.

Occasionally use and cooperate, even if you want to establish a further relationship? It's better to save.

(As long as the church does not abandon the doctrine of demeaning elves, there will be no substantial progress in the relationship between the two parties, but the church does not know this... No, they don’t care about this kind of thing at all. The church only cares about maintaining the The core operating world".

Leaving aside the contradictions and conflicts between races, simply looking at the relationship between government agencies and religious groups, it is impossible for Yalfheim and Ymir to be peaceful.

After seeing the speech of the Virgin at the station, it is clear that the church and the Virgin have a huge influence on the people. That influence even surpasses the economy and politics, enough to turn thousands of ordinary people into thugs. Opponents of the church launched an attack. This is the core strength of the church to maintain the operation of its system, and it is also the most intolerable place of "national socialism" in Alfheim.

In Yalfheim, the consul and the council are willing to listen to the voices of the people, but there are also premises: absolute ruling authority.

All grass-roots units, including every community in the city and every village in the countryside, absolutely obey the orders of the central government.

This system facilitates the use of the power of the entire state machine, and at the same time prepares for the expansion of the territory in the future-this is a necessary means for a regime where minorities rule the majority.

The conflict between the two parties has no room for reconciliation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This involves not only doctrine, but also the most basic power. The fight will not end until one party succumbs or falls.

(In order to prevent the saint from using any tricks on me, so in the name of the escort, did you transfer Nona and Du to the train?)

After understanding this layer, the remaining things were also clear at a glance, and Roland couldn't help laughing.

There is really nothing that can escape his calculations, I am afraid that besides Nona and them, there are any unknown "backup measures" on this train, he is perfect to do anything, he will definitely prepare one or two The backup plan is used to respond to unexpected situations.

Just about to say something, the door of the carriage was knocked, and a young girl in a robe of a female priest walked to Roland and announced with impeccable etiquette:

"Major Roland Dalke, the waiter of the Mother Goddess, Her Majesty Lady Ji'er hopes to speak with your Excellency."

(I'm really afraid of what I come for.)

Roland got up and sorted out his appearance, and withdrew the dining car that was no different from Shurachang. (To be continued...)

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